Fair Lawn Community Church 新澤西台語歸正教會

新澤西台語歸正教會 Fair Lawn Community Church






又為推行各階層之事工,另有聖歌隊,婦女會,長輩會,約書亞團契,葡萄園團契.春秋兩季並有開設松青學院, 藉著教學與各種活動, 與台灣鄉親保持聯繫, 並且幫助台灣鄉親心靈的需求。”

感謝 上帝的恩典,本會已於2007年9月完成新建教育中心工程,共增加4,000平方呎的空間,可供主日學教室,辦公室,祈禱室,嬰兒室,電腦室,圖書室之用。

本教會為同心合意興旺福音,造就信徒靈性的長進,經常舉辦查經班, 祈禱會,家庭禮拜,見證會,退修會,培靈會,佈道會等聚會.

本教會每主日有台語堂及英語堂主日禮拜,並有成人主日學,英文主日學,及兒童主日學. 本教會首任牧師,許錦銘牧師,於1985年8月1日受聘為開拓牧師.許牧師服事至1988年9月1日,因受主明顯呼召回台牧會.一年後於1989年9月1日,聘請姚榮輝傳道為Interim Pastor,任期六個月. 第二任牧師,盧榮富牧師,自1991年4月14日服事至2004年12月退休,第三任任牧師,陳正憲牧師自2005年1月服事至2008年7月,第四任牧師,賴忠智牧師自2010年1月20日起在本教會事奉。

本會首任英語牧師Pastor Raj Christodoss自1999年服事至2002年離任,第二任英語牧師 Rev. Claude Hubbard自2003年11月服事至2007年4月離任,第三任英語牧師Rev. Faith Link自今年1月起在本會服事,負責第二代的牧養及本地社區宣教的工作.

Fair Lawn Community Church (“FLCC”) is a member of the Reformed Church of America (RCA) and consists of a Taiwanese Ministry and an English Ministry (EM). FLCC was originally established in 1984 and named Taiwanese Reformed Church in New Jersey. In 1998, the consistory board recognized the need to reach beyond the Taiwanese community and have established an English speaking Ministry with the vision that the English Ministry would be a multiethnic/multicultural community.

In early 1999, Pastor Raj Christodoss joined FLCC to undertake this mission.  The church name was changed to Fair Lawn Community Church in order to communicate the inclusivity for non-Taiwanese and non-Asian visitors.  In the following years, the members of the EM had grown in faith, knowledge, and fellowship, which fostered a new generation of leaders to serve in this church. In 2004, Rev. Claude Hubbard joined FLCC to continue the mission of our English Ministry. Through Pastor Hubbard’s leadership, the EM continued to strengthen in its faith, Biblical knowledge, and brotherhood through his many outreach efforts in the Fair Lawn community. From January 2010 to December 2013, Rev. Faith Link joined FLCC to lead English ministry with emphasis on the children, youths, and outreach to the community to proclaim God’s salvation and love.

With God’s grace, FLCC has completed an extension to our existing building in September 2007.  This extension includes several classrooms, a nursery room, a prayer room, and an additional worship sanctuary. FLCC is prepared to use these new resources that God has provided to reach out to our community and beyond.
