T-Shirts, Hats, Bags, and Other Souvenirs Created by T. A. Organizations

Hat of Southern California Taiwanese Association. Donated by Dr. S. Lim 07/2018

T-shirt of Organization for Taiwan Nation-Building. Donated by Dr. S. Lim 07/2018

T-shirt of Republic of Taiwan. Donated by Dr. S. Lim 07/2018Dr. S. Lim 07/2018

T-shirt of Taiwan Association For Human Rights. Donated by Dr. S. Lim 07/2018

T-shirt of Southeast Taiwanese American Association (During 1980s) (Donated by Mr. K. Liu 11/2017)

T-shirt of Southeast Taiwanese American Association 2005 (Donated by Mr. K. Liu 11/2017)

T-shirt of Peace, Love, and Democracy For Taiwan 1996 (Donated by Mr. K. Liu 11/2017)


T-shirt of Taiwanese Collegian 1983 ~ 1993 台灣學生社十年紀念(Donated by Mr. K. Liu 11/2017)

T-shirt of Taiwanese American Social Service Committee  (Donated by Mr. K. Liu 11/2017)

應為Atlanta婦女會訂做,用於soup kitchen服務用-mid or late 1990s

T-shirt of 團結台灣人,邁向新紀元 (Donated by Dr. L. Chen 10/2017)

T-shirt of Taiwanese American Heritage Celebration 2008 by TAA/STL (Donated by Dr. L. Tsai 08/2017)

T-Shirt of Taiwanese American Students Club(TASC) in Northwestern University (Donated by Mr. Ryan Wu 08/2017)

T-shits of Taiwanese American Foundation (Donated by Mr. S. Chen 08/2017)

UN for Taiwan

Run For Democracy on Taiwan 1987

TAC/EC 1993

TAC/EC 1994

TAC/EC 1997

TAC/EC 1998






Austin Taiwanese Association T-Shirt( front )—-2000, designed by Peter Wu

Austin Taiwanese Association T-Shirt (back)


Posted in 12/2016