Amanda Chen 許惠敏, conductor
許惠敏 — 從五歲加入桃園兒童合唱團起展開合唱人生,曾參加東門國小合唱團、振聲中學合 唱班、中山女高合唱團、金穂合唱團、臺大合唱團、華府海天合唱團等, 合唱生涯至今數十 年未曾中輟。臺大政治系國際關係組畢業,大學期間曾師從戴金泉教授學習合唱指揮,於馬里 蘭大學新聞研究所求學期間與留學生合唱同好組織海天合唱團。近十年來曾多次參加「全美指 揮協會」(ACDA)年會研習指揮,2008 年並參與 ACDA 大華府區榮譽合唱團,接受世界合唱大 師 John Rutter 指導。 歷任臺大合唱團指揮、助理樂訓、華府榮星兒童合唱團助理藝術總監/ 基礎班音樂老師、及擔 任海天合唱團數屆指揮,2012 年 9 月底在唐崇榮華府連續三天的佈道大會上擔任聯合詩班指 揮。 許惠敏從 1997-2015 年任職北美世界日報,目前是大華府區新聞自由撰稿人。業餘喜愛閱讀、 寫作、音樂與旅遊,她與共同指揮陳治煌相識於臺大合唱團,婚後育有三女,分別從事工程、 音樂專業。 Amanda H.M. Chen (Conductor). Amanda Chen holds a BS degree in Political Science from the National Taiwan University. An avid choral singer since the tender age of five, she joined the National Taiwan University Chorus in her freshman year and served as its conductor/assistant music director by her senior year. It was there that she received private coaching from Prof. Jin-Chuan Dai, a renowned conductor/composer in Taiwan. Since moving to the Greater Washington D.C. area in 1986, Ms. Hsu has been active in various local music communities. She co-founded Haitien Chorus in 1989 and served as its conductor for many terms. She was a faculty member of Glorystar Children’s Chorus from 1996 to 2003 and served as the coach for its Training choir for 3 years. Ms. Hsu is a professional journalist, presently serving as the lead Journalist of the D.C. News Division of the World Journal, the most popular Chinese language newspaper in the US.
Source from: 紐約福爾摩沙合唱團
More information please click in who’s who: 1707. Amanda Hsu 許惠敏