Wei-Chen Lin 林威震, Percussionist
Wei-Chen Lin 林威震, Percussionist Percussionist Wei-Chen Lin is a top prize winner in competitions worldwide, including the Laureate of The First Classical Music International Internet-Festival 2013 in Moscow Russia, the winner of 2013 Taiwan Young Star Series, Silver Medal of 2012 Houston Symphony Ima Hogg Concerto Competition, Third Prize of 2012 Atlantic Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, “Honorable Mention”(2nd place) of 2011 Southern California Marimba Competition, First Prize of the 2008 CML International Marimba Artist Competition, Second Prize of the 2007 PASIC Marimba Solo Competition, the recipient of PASIC Val and Eddy’s Scholarship, First Prize of the 2007 PAS International Percussion Competition in Fermo, Italy, and the winner of 2007 Boston University Soloists’ Competition. Wei-Chen received the Boston University Honors Award two times in 2008 and 2013. In recent, Wei-Chen is awarded the lifelong membership of the National Music Honor Society Pi Kappa Lumbda. As a soloist, Wei-Chen made his concerto debut in 2007, performing “Prism Rhapsody” by Keiko Abe with the Boston University Symphony Orchestra. In June 2012, he performed “Fantasy on Japanese Wood Print Op.211” by Alan Hovhaness with Houston Symphony. Wei-Chen has given concerts and masterclasses in Taiwan, China, Japan, Italy, Thailand, Russia, and United States. Wei-Chen was invited to perform in the 3rd UNCP Percussion Festival in 2008, 2013 International Shenyang Percussion Festival, and 2013 Chance Music International Internet Music Festival at The Moscow Conservatory. Wei-Chen is also the jury member of The 1st Taiwan Marimba Competition in 2009, The 1st Chinese Mondiel Marimba Competition in 2011, and The 3rd Taipei World Percussion Championship in 2013, and The 4rd Taipei World Percussion Championship in 2014, Wei-Chen joined Taipei Percussion from 2002 to 2006, performing more than 200 concerts throughout the Asia. Wei-Chen’s orchestral appearances include concerts with the Taiwan Philharmonic, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, and The Macao Orchestra. He won a Tanglewood Music Center fellowship in 2008. From 2010 to 2011, Wei-Chen served as the first timpanist of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra in the 68 years’ orchestra history. Born in 1982 in Tainan City, Taiwan, Wei-Chen is currently based in Boston, MA. Wei-Chen began to study piano at age of five and percussion at age of twelve. Wei-Chen started learning percussion with Ya-Wen Lien. In 2004, Wei-Chen received Bachelor of Music Degree from Taipei National University of Arts and went on to receive his Master of Music Degree in 2008 from Boston University where he studied with Tim Genis. In the fall of 2008, Wei-Chen was awarded with Boston University CFA Dean Scholarship to pursue his DMA degree. Wei-Chen received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in May 2014. Currently, Wei-Chen is doing Artist Diploma Program at The Boston Conservatory under the guidance of renowned marimbist Nancy Zeltsman. Wei-Chen is also the percussionist of Boston Civic Symphony and Hai-Dao Contemporary Ensemble. In 2015, Wei-Chen will perform and present master classes in Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, China, Australia, and the United States.
擊樂家林威震於國際上獲得許多獎項肯定:2007年波士頓大學協奏曲比賽首獎、2007年義大利PAS第五屆國際擊樂大賽馬林巴琴首獎、2007年美國國際打擊樂年會(PASIC)馬林巴琴獨奏大賽第二獎、2008年美國馬林巴琴協會第一屆國際馬林巴琴藝術家大賽首獎、2008年麻州PAS小鼓作曲比賽優勝、2011年第三屆南加州馬林巴琴大賽Honorable Mention(第二名)、2012年美國Atlantic Symphony Orchestra協奏曲大賽第三獎、2012年第37屆休士頓交響樂團協奏曲大賽銀牌、2013年臺灣兩廳院樂壇新秀、2013年第一屆俄羅斯國際網路古典音樂節優勝,並於2008與2013兩度獲得波士頓大學榮譽獎。近期,於2014年五月頒獲美國國家音樂榮譽協會Pi Kappa Lumbda 終生榮譽會員,林威震是目前唯一同時獲得這些殊榮的台裔擊樂家。
2002年加入臺北打擊樂團,曾隨臺北打擊樂團赴中國與日本巡迴演出;2010-2011年考入國立臺灣交響樂團擔任定音鼓手。2008年考取美國波士頓交響樂團舉辦的Tanglewood Music Festival (坦格屋音樂節)擔任定音鼓手與打擊樂手,並曾與James Levine、Bernard Haitink、Oliver Knussen、Stefan Asbury、Sir Andrew Davis、André Previn、Ward Stare、Daniel Hege合作樂團或協奏曲演出。2006年起以獨奏家身分受邀於美國、中國、日本、泰國、俄羅斯、義大利等地舉辦過音樂會,並受邀於第三屆北卡羅來納大學打擊樂節、2013年瀋陽國際打擊樂節、2013第一屆俄羅斯網路音樂節於國立莫斯科音樂院音樂廳演出;2007年曾由波士頓大學交響樂團協奏,演出安倍圭子馬林巴琴協奏曲《稜鏡狂想曲》(Prism Rhapsody);2012年六月受邀由美國休士頓交響樂團協奏,演出美國作曲家Alan Hovhaness《日本版畫幻想曲Op.211》(Fantasy on Japanese Wood Prints Op. 211)。 2009年受邀為首屆連雅文打擊樂團主辦台灣精英盃馬林巴琴大賽評審, 2011年八月受邀於連雅文打擊樂團主辦國際華人菁英馬林巴大賽擔任評審,2013年七月擔任台北國際擊樂錦標賽評審,並於台灣、中國、泰國舉辦馬林巴琴與定音鼓大師班講座。
林威震生於1982年臺灣臺南市,現居住於美國麻州波士頓市。威震五歲起學習鋼琴,曾師事劉安琪、蕭宜芳、魏宇梅老師;八歲開始學習打擊,由連雅文老師啟蒙,曾師事陳振馨、鄭吉宏、許正信、施德華、邦恩莎(Sarah Barnes)、黃堃儼等諸位老師。2008年獲得美國波士頓大學打擊樂碩士,2014年獲得美國波士頓大學音樂藝術博士學位,並畢業於臺灣臺北藝術大學音樂系、臺南女中音樂班、臺南市大成國中音樂班、臺南市永福國小音樂班。求學期間,曾獲得波士頓大學藝術學院院長全額獎學金攻讀博士,打擊樂與管弦樂片段曾師事波士頓交響樂團定音鼓首席Timothy Genis。 近期,林威震考入波士頓音樂學院全年唯一錄取的藝術家文憑,並師事馬林巴琴大師Nancy Zeltsman,並將於2015年舉辦個人獨奏巡迴與國際比賽評審。