88. Dr. Shiu-Sian Angel Hsu 許秀香博士 / First Ph.D. Holder in Middle East Studies, Arabic Languages and Literature: University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah / 1994/03 December 10, 2015
87. Dr. Irwin Chu 朱耀源博士 / First president (not owner) of a business enterprise: Twylord Plant Laboratories, Ventura, CA / 1986 December 10, 2015
84. Flamingo Garden / El Monte, CA 鶴園老人公寓及台灣長輩會館 / The first senior apartment housing and Taiwanese senior center / 1988 December 10, 2015
83. The first public endorsement for Presidential campaign in the U.S.: Kennedy for President / 1980/05 December 10, 2015