197. 北美洲台美人教授協會(North American Taiwanese Professors’ Association) / First Taiwanese Professional Organization / 1980 February 10, 2016
196. 陳仲欽 / Built the first in the nation a multi-county Juvenile Secure Detention Facility February 10, 2016
195. 林書豪 Jeremy Lin / The First person to be recruited by NBA basketball team Golden State Warriors / 7/16/2010 February 10, 2016
191. Dr. Philip Chang 張明峯 / First and longest website manages for Taiwanese American Organization / 1999 February 10, 2016
189. Dr. Ken Yang(Overland Park, KS) 楊理典醫師 / First Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture doctor 第一位中醫及針灸醫師 February 10, 2016