141. Bonnie Yang 陳佳芬, Pianist / 2015/02

Bonnie Yang 陳佳芬, Pianist / 2015/02

陳佳芬Bonnie Yang is a native of Taichung, Taiwan. She graduated from Shih-Chien Home Economics College in Taiwan, majoring in Music. Mrs. Yang studied piano under Professor Robert Scholz and Professor Pan- Ann Chen and pursued her career as a piano teacher at Yamaha Music Institute for 10 years while she was in her homeland. She has been ac­tively involved in community affairs and was appointed as the Master of Ceremony at annual Taiwanese Culture Nights in 1994, receiving a high recognition. Recently, she was elected as a vice chairperson of Taiwanese United Foundation, in which she devotes herself in many community outreaching activities to promote Taiwanese culture and performing arts. She is an energetic and efficient manager in her husband’s Radiology Clinic. She also serves as the deaconess and the choir director at Grace Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in Temple City.


陳佳芬,台中人,畢業於台北實踐家政學院音樂系,主修鋼琴, 師事名指揮家蕭滋教授及鋼琴家陳盤安教授。曾任職於台灣山葉音 樂教室,教學鋼琴,前後約10年。熱心公益,尤其對於推廣台灣文 化、藝術、音樂等活動,不遺餘力。

1994年曾擔任台灣文化之夜節目主持人,台風穩健,頗獲佳評, 萬通銀行總裁吳澧涪先生曾讚譽爲今日之星。年初,被推選爲1995 年度台灣人聯合基金會副會長。平時,除幫助先生業務之外,更熱 心參與教會事工。現任恩惠台灣基督長老教會執事兼聖歌隊指揮。

Source from Saint Paul by Joint Formosan Presbyterian Church Choir / 1995/01