TAA/Washington Chapter (華府台灣同鄉會)




2019年華府台灣同鄉會年會/春節圍爐餐會 – TAAGWC 2019 Annual Meeting

TAAGWC Newsletter – January 2019

Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter – January 2019

  • 《華府台灣同鄉會年會暨春節圍爐餐會》- TAAGWC Annual Meeting and Lunar New Year Celebration

  • 《溫馨提醒-華府同鄉會會員繳交年費即可享會員優惠》TAA member to renew 2019 membership (please see link below)

  • 《歡迎非會員朋友加入會員,亦可以享會員優惠喔》Non-member are encouraged to join as member to take advantage of the membership discount ( please see link below)

  • 《台語文專家黃俊益教授 演講》TAAGWC speech event

  • 《華府台灣同鄉會 – 一月人物專訪- 梁永三 阿伯》-  Interview Archive with Dr. Liang Yung-Shan


1. 《華府台灣同鄉會年會暨春節圍爐餐會》- TAAGWC Annual Meeting and Lunar New Year Celebration

感謝您本年度對華府台灣同鄉會的關心及支持, 農曆即將邁入豬年, 同鄉會將在2/2/2019(週六) 11am – 2pm (10am – 11am Registration/Social time) 於華府僑教中心舉辦新年年會暨春節圍爐餐會。當天節目精彩豐富,含合唱團精心準備的民俗歌謠及其他表演節目、卡拉OK, 會務報告、新舊任理事介紹及選舉。此外, 我們另外備有豐富的抽獎活動, 煩請鄉親及早線上報名且敬請期待。(* 比照去年, 今年我們不會賣出額外的抽獎券, 只有出席者買午餐票才可以得到抽獎券。)


*** 務必及早線上報名,以便準備午餐***

Dear Members/Friends,

Happy new year! We greatly appreciate your support and care to TAAGWC this year. The lunar year of the Dog is approaching the end and we will step into the lunar year of the Pig. We’ll celebrate the traditional lunar new year on 2/2/2019 11am to 2pm (10am – 11am Registration/Social time) at the CCTECRO (901 Wind River Ln, Gaithersburg, MD 20878). This year, the program will include the participation of chorus performances of Taiwanese folk songs and more, annual reports, introduction of current board members, and new board members election. Besides, we will also prepare bunch of raffle drawings (more details will be provided later). Please stay tuned and register online as soon as possible. (* Like last year, we will not sell additional raffle tickets, only the registered attendee will be able to get a raffle ticket.)

Registration Link:


活動日期及時間 (Event Details):

日期 (Date): 2/2/2019 (Saturday) 11am – 2pm (10am – 11am開始登記入場; (10am – 11am Registration/Social time)

地點 (Location): 901 Wind River Ln, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

售票資訊 (Ticket Information):

同鄉會會員每人 (TAAGWC Member): $15

非會員每人 (Non-Member): $20

孩童6-12歲 (Kids 6 – 12 yrs): $10

6歲以下不收費 (Kids Under 6): Free (Registration required)

** 請盡可能上網報名及付費為主,歡迎加入會員亦可以享會員優惠喔!網上付費使用PayPal,但是同鄉並不須要有帳號,請下移及選擇CreditCard付費方式。

2. 《溫馨提醒-華府同鄉會會員繳交年費即可享會員優惠》TAA active member to renew 2019 membership

2019 同鄉會會費 (Membership Fee):
全家 (Family) – $35; 個人 (Single) – $25

For the TAA member to renew 2019 membership —


For the non-member friends who want to join as members —

4. 《台語文專家黃俊益教授 演講》TAAGWC speech event

Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Event: 台語文專家黃俊益教授 演講
Time: Sunday 1/6/2019 1:45PM to 2:45PM
Location: Washington DC Taiwanese School  華府台灣學校(Cabin John Middle School (10701 Gainsborough Rd, Potomac, MD 20854)
Cosponsors: TAAGWC and WDCTS

華府台灣同鄉會與華府台灣學校將在1月6日星期日下午1點45分,在Cabin John Middle School 舉辦「台語有音就有字 – 台語文專家黃俊益教授演講」, 邀請您一起來參加。

黃俊益教授是台語文講師及作者, 他是紐約台灣人筆會邀請來年會演講的台語文專家,專程來華府與同鄉分享,  機會難得, 請不要錯過。

演講主題:  河洛話正解,正則,定音 — 從「古字和台語古語」來証明台語有音就有字,且聲聲字字皆高古優雅,絕非現在通行的北胡語。

黃俊益:  一九四九年生。 台北醫學大學藥學系畢。   著作:「世說台語 」

另作者在FB粉絲專頁:@taiwanish 河洛話-台語正解。 可參照。

5. 《華府台灣同鄉會 – 一月人物專訪- 梁永三 阿伯》-  Interview Archive with Dr. Liang Yung-Shan

撰文: 李宜軒


梁永三人物誌 123018

 TAAGWC Newsletter – November 2018

  • 《慶祝台灣同鄉會50週年感恩節餐會》- TAAGWC Annual Thanksgiving Banquet

  • 《華府「愛台灣,護民主,抗議中國對台打壓」座談會》

  • 《華府台灣同鄉會 – 十一月人物專訪- 謝博六 博士》-  Interview Archive with Dr. Paul B. Hshieh


1. 《慶祝台灣同鄉會50週年感恩節餐會》- TAAGWC Annual Thanksgiving Banquet


慶祝同鄉會50週年感恩節餐會 – Celebrate 50 years of TAAGWC


Date/Time: Saturday November 10, 2018; 11:00-3:00 p.m.

Location: Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center( 9751 Washingtonian Blvd, Gaithersburg, MD 20878)


Ticket Information (購票訊息):

Early bird discount deadline(Extended): 11/5/2018
TAAGWC Member: $50/per person (Early bird: $40/per person)
Non-Member: $60/per person (Early bird: $50/per person)
Student: $25/per person

Limited VIP Ticket: $200/per person

Dear TAA-GWC Members/親愛的華府鄉親們,

華府台灣同鄉會誠摯地邀請您參加我們一年一度的感恩節餐會,會中我們將一起向美方友人對台美雙方的情誼表達感謝。敬請填寫報名表或向同鄉會的理事們報名,感謝您的支持和鼓勵。參加的人可以得到一個價值不菲的紀念品 – “凝聚力量,心繫台灣”- 充電再出發。

The Taiwanese Association of America- Greater Washington Chapter cordially invites you to our annual Thanksgiving Banquet and to celebrate our 50th anniversary. Join us for this festive event where we celebrate Taiwan and express our appreciation to those who work hard to improve US-Taiwan relations.


We will hold our annual banquet at the beautiful water view Gaithersburg Marriott at Washingtonian Rio.

This year, we will revisit Taiwan-US relations in our keynote speech and host panel to provide useful information exchange.

Tickets can be purchased through our board members or ONLINE. TAA-GWC is grateful for all of you and your continued support. Looking forward to seeing you there!


  • Free babysitting service available for family with your kids.

  • Chamber music performance

  • 50 Years of TAAGWC video by Dr. Milton Lee

  • This year you will have 5 options for your lunch meal: Grilled Marinated flat iron steak, Grilled Red Snapper, Grilled lemon chicken, Grilled Salmon and vegetarian.

  • Every attendee will receive a special TAAGWC 50th anniversary souvenir and a special program book to commemorate the 50 years of TAAGWC.  

2. 《華府「愛台灣,護民主,抗議中國對台打壓」座談會》

Date/Time: Saturday November 3, 2018; 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Location: Cultural Center of TECRO( 901 Wind River Ln, Gaithersburg, MD 20878)
時間:  2018 年11 月 3日 下午 4時 至6時
地點: 華府僑教中心
主辦單位: 華府台灣同鄉會,巴爾的摩台灣同鄉會,FAPA DC 分會,FAPA Maryland 分會等。
評論人: 旅美作家余杰、旅美資深媒體人呂佳穎

臺灣的民主發展與自由人權,是全體國人努力得來的不易成果,也是我們堅決守護的價值。然而中國無所不用其極打壓臺灣的作為,不但片面改變台海和平現狀,更激起國際社會的反彈,紛紛起而聲援台灣。尤其近來美國行政部門,美國國會參眾兩院友人及甚至副總統Mike Pence都對中國發表高度的譴責。身處政治中心華府的台灣僑民,面對美國政界不分黨派表態仗義挺台,我們更應不分黨派「愛台灣、護民主、抗議中國對台打壓」,表達對台灣的支持。特舉辦此座談會,讓僑民得重視此議題,讓國際社會了解中國霸凌的作為,提醒世人中國霸權的野心。



余杰,積極參與中國人權活動並公開表達自己觀點,曾先後赴世界各知名學府訪問和講學。2012年1月11日流亡美國,並於翌日抵達華盛頓特區,自由亞洲電台專訪中他稱在2011年長期被軟禁在北京家中。隨後在美國發表了《揭露中共暴政,奔向自由世界》的聲明,並表示他獲得劉曉波妻子劉霞授權,將出版《劉曉波傳》。 2012年10月,余杰獲得紐約特雷恩基金會之「公民勇氣獎」,是獲得這一獎項的第一個華人。
#現場歡迎大家討論,敬請關心台灣的鄉親們, 一齊來為台灣發聲。表達支持台灣的心聲!


3. 《華府台灣同鄉會 – 十一月人物專訪- 謝博六 博士》-  Interview Archive with Dr. Paul B. Hshieh


圓轉如意,穩紮故土-謝博六 博士

會長 簡明子

Minze V. Chien, Ph.D.

President, Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter
Cell: 240-426-0067 Direct: 703-399-9888

Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends/親愛的華府鄉親們,

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter – October 2018

  • 《慶祝台灣同鄉會50週年感恩節餐會》- TAA-GWC Annual Thanksgiving Banquet

  • 《台灣同鄉會網站- 新活動照片!》- TAAGWC new website – new photos!

  • 《華府台灣同鄉會 – 十月人物專訪- 林昕璇 /黑潮之聲》-  Interview Archive with Hsin-Hsuan LinOp


1. 《慶祝台灣同鄉會50週年感恩節餐會》- TAA-GWC Annual Thanksgiving Banquet

慶祝同鄉會50週年感恩節餐會 – Celebrate 50 years of TAAGWC

Date/Time: Saturday November 10, 2018; 11:00-3:00 p.m.

Location: Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center( 9751 Washingtonian Blvd, Gaithersburg, MD 20878)

Ticket Information (購票訊息):

Early bird discount deadline: 10/31/2018
TAAGWC Member: $50/per person (Early bird: $40/per person)
Non-Member: $60/per person (Early bird: $50/per person)
Student: $25/per person

Limited VIP Ticket: $200/per person

華府台灣同鄉會誠摯地邀請您參加我們一年一度的感恩節餐會,會中我們將一起向美方友人對台美雙方的情誼表達感謝。敬請填寫報名表或向同鄉會的理事們報名,感謝您的支持和鼓勵。參加的人可以得到一個價值不菲的紀念品 – “凝聚力量,心繫台灣”- 充電再出發。

The Taiwanese Association of America- Greater Washington Chapter cordially invites you to our annual Thanksgiving Banquet and to celebrate our 50th anniversary. Join us for this festive event where we celebrate Taiwan and express our appreciation to those who work hard to improve US-Taiwan relations.

We will hold our annual banquet at the beautiful water view Gaithersburg Marriott at Washingtonian Rio.

This year, we will revisit Taiwan-US relations in our keynote speech and host workshops to provide useful community information.

Tickets can be purchased through our board members or ONLINE. TAA-GWC is grateful for all of you and your continued support. Looking forward to seeing you there!

  • Free babysitting service available for family with your kids.
  • Chamber music performance
  • 50 Years of TAAGWC video by Dr. Milton Lee.
  • This year you will have 5 options for your lunch meal: Grilled Marinated flat iron steak, Grilled Red Snapper, Grilled lemon chicken, Grilled Salmon and vegetarian.
  • Every attendee will receive a special TAAGWC 50th anniversary souvenir and a special program book to commemorate the 50 years of TAAGWC.  

2. 《台灣同鄉會網站- 新活動照片!》- TAAGWC new website – new photos!

歡迎同鄉會的鄉親朋友們,感謝大家的支持。今年我們的中秋市集和UN For Taiwan 的照片已經放上臺灣同鄉會網站。歡迎上去https//www.taagwc.org 網站上,click “photos” 就可以看到。希望你們會喜歡。有任何建議歡迎跟TAA team 連絡。謝謝

3. 《華府台灣同鄉會 – 十月人物專訪- 林昕璇 /黑潮之聲》-  Interview Archive with Hsin-Hsuan Lin

採訪、撰文: 林宣宇


華府台灣同鄉會 會長 簡明子

Minze V. Chien, Ph.D.

President, Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter
Cell: 240-426-0067 Direct: 703-399-9888

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Minze V. Chien, Ph.D.
President, Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter
Cell: 240-426-0067 Direct: 703-399-9888


Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter – September 2018

《FAPA 2018 會員大會餐會》- National Banquet Invitation
《台灣同鄉會中秋市集》- Moon Festival Night Market
《UN for Taiwan – 台灣入聯請願大遊行》- UN for Taiwan Rally in NYC – bus trip
《大家期待已久的華府台灣同鄉會網站要開張了!》- TAAGWC new website Grand Opening
《TCC 免費醫療諮詢》- Taiwan Culture Center Open House – Free Medical panel
《華府臺灣同鄉會– 九月人物專訪- 台灣人與美國開放政府-陸寧專訪》- Interview Archive with Ning Lu
1. 《FAPA 2018 會員大會餐會》- National Banquet Invitation

Date/Time: Saturday September 15, 2018; 6:30 p.m.
Location: Holiday Inn National Airport(2650 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA 22202)
同鄉會/FAPA 會員:$20.
【報名資訊] RSVP link –

Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Please see the banquet invitation from FAPA below. The time to respond is short. If you are interested, you need to RSVP by Thursday 9/6. The space is limited. Please respond ASAP. Thanks.

Event: 2018 FAPA National Advocacy Conference Banquet
Speaker: 楊安澤(Andrew Yang),the first Taiwanese American running for the US President

2. 《台灣同鄉會中秋市集》- Moon Festival Night Market

Date/Time: Saturday September 15, 2018; 11:30 a.m – 3:00 p.m.
Location: 華府僑教中心 Culture Center of TECRO (901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD)

中秋節到了,是不是勾起大家思念的情懷? 想念在台灣的一切,親愛的家人,好吃的月餅,還有…市集!!! 斯低~同鄉會一年一度的中秋市集終於來了 ! 吃! 吃! 吃! 台灣小吃哪裡找? 這裡應有竟有沒騙你。買! 買! 買! 這次買不到,只好等明年。更特別的是,今年還有遠從月球來的神秘嘉賓與大家同樂。這歡樂的氣氛,絕對沒有每逢佳節倍思親的感概,只有food coma的幸福。請街頭告訴巷尾,攜老記得扶幼,一起來感受台灣最美的風景。

3. 《UN for Taiwan – 台灣入聯請願大遊行》- UN for Taiwan Rally in NYC – bus trip

Date/Time: Saturday September 22, 2018; 8:00 a.m – 11:00 p.m.
Location: NY
Bus ticket : $35
Round trip bus (D.C. <-> NY)

一年一度的台灣入聯請願遊行(UN for Taiwan)將在九月廿二日舉行。近日中國的「銳實力」擴張,處處打壓台灣的國際空間,除了取消明年於台中舉辦的東亞青年運動會,也強迫各國航空公司將Taiwan更名成Taiwan, China。此時,故鄉需要在海外的我們站出來,藉著聯合國會員大會,讓我們一起走上紐約街頭,替台灣發聲。



4. 《大家期待已久的華府台灣同鄉會網站要開張了!》- TAAGWC new website Grand Opening
歡迎同鄉會的鄉親朋友們,感謝大家的支持。今年同鄉會啓用専業的WildApricot.com 會員服務,會陸續介紹它的功能給同鄉,期望能加強對會員的服務。同鄉會的網站也因此會更新,使用新的功能。
同鄉會的 網站網址如下:
網站 https://www.taagwc.org


5. 《TCC 免費醫療諮詢》Free Medical panel (New Date – 9/29/2018)

Date: Saturday September 29, 2018 10AM
Location: 台灣文化中心 (Taiwan Culture Center, 7509 Needwood Road, Rockville, MD)

Do you have any question regarding to health issue? Have your information and questions prepared, let the professional doctors provide you consultations!
Are you interested in medical career? Come to ask these senior professions!

10:00-12:00 免費醫療諮詢 Medical panel
12:00-15:00 免費午餐輕食及茶點。
誰是台灣文化中心? 怎麼有辦法邀請眾多醫師來做義工?
Lunch: Free for members, $10 for non-members.

6. 《華府臺灣同鄉會– 九月人物專訪- 台灣人與美國開放政府-陸寧專訪》- Interview Archive with Ning Lu

在台灣從未看過雪的陸寧,台大畢業後於1984年從台灣到美國Minnesota攻讀Computer science碩士學位,除了深造以外,就是為了看雪。不過待了一陣子之後還是覺得Minnesota的氣候對於一個台灣人來說太過寒冷,一有機會就迅速逃到Connecticut,並且工作了2年。一次因緣際會下拜訪了Maryland的家人,覺得環境舒適並且充滿著機會,於是在1989年定居Maryland,並且在一間Private company從事Software engineer以及Project manager。

小編在2018年6月一場關於台灣「開放政府」的活動結識陸寧,一講到open data,陸寧又熱情又興奮的分享了好多好多她為台灣和美國這幾年來所做的成果,小編在言談之中被她這一份熱心感動了,想給大家介紹這一位熱心又專業的台美人,她也很願意將工作成果分享給在這塊土地生活的台灣鄉親。…More

華府台灣同鄉會 會長 簡明子
Minze V. Chien, Ph.D.
President, Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter
Cell: 240-426-0067 Direct: 703-399-9888

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Mailing List Powered by Dada Mail

Minze V. Chien, Ph.D.
President, Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter
Cell: 240-426-0067 Direct: 703-399-9888



Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter – August 2018

  • 《演講:台灣民族英雄陳智雄烈士》- Speech Event

  • 《八月台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼 – 大ㄟ來唱歌》- Karaoke Event

  • 《2018 中秋台灣市集》- 2018 Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

  • 《陳孜怡Fall 2018鋼琴獨奏會》- Tzuyi Zoe Chen Fall 2018 Piano Recital

  • 《華府臺灣同鄉會–2018 八月人物專訪- GTI董事長賴義雄訪問紀錄》-  Interview Archive with Dr. Robert Y. Lai


1. 演講:台灣民族英雄陳智雄烈士

There will be a speech event cosponsored by TAAGWC and FAPA DC Chapter on Sunday August 12, 2018 at TPC. Welcome all to join this informative speech session by Dr. Ted Lau.

Speech Event: Taiwan’s Hero – Mr. Chih-Hsiung Chen


Speaker: 劉聰德(重義) Dr. Ted Lau

Date: August 12, 2018 3PM

Location: 華府台灣基督長老教會 (Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Washington, 7410 Needwood Road, Derwood, MD 20855)

在2014年12月的台灣教授協會募款餐會中,李登輝先生親切牽著陳智雄烈士的印尼籍女兒陳雅芳的手,用英文告訴她:Your father is our national hero。陳智雄烈士「生是台灣人,死是台灣魂」的豪語,以及他的英雄壯烈事蹟,已經在台灣社會引起廣泛的注意和興趣。






台灣民族同盟和友好社團繼2017年成功推出《Siro Heroes – 泰源事件》舞台劇後,今年展開進行拍攝以陳智雄烈士為主軸的短片《遲來的遺書》,準備參加國際影展,把台灣獨立的英雄故事推向國際社會。

本短片計畫由劉重義 (聰德) 擔任總策畫和發行人。歡迎同鄉來了解陳智雄烈士的英雄故事,也來關心台灣民族運動的努力。


2. 《八月台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼 – 大ㄟ來唱歌》- Karaoke Event

Date/Time: August 25th (Sat), 2018; 3:00 p.m – 6:00 p.m.
Location: 華府僑教中心 Culture Center of TECRO (901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD) 第一會議室

Registration Here

開放給鄉親免費報名參加,歡迎自由樂捐!Drop-ins welcome! 早來早點歌喔!

卡拉OK機採用金嗓M1 800,不需要帶自己唱片。

The karaoke session is open to everyone with free sign-ups! Donations are appreciated. Drop-ins welcome!

3. 《2018 中秋台灣市集》- 2018 Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

Date/Time: Sept 22 (Sat), 2018; 11:30 a.m – 3:00 p.m.
Location: 華府僑教中心 Culture Center of TECRO (901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD)


4. 《陳孜怡Fall 2018鋼琴獨奏會》- Tzuyi Zoe Chen Fall 2018 Piano Recital

Date/Time: August 26 (Sun) ; 4:00 pm.
Location: Grace Chapel at the National Cathedral School


Dear Friends of Tzu-yi Chen,


I am pleased to announce that the recital of acclaimed pianist Tzu-yi Zoe Chen will take place in Grace Chapel at the National Cathedral School on Sunday, August 26 at 4:00 pm.

This unique experience exemplifies Tzu-yi’s commitment to showcasing her world-class talents within the local Washington, D.C. community.

Below are three links where you can reserve tickets, watch Tzu-yi’s live performance, and go to her official website. Reserve your tickets soon, as spaces are filling up fast.

Ticket – https://2018tycpiano.eventbrite.com/

Website – http://www.tycpiano.com/

Video – https://youtu.be/I7yx_TK7r8A

Below my signature is the program for August 26.

Thank you again for your friendship and continued support of Tzu-yi Chen!




The works to be performed:

Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.23 in f minor op.57 “Appassionata”

Ravel: Gaspard De La Nuit

Tchaikovsky: Dumka

Prokofiev: Piano Sonata No.6 in A major op.82


台灣知名鋼琴家陳孜怡Tzu-yi Zoe Chen,將於2018年8月26日(星期日)下午4時在美國國家大教堂學院禮拜堂中演出。 音樂廳地址為3612 Woodley Rd NW, Washington D.C. 20016

孜怡此次秋季獨奏會以音樂在現代社會衝突中創造和諧之主題,將演奏貝多芬的F小調第23號鋼琴奏鳴曲作品 57 “熱情”、拉威爾的加斯巴之夜、柴可夫斯基的悲歌及普羅科菲耶夫的A大調第6號鋼琴奏鳴曲作品82等作品,盼帶領觀眾穿越時空,共同見證音樂在各個艱難時期,克服人類衝突並孕育和平與和諧之力量。








5. 《華府臺灣同鄉會–2018 八月人物專訪- GTI董事長賴義雄訪問紀錄》-  Interview Archive with Dr. Robert Y. Lai

訪  問:陳儀深
記  錄:林志晟
時  間:2013年4月26日
地  點:College Park Holiday inn



Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter – July 2018

  • 《華府2018年美國獨立紀念日大遊行》- Taiwanese Americans”Team in Participating in the 2018 4th of July Parade in Wash. DC

  • 《美國獨立節烤肉及音樂會》 – Independence Day Celebrations & BBQ

  • 《2018 亞太嘉年華會》- 2018 Fiesta Asia

  • 《七月台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼 – 大ㄟ來唱歌》- Karaoke Event

  • 《2018 中秋台灣市集》- 2018 Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

  • 《華府臺灣同鄉會–2018 七月人物專訪- 音樂家陳孜怡專訪》-  Interview Archive with Tzu-yi Chen – Pianist


1. 《華府2018年美國獨立紀念日大遊行》

*  華府鄉親大家好,

(值此)”美台關係加溫之際, 為我們祖國台灣和台美人發聲. 僅僅有我們“台美人”遊行隊伍,特別是在中國遊行隊伍也同時在7月4日的遊行中出現的對比下, 就會自然地向全世界表明,台灣並不屬於中國,而是「台灣,中國一邊一國」的實況。”

希望有更多的台美人同鄉報名參加遊行的隊伍,以壯 大 台灣 和台美人 的聲勢。欲報名的鄉親請與榮春兄 聯絡(Rong C. Shieh電話:703-356-6420)

Register and details are HERE.

* The Taiwanese Association of America is excited to invite you to join us in participating in the annual 4th of July Parade in Wash. DC. Your volunteerism and manpower support are vital in our successful participation in this important parade program to enhance Taiwan and TA visibility, solidify everlasting U.S. – Taiwan Friendship, and showing TA patriotism. Therefore, please register and join our TA group to participate in this parade.

2. 《美國獨立節烤肉及音樂會》 – Independence Day Celebrations & BBQ

Date/Time: Wednesday, July 4th, 2018; 4:00 p.m. to midnight

Location:  Gilbert Wang’s home (608 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024)

親愛的華府台灣鄉親:  平安! 大家好!

美國獨立節在美國公認為最重要國定紀念日。 為什麼最重要? 每個人感受不一,回答當然不同。我的感受是,依照華府台美人社區三十年前建立的新傳統,這一天是鄉親們相聚在同鄉王能祥、薛惠美、Gilbert Wang家一起烤肉,吃點心,話家常,關心國事天下事,看放煙火,吃消夜的好日子。今年主廚請到童麗珠大師母。吃烤肉、吃點心下午四時開始。
今年節目,除了鄉親相聚一起烤肉,吃點心,話家常,關心國事天下事,看煙火,吃消夜,還加上兩個特別節目。一個是:  音樂家黃明哲(澤)演唱及蔡明憲演講。時間排在四點開始。黃明哲今年應美東夏令會邀請,專程從台灣飛來美國表演。蔡明憲也應美東夏令會邀請,專程從台灣飛來美國演講。 他們預定四點以前趕到王家和大家見面,見面後立即表演及演講。 第三位來賓是蔡明峰。蔡明峰是TaiwanUS.Net的老闆,當天活動將可能上鏡頭。另一節目是,參觀華府新遊樂區, 叫做 District Wharf,又叫Southwest Waterfront, 位於王家向南100公尺到200公尺地方。遊樂 District Wharf,沒有時間限制,一大早就可以來,又可以玩到半夜。沒有年齡限制,小孩、青年、老年、單身、夫妻均宜,男女戀愛中尤佳。王家位於L’Enfant Plaza地鐵站沿第七街南行200公尺。 請貴鄉親勿失良機,踴躍邀友參加。欲知詳情,或交通協助,請撥(202) 554-4314 或(202)479-0744 (交通接送,請洽華府教會陳慧玲小姐)。

Dear English-speaking Friends:  May Peace and Joy be with you!

As you may be aware, on Independence Day (Fourth of July), there is a famous tradition in Washington, that is, everybody comes out  to National Mall for wild celebrations: Watching parade, listening to music, watching Independence Day fireworks, etc. A second tradition is established recently:  Cookout with Gilbert Wang at his home (608 7th St., SW, Washington, DC 20024), beginning 4:00 p.m. You are cordially invited for both. The food at Gilbert’s is super.   And you should not miss.
This year, there is a third feature:  Visiting Washington, DC’s new hit, The District Wharf, only a quarter mile from Gilbert’s home.  The District Wharf is a new addition to the booming Washington city. It features in greatly improved waterfront, remodeled fish market, water taxi service, music, and tens of affordable restaurants, including ice cream stores.   You certainly would like to see, to feel, and to enjoy for yourself, your friends, and your family. Ask Gilbert for more. Call him at (202) 413-4235.

3. 《2018 亞太嘉年華會 Fiesta Asia》
Date/Time: July 21st (Sat), 2018; 11:00 a.m – 7:00 p.m.
Location: Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 3rd & 6th St NW


4. 《七月台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼 – 大ㄟ來唱歌》- Karaoke Event

Date/Time: July 14th (Sat), 2018; 2:00 p.m – 5:00 p.m.
Location: 華府僑教中心 Culture Center of TECRO (901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD) 第一會議室

Registration Here

開放給鄉親免費報名參加,歡迎自由樂捐!Drop-ins welcome! 早來早點歌喔!

卡拉OK機採用金嗓M1 800,不需要帶自己唱片。

This karaoke association will open to all folks for free to sign up and you are welcome to donation to support this event! Drop-ins welcome! Karaoke machine with gold throat M1 800, do not need to bring their own record.

5. 《2018 中秋台灣市集》- 2018 Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

Date/Time: Sept 22 (Sat), 2018; 11:30 a.m – 3:00 p.m.
Location: 華府僑教中心 Culture Center of TECRO (901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD)

6. 《華府臺灣同鄉會–2018 七月人物專訪- 音樂家陳孜怡專訪》-  Interview Archive with Tzu-yi Chen – Pianist

Pianist Tzu-yi Chen’s musical philosophy and life
Written by: Yu-Chen Tsai
Translated by: Patrick McCurry, Michelle Eng and Tzu-yi Chen

During her February this year “228 Memorial Concert” at Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in D.C., the notes of the Firebird Suite circled at the fingertips with pianist Tzu-yi Chen’s virtuoso touch, just like the plot described by the Russian composer Stravinsky. A full-house audience at Washington, D.C.’s Taiwanese Presbyterian Church completely followed the composer’s storyline. Their heartbeats were dancing with the wizard and got lost with the melody of the beautiful lullaby. Until the last chord ended with the bright glissando flying like the firebird to the sky, the whole audience was astonished with a few seconds silence, and rejoiced with thunderous applause.


         撰文: 蔡佑晨

Thank you!

Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter – June 2018

  • 《2018 端午肉粽節》- 2018 Ba Zhang Jie Festival

  •  06/16 & 6/17 華府龍舟賽 – Dragon Boat Racing

  •  07/01-4 美東台灣人夏令會  – TACEC-TANG

  • 《華府臺灣同鄉會–2018 六月人物專訪- 廖英博、許亞傑專訪—美國國會台灣觀測站》-  Interview Archive with Ying-Po Liao, Ya-Chieh Hsu – Taiwan Watch


1. 《2018 端午肉粽節》

* 大家期待已久2018 年熱騰騰的通訊錄出爐囉!我們我們將在肉粽節當天發送2018同鄉通訊錄給大家, 請大家踴躍參加

* Our 2018 TAAGWC directory everyone is waiting for is finally here. We are going to distribute 2018 TAAGWC directory on the day of Ba Zhang Jie Festival event. Don’t miss the opportunity!

Date/Time: June 3 (Sun), 2018; 2:00 p.m -6:00 p.m.

2 PM – 6 PM

2:00 -3:00  歡喜見面,聊天剖豆,沿湖散步,Mini Golf,參加台灣學校結業典禮

3:00- 5:00  picnic 享用美食

4:00 -5:00  享用銼冰,西瓜, Bingo Game

Location: Bohrer Park(506 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877)


Register and details are HERE.

*  今年的肉粽節野餐會我們又要跟台灣學校一起合辦了唷 !請同鄉一起到戶外來走一走,享受一下綠色的草地,藍藍的晴空,跟台灣學校可愛的小朋友們一起在草地上跑跑、走走、跳跳!同鄉也可以在公園沿著湖畔健走,或玩mini golf、我們也準備了Bingo 遊戲,讓大家一起共享一個夏日的午後!歡迎同鄉一起邀請您的朋友來參加,當天加入同鄉會,馬上就可以享受會員的優惠喔!

* The Taiwanese Association of America is excited to invite you to our annual “Ba Zhang Jie” event! This year, our event will be located at Bohrer Park @ 506 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 (near Gaithersburg High School) Map Link.  This event is a great opportunity to have some quality time together and share our stories. TAA will provide Bingo games with door prizes while having Ba Zhang with Taiwanese dishes, desserts, shaved ice & watermelon.  Please bring your family, friends to join and celebrate with us!

*****Speed Camera warning: The entrances of the park on Rt. 355 has speed cameras. The speed limit is 30 m/h.

請注意:該公園入口的南北兩側355公路上,均有測速照相(30 miles/hour),請大家小心。

2. * 06/16 & 6/17 華府龍舟賽 – Dragon Boat Racing*

Date/Time: June 16-17 (Sat-Sun) 2018; Start at 8 am
Location: Thompson Boat Center (2900 Virginia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037)

(Come to cheer for us and see our WDCTS team WIN!)

3. *07/01-4 美東台灣人夏令會  – TACEC-TANG *

一年一度的美東台灣人夏令會又將到來,請大家踴躍報名, 詳情如下

Date/Time: July 1- July 4 (Sun-Wed) 2018

Location: West Chester University of Pennsylvania (700 S High St, West Chester, PA 19382)    Register and details are HERE.



4. 《華府臺灣同鄉會–2018 六月人物專訪- 廖英博、許亞傑專訪—美國國會台灣觀測站》- Interview Archive with Ying-Po Liao, Ya-Chieh Hsu – Taiwan Watch



華府台灣同鄉會 會長 簡明子

Minze V. Chien, Ph.D.

President, Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter
Cell: 240-426-0067 Direct: 703-399-9888

Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,


Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter – May 2018 2.0

  • 《2018 端午肉粽節》- 2018 Ba Zhang Jie Festival

  • 《2018 亞太嘉年華會》- 2018 Fiesta Asia

  • 《華府臺灣同鄉會–2018五月人物專訪- 丁弘彬專訪》- Interview Archive with Hung-bin



1. 《2018 端午肉粽節》

Date/Time: June 3 (Sun), 2018; 2:00 p.m -6:00 p.m.
Location: Bohrer Park(506 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877)

Register and details are HERE.

*  今年的肉粽節野餐會我們又要跟台灣學校一起合辦了唷 !請同鄉一起到戶外來走一走,享受一下綠色的草地,藍藍的晴空,跟台灣學校可愛的小朋友們一起在草地上跑跑、走走、跳跳!同鄉也可以在公園沿著湖畔健走,或玩mini golf、我們也準備了Bingo 遊戲,讓大家一起共享一個夏日的午後!歡迎同鄉一起邀請您的朋友來參加,當天加入同鄉會,馬上就可以享受會員的優惠喔!

* The Taiwanese Association of America is excited to invite you to our annual “Ba Zhang Jie” event! This year, our event will be located at Bohrer Park @ 506 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 (near Gaithersburg High School) Map Link.  This event is a great opportunity to have some quality time together and share our stories. TAA will provide Bingo games with door prizes while having Ba Zhang with Taiwanese dishes, desserts, shaved ice & watermelon.  Please bring your family, friends to join and celebrate with us!

2. 《2018 亞太嘉年華會 Fiesta Asia》

Date/Time: May 19 (Sat), 2018; 11:00 a.m – 7:00 p.m.
Location: Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 3rd & 6th St NW


3. 《華府臺灣同鄉會–2018 五月人物專訪- 丁弘彬專訪》- Interview Archive with Hung-bin Ding




Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

[Here is the updated version of the newsletter. The link to the form below has been corrected. If you tried to submit or submitted your request before, please do it again. Apologize for the inconvenience.]

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter for May, 2018.


1. 《2018 通訊錄個資》

*  2018 年 的通訊錄要編印囉!  考量到個人資料保護,開放以下選項給大家選擇:

  1. 保留原資料,通訊錄仍印同鄉姓名,電話,住址。

  2. 我們將不放您的 street address ,只留city, state, and zip code,並印在通訊錄上

  3. 會員所有個人資料全都不印在通訊錄上


* We are in the process of editing the 2018 TAAGWC directory. Regarding the safety of our member’s personal information, We want make sure we protect the privacy of our board members and not public the complete address information in our new directly book if needed. We want to give all members a chance to voice their choice. We are offering below 2 options for our members to decide whether to make the change.

  1. You can choose not to publish the street address, and just leave city, state, zip code in the directory.

  2. Or you can choose not to include any personal information, (including name, address, phone number).

(If you want to make any of these changes, please fill up THIS FORM by May 12. We will print the entry as it is if we do not hear from you by the due date above. Thank you!)

2. 《同鄉會活動預告》- Upcoming TAAGWC Events

TAAGWC would like to invite you to a series of upcoming events. Our board members have taken a lot of efforts to plan several events, please consider reserving your time to come and join us.

* 05/19-20 華府龍舟賽 – Dragon Boat Competition*

Date/Time: May 19-20(Sat-Sun) 2018; Start at 8 am
Location: Thompson Boat Center (2900 Virginia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037)

* 05/19 台美人傳統週 – 2018 Fiesta Asia Street Fair in Washington D.C.

Date/Time: May 19, 2018 (Sun) 2018;11:00 AM – 7:00 pm
Location: Pennsylvania Ave-3rd& 6th St NW, Washington DC

*06/03 台灣同鄉會肉粽節 – TAAGWC Picnic*

Date/Time: June 3 (Sun), 2018; 11:00 a.m -3:00 p.m.
Location: Bohrer Park(506 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877)

*06/09 台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼 – Karaoke Club*
Date/Time: June 9 (Sat) 2018;  2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Location: 華府僑教中心 Culture Center of TECRO (901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD)

*07/01-4 美東台灣人夏令會  – TACEC-TANG *
Date/Time: July 1- July 4 (Sun-Wed) 2018

Location: West Chester University of Pennsylvania (700 S High St, West Chester, PA 19382)
Register and details are HERE.

*09/15 台灣同鄉會中秋市集 – Moon Festival Night Market*
Date/Time: Sep 15 (Sat) 2018; 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Location: TBD

*11/10 台灣同鄉會感恩節餐會 – TAAGWC Thanksgiving Banquet*
Date/Time: Nov 10 (Sat) 2018

Location: TBD

3. 《台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼》原訂五月份的卡拉OK因隔天是母親節所以決定取消

華府台灣同鄉會–Newsletter-April 2018 2.0】


Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter – April 2018 2.0

  • 《2018 通訊錄更新》- 2018 TAAGWC directory updates

  • 《台灣同鄉會人物專訪- 胡玉蓉專訪》- Interview Archive with Yu Jung Chou

噹!各位同鄉請注意: 為了更近擁抱同鄉,小編我們每個月我們會為大家人物專訪並且送上熱騰騰的活動資訊


1. 《2018 通訊錄更新》

*  2018 年 的通訊錄要編印囉!  敬請同鄉們核對一下您的資料,如果有地址,電話 變更的地方, 請通知我們 。

歡迎同鄉邀請朋友成為我們的新會員,或贊助刊登廣告!請於4月30號之前,將需要更新的資料以email給我們,或是直接向理事林金地(443)326-0185,  king7856@icloud.com,

陳桂鈴(301)279-6866, klchenwang@yahoo.com聯絡接洽,謝謝!

* We are in the process of editing the 2018 TAAGWC directory, and the deadline is 4/30/2018! If you need to change your contact information or if you are interested in publishing an advertisement on the 2018 TAAGWC directory, please please contact King Lin (443-326-0185,  king7856@icloud.com) or Kueiling Chen (301-279-6866, klchenwang@yahoo.com)

Thank you!

2. 《台灣同鄉會人物專訪- 胡玉蓉專訪》- Interview Archive with Yu Jung Chou



星期六下午,在玉蓉明亮的廚房裡,看著她忙碌穿梭其中,為已經成家的女兒準備著外帶午餐,是熱騰騰的砂鍋拉麵,她記得女兒的貓舌頭怕燙,還說女婿帶回家時溫度剛剛好,慈愛的母親身影在陽光下特別耀眼。玉蓉個性熱情赤誠,善體人意,就如同那一鍋湯麵,在冬日溫暖你的身心胃,卻又不會燙口。玉蓉緊接著又送我們一人一罐「周媽媽牌」辣椒醬,用警告逗趣的口吻說:小心喔!很多親朋好友吃了都會上癮! 這辣椒醬是玉蓉完全手工製作的,我吃過後果然愛不釋手。連搬來大華府地區不久的我也知道,舉凡台灣社團活動的食物,都會有玉蓉的巧手貢獻。這些大量的準備工作,耗時也費力,從選購食材,清洗,切水果,擺盤,她很豪氣地一手包辦。她笑著說: 「沒辦法嘛! 我就是愛做啊。以前剝大蒜和辣椒都是阿培的工作。」言談中玉蓉不時流露出對過世先生周仕培的不捨。他們倆個在人生的道路上一路相伴,彼此扶持互相疼惜的情分,反映在日常中的每個細節。我很好奇,夫妻兩個到底是誰比較熱心於台灣人公共事務? 玉蓉笑著回答:「是坐在你對面的這一位。」阿培給玉蓉很大的空間,鼓勵她做自己愛做的、擅長的事,而熱愛的事除了研發好吃食物外,絕大部分就是參與台灣人公共事務這個部份了,她幾十年來堅持不間斷的付出,而這些付出,都有阿培的陪伴。阿培會在人前開玩笑的說: 「玉蓉越忙越好,這樣我耳根子比較清靜。」玉蓉心裡知道,阿培為了讓玉蓉不要有後顧之憂,故意這麼說的。其實阿培比誰都支持玉蓉,也一定為她感到驕傲。玉蓉將閒暇之餘的時間投身於教會、同鄉會、台灣學校/TYAF, 尤其是山水亭。

山水亭每周日下午在台灣學校的家長等候區開張,概念源自於台灣社會常見的景象,大樹下一群人泡茶聊天,彼此話家常聯絡感情。這個景象讓我很有親切感,這是屬於台灣人共同的童年記憶。話山,話水,山水亭,名字是這樣來的。時間到了,志工會擺放出熱水瓶、茶具和茶點,泡好茶,等待客人光顧。山水亭的經營方針是,茶葉與茶點都是鄉親樂捐出來的,是一種好東西要與好朋友分享的概念。它的目的很簡單,就是希望提供一個很舒服的空間,讓老朋友們寒暄問暖,讓新朋友們一見如故。山水亭歡迎任何想要一起喝茶聊天的朋友,同時也非常希望大家能彼此尊重。玉蓉不諱言說,有些人覺得能夠享受山水亭的資源,是繳了學費後應得的權益。然而山水亭的一切,都是由志工與大家自動自發付出的。理所當然的心態與舉動,是違反山水亭的原則的!! 玉蓉很希望大家能愛惜這個志工用心呵護出來的小園地。轉眼間,山水亭成立也有十多個年頭了,當初成立的機緣也是有故事的。最起初,玉蓉夫妻看到不少在台灣學校的老人家,等孫子放學期間無聊寂寞的模樣,內心興起想要為他們做些什麼的念頭。同時,山水亭現今的資深志工桂琴開始到學校學日文,她內向話不多的先生沒人可以說上話,總是在車上默默地等待著。桂琴和玉蓉的孩子一起踢足球,兩家人關係本來就不錯。有了山水亭,她先生就會下車泡茶,找阿培聊天,也開朗不少,就這樣山水亭慢慢越來越成氣候。玉蓉桂琴夫婦,加上後來的志工順珍、張開昌夫婦、陳真誠夫婦和青棻,建元 (高建元)組成了堅強陣容,茶亭才能風雨無阻,開門招呼人客,直到今天。這也是玉蓉夫妻倆的處事原則,熱愛朋友,總是把大家攏在一起,茶越泡感情越好。桂琴想要營造山水亭熱鬧的氣氛,總是主動幫助剛到這個大家庭的新人能融入社群。桂琴自嘲自己心直口快,容易得罪人,和玉蓉情同姊妹的她說,從玉蓉身上,她學到了另一種圓融處事的方式。山水亭背後還有一號神奇的人物,就是常常做好吃點心給大家享用的梁永山阿伯。順珍體悟到永山阿伯(梁永三)年紀漸長,仍孜孜念念盡心盡力為學校奉獻,於是她更堅定自己要把山水亭延續下去的使命。


工作上,玉蓉在美國郵局奉獻了三十年。要能夠在郵局工作,不是一件容易的事。沒有在美國念過書的她,除了要拼命啃書考試,考完後還要等分發才有工作,平均要等兩年之久。幸運地她很快就接到Manassas的徵召,自此,開始了她的郵局生涯。然而,剛到郵局上班的菜鳥,除了被安排在條件嚴苛的大夜班外,每天上班時間還很不固定,可以是半夜兩點或是凌晨五點這麼懸殊的差別。全家人陪著玉蓉咬著牙適應新生活,當阿培和小孩一聽到她通過試用期時,開心的不得了,阿培直呼: 「終於脫離苦海了!!」 讓玉蓉哭笑不得。玉蓉還分享自己深夜趕著去上班卻被警察臨檢的糗事,而且還是同一時間同一地點連續兩次,因為暗矇矇的鄉間小路只有一部車,警察想知道到底為什麼她半夜還在外面閒晃。玉蓉只能無辜的說:「 我要去上班啊!」「 還有次要回家,有部車一直尾隨我,以為是被壞人跟蹤,我快被嚇得半死,結果是警察。」玉蓉一直說好好笑,我們的腦海卻出現一位堅韌的台灣女性,為了家庭,勇敢獨立不畏辛勞努力工作著。相信很多出外人,都能夠體會這種一步一腳印的感受。最難能可貴的是,玉蓉平時忙家庭忙工作,還把自己放假的時間都貢獻給台灣人社群、給她熱愛的朋友們。讓玉蓉掛念的是,她希望山水亭能夠一直傳承下去,因為這不但是阿培留給大家的愛心,更有著他們夫妻倆與好朋友共同的美好回憶。週日下午,歡迎您一起來台灣學校山水亭喝喝茶,串串門子,感受台式熱情,這絕對會溫暖在外地孤單的遊子你我的心。


Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, indoor

Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter – April 2018

  • 《未來棒球界可能的台灣之光,急需同鄉投出援手》- Need Host Family

  • 《台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼 – 大ㄟ來唱歌》- Karaoke Event

  • 《2018美東台灣人夏令會》- The 2018 TACEC-TANG conference is officially open!

  • 《April 14 2018 11:00 am-2 pm- TCC Open House》- Taiwan Culture Center

  • 《2018 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award》


1.《未來棒球界可能的台灣之光,急需同鄉投出援手》- Need Host Family

* 兩名台東大學的野球選手(Baseball players), 將利用暑假來參加Cal Ripken college summer league 比賽。他們的受訓地點是在Montgomery College Rockville Campus.


  1. 他們希望能夠找到寄宿家庭+提供早餐, 午餐 (星期二休息)。

  2. 每日不用提供接送,但如果能夠幫忙,當然更感謝。

  3. 他們平日的作息時間是下午三點多出門,打球到晚上10點回來。

  4. 寄宿家庭可享有免費看球賽的優惠招待。

  5. 同鄕會有收到熱心人士捐贈支持這個項目,將以同鄉會名義撥款給幫助兩位年輕人的家庭,補助餐費$500,以貼補部分開支。

有些選手要借錢買機票才能來美國受訓,但回台後,多能參與職棒或國家代表隊為台灣奉獻心力。非常需要本地同鄉的大力協助,請與 TAA 同鄉會 (443-326-0185) or  (410-591-4969) 聯絡。

* 另外兩名台灣體育大學的選手會到Blair High School 受訓,他們需要確定有接待家庭,球隊才會發給他們受訓的資格。日期:6/1-7/29。

                1. 他們希望能夠找到寄宿家庭+提供早餐。

                2. 每日不用提供接送,但如果能夠幫忙,當然更感謝。

                3. 他們平日的作息時間是下午三點多出門,打球到晚上10點回來。

                4. 寄宿家庭可享有免費看球賽的優惠招待。

                5. 同鄕會有收到熱心人士捐贈支持這個項目,將以同鄉會名義撥款給幫助兩位年輕


有些選手要借錢買機票才能來美國受訓,但回台後,多能參與職棒或國家代表隊為台灣奉獻心力。非常需要本地同鄉的大力協助,請與 TAA 同鄉會 (443-326-0185) or  (410-591-4969) 聯絡。

* Two baseball players from Taitung University & Two baseball players from Taiwan University of Sport will use their summer vacation to participate in the Cal Ripken college summer league competition. Their training locations are at the Montgomery College Rockville Campus & Montgomery Blair High School

Date: 6/1-7/29.

  1. Two Taitung University baseball players want to be able to find a host family + provide breakfast, lunch (closed on Tuesdays); two Taiwan Sports University baseball players want to be able to find a host family + provide breakfast.

  2. No daily transfers needed, but if you could help, of course, thank you even more.

  3. Their daily schedule is to go out at 3pm and play until 10:00pm.

  4. The host family can enjoy a free game watching game.

     (5) TAA has received the support from enthusiastic people for this program. They will use

           the TAA GWC to allocate funds to families who help those two young baseball players

           to subsidize their meal expenses by $500 to cover some expenses.

Some players have to borrow money to buy airfare tickets before they can come to the United States for training, but after returning to Taiwan, they can do much to participate in the professional baseball or national team to contribute to Taiwan. There is a great need for strong assistance from our local residents. If you are interested in supporting those Taiwan baseball Players.  Please contact the TAA GWC Association (443-326-0185) or  (410-591-4969).

2.《台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼 – 大ㄟ來唱歌》- Karaoke Event

April 14 (SAT), 2018; 1:30 – 4:30 pm

華府僑教中心 Culture Center of TECRO, 901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD

Registration Here

開放給鄉親免費報名參加,歡迎自由樂捐!Drop-ins welcome! 早來早點歌喔!

卡拉OK機採用金嗓M1 800,不需要帶自己唱片。

This karaoke association will open to all folks for free to sign up and you are welcome to donation to support this event! Drop-ins welcome! Karaoke machine with gold throat M1 800, do not need to bring their own record.

3.《2018美東台灣人夏令會》- The 2018 TACEC-TANG conference is officially open!

一年一度的美東台灣人夏令會又將到來,請大家踴躍報名, 詳情如下:


The 2018 TACEC-TANG conference is officially open!  Register and details are HERE.




4. 《April 14 2018 11:00 am-2 pm- TCC Open House》- Taiwan Culture Center

The Spring Open House for TCC has been scheduled on April 14 (Saturday).  It will start from around 11:00- 02:00 with tentative food-making/testing activities and TCC operational discussion.  All is welcome to this special meeting with board members to discuss regular programs, interaction with community, future center expansion, you suggestions and questions, etc.  Please click HERE to register .

5. 《2018 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award》

The TCC kicked off the 2018 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award (TACSA) in February by contacting high schools in the area and inviting all graduating seniors to apply.  In addition to the general category that accepts all applicants, there is one specific category reserved for Taiwanese American only.  The application deadline is mid-April (April 17); thus, please encourage high school seniors to apply as soon as possible if you know of any in the area.  Also, the TCC board would like to invite all TAs to support this meaningful cause to expand TA’s participation and contribution to the community through providing donations into the TASCA scholarship account ($500 for each scholarship). Check the website for more information – http://www.taiwanculturectr.org/new/scholarship

Posted in 06/2018