14. 李柏毅 Leland Lee

李柏毅 Leland Lee

Photo of Leland

1989年出生於洛杉磯的李柏毅,自幼罹患自閉症患。他從四歲起就顯現了畫圖的天賦。在八歲的時候,他被學校裏的特殊教育專家發現了他在藝術方面非 凡的表現,經過測試後認定他的藝術才華,家人和學校於是加強了他在藝術方面的訓練。原本緊閉的心扉,漸漸開啟了宣洩的管道,透過那些圖像,終於可以在畫面 中揣測他秘密世界的面貌。難以藉語言和外界充分溝通的柏毅,他的畫筆,取代了唇舌,不斷傾訴他從密閉世界中所體會的人生。他的用色大膽,完全未受色彩學或 混色理論的影響﹔鮮艷的橘紅色、紅色、翠綠色、鮮黃色、紫色、寶藍色,加上一些金色或銀色。這些基本用色非常接近彩虹的色譜,配合黑色的邊框線條,將畫面 切割成許多細小的色塊,形成他個人化的獨特風格。由於從小在美國成長目前居住在台灣的李柏毅,他的畫作展現了另度時空的異國情調,即使是寫生的對象,也好 像被轉化成彩色斑斕的劇場舞台,以不同於我們常人的時間感,色彩在巨量的靜默裡蠕動著,少有線條是絕對筆直的。他的繪畫內容,經常混合了他的記憶、觀察和 想像,因此,有一種超現實的夢境感覺,擺盪在真實與虛幻之間,即使有些比較抽象的作品,依然看起來很神秘。李伯毅的網站 www.lelandlee.wordpress.com

Born in 1989 in Los Angele of a Taiwanese American family, Leland Lee was diagnosed with autism at an early age. He exhibited talents for the arts at age four and was acknowledged by the experts in his school district as a highly gifted young artist at age eight. As he developed his arts, a channel began to open-up for revealing his secretive world to others. His paint brushes substituted for his lips and tongue as a means to depict his experiences of the world around him. The use of bright, bold colors encompassing the entire spectrum of the rainbow, and dark lines defining the borders of forms and spaces established a unique style all his own. Having been born in America and lived in Asia, his paintings took on an exotic aura. Even an ordinary live sketch could turn into a dramatic blend of colors and shapes, a movement of intense colors and curvy lines, resulting in an experience of the space and time that was quite different than the worldly. The compositions of the elements taken from memories, observations, and imaginations often resulted in paintings that floated between the real and the surreal, almost a dream like appearance with a sense of mystery. For more information, please visit Leland Lee’s website at: www.lelandlee.w


天燈 Sky Lanterns, 50 cm x 61 cm, 壓克力 畫布 Acrylic on Canvas


台灣鐵路 Taiwan Railroad, 29 cm x 40 cm, 油漆筆 畫布 Paint Marker on Canvas


蝴蝶 Butterfly, 46 cm x 46 cm, 油漆筆 木板 Paint Maker on wood


藍調爵士 Blue Jazz, 96 cm x 126 cm, 壓克力 畫布 Acrylic on Canvas