16. Jenny Lin 林佳靜, Pianist/2014/10

Jenny Lin 林佳靜, Pianist

林佳靜1Jenny Lin is one of the most respected young pianists today, admired for her adventurous programming and charismatic stage presence. Her ability to combine classical and contemporary literature has brought her to the attention of international critics and audiences. She has been acclaimed for her “remarkable technical command” and “a gift for melodic flow” by The New York Times. The Washington Post praises “Lin’s confident fingers… spectacular technique…” and Gramophone Magazine has hailed her as “an exceptionally sensitive pianist”. Martha Argerich wrote: “Miss Jenny Lin is a very gifted young musician and a brilliant pianist.”

Her concerts have taken her to Carnegie Hall, Miller Theatre, Museum of Modern Art, Whitney Museum, Morgan Library, Wordless Music Series, (Le) Poisson Rouge, Merce Cunningham’s Experiments in the Studio, Winter Garden of the World Financial Center in New York; Kennedy Center, Corcoran Gallery, National Gallery of Art, and Phillips Collection in Washington DC; University of Chicago Presents and Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago; Strathmore in Maryland; Spivey Hall in Atlanta; and Festivals worldwide at Chopin Festival in Austria, Flanders and Ars Musica Festivals in Belgium, Divonne Festival in France, Millennium Festival in Spain, Festival Archipel in Switzerland, SoundaXis Festival in Canada, BAM’s Next Wave, MATA, and Spoleto Festivals in the USA.

Jenny’s extensive discography includes critically acclaimed recordings on Koch International Classics, Hänssler Classic, BIS Records, Sunrise Records, and Poem Culture Records. Classics today praised her latest album of the 24 Preludes and Fugues Op. 87 by Dmitri Shostakovitch “…hands down the finest version of this massive work” and was voted Best of 2009 by the Washington Post, and Gramophone reported on her album of piano works by Valentin Silvestrov a “beautifully arranged programme…Lin is an ideal exponent of music whose superfine dynamic and textural contrasts create their own expressive intensity”. Upcoming releases include Federico Mompou’s Musica Callada and Ma Shui-Long’s Piano Concerto.

Jenny is the central figure in Cooking for Jenny by Elemental Films, a musical documentary portraying her journey to the north of Spain and meeting with composer Javier López de Guereña for the preparation of the world premier of his piano concerto ZAHARA. As one of the most sought-after players of the music of our time, Jenny has numerous premieres and dedications to her credit. Among her multifaceted activities, she has collaborated with Jazz pianist Chris Wiesendanger, avant-garde guitarist Marc Ribot, trombonist George Lewis, and Wilco members Nels Cline and Glenn Kotche.

Born in Taiwan and raised in Austria, Jenny studied with Noel Flores at the Hochschule für Musik in Vienna, with Julian Martin at the Peabody Conservatory (Artist Diploma) in Baltimore, and with Dominique Weber in Geneva. She has also worked with Leon Fleisher, Richard Goode, and Blanca Uribe, and with Dimitri Bashkirov and Andreas Staier at the Fondazione Internazionale per il pianoforte in Como, Italy. She holds a bachelor’s degree in German Literature from The Johns Hopkins University and currently resides in New York City where she also serves on the faculty of the 92nd Street Y.

林佳靜是當今最受肯定的年輕鋼琴家之一,以她大膽的曲目選擇以及富有魅力的台風深獲好評,並且持續以鋼琴獨奏家、室內樂演奏家以及協奏曲獨奏者身分 獲得世界各地的肯定。《紐約時報》認為林佳靜具有「令人矚目的技巧掌控能力」、「聽過林佳靜演出的人,都會明白她具有讓旋律流暢不息的天賦」;《華盛頓郵 報》讚揚「林佳靜的演出具有說服力……技巧引人注目……」,《留聲機》雜誌稱讚她是「……具有罕見的敏銳度的鋼琴家」。鋼琴家阿格麗希(Martha Argerich, 1941-)則表示「林佳靜小姐是一名非常有天賦的年輕音樂家與傑出的鋼琴家」。

林佳靜曾經在卡內基演奏廳、甘迺迪中心、紐約米勒劇院、紐約現代美術館與惠特尼美國藝術博物館、紐約摩根圖書館、紐約世界金融中心「冬之花園」…… 以及奧地利蕭邦音樂節、瑞士日內瓦阿希佩爾音樂節、比利時法蘭德斯音樂節、法國迪沃納音樂節、西班牙千禧年音樂節、美國史波列多音樂節、下一波藝術節…… 未來預計在瑞士日內瓦、法國巴黎、比利時演出,並且在中國舉辦獨奏會。

林佳靜曾經為Koch International Classics、Hanssler Classic、BIS Records、上揚與普音等唱片公司錄音,西班牙Elemental Films也為林佳靜拍攝音樂記錄片《Cooking for Jenny》。著名古典音樂網站《ClassicsToday》評論她最新的「蕭斯塔科維奇二十四首前奏曲與賦格」專輯時表示:「……為這部大規模的作品 留下最好的版本……」。林佳靜可說是當代音樂最搶手的演奏者之一,許多作曲家都為她量身創作。而在她多元化的音樂活動裡,也曾經與爵士樂鋼琴家Chris Wiesendanger,前衛的吉他手Marc Ribot,長號手George Lewis,以及美國另類搖滾團體「Wilco」成員Nels Cline、Glenn Kotche合作。

出生台灣,在奧地利成長的林佳靜在維也納音樂大學師從佛羅瑞斯(Noel Flores),在朱利安‧馬丁(Julian Martin)指導下,得到巴爾第摩琵琶第音樂院藝術家文憑,並在瑞士日內瓦師從多米尼克‧韋伯(Dominique Weber)。她曾經與顧德(Richard Goode, 1943-)、布蘭卡‧烏麗貝(Blanca Uribe)、巴什基洛夫(Dmitri Alexandrovich Bashkirov, 1931-)、史戴爾(Andreas Staier, 1955-)合作。她也擁有約翰‧霍普金斯大學德國文學學士學位,目前定居紐約並且在92nd Street Y任職。

For more bio information, please click link in who’s who: 1089. Jenny Lin 林佳靜