837. 2015年會會刊 / 北美洲台灣人教授協會 / 2015 Annual Conference Program Book by NATPA / 2015/08


2015 Annual Conference Program Book by NATPA


NATPA President Conference Address 2015

Dear NATPA Members and Conference Participants,

Welcome all to the 2015 NATPA Annual Conference! This year the meeting takes place on the Carnival Mexico Cruise Ocean Liner with round trip between the Long Beach and Ensenada Mexico with more than 120 attendees. This is NATPA’s 35th year of conference, and the theme is 青年領航,台灣永續. Indeed, the future of Taiwan is up to the effort and leadership of young Taiwanese. Because of the Sunflower Movement 太陽花學運 in 2013 and many undaunted street protests, the pro-Taiwan Green Camp had won decisively the mid-term election in November 2014, which resulted in the unprecedented debacle of KMT.

During one of the conference planning meetings in Southern California, 中央研究院院士蔡振水教授 said, he was obliged to raise fund for inviting young Taiwanese leaders to US to broaden their experiences and to connect them with the Taiwanese American communities. By the leadership of Dr. Tsai in fundraising, we will meet four outstanding Taiwanese young leaders, 許恩恩, 林祖儀, 林鶴明, and 邱星凱 at the conference. We are also much honored to have 台灣教授協會(TAUP)張信堂會長 as our special guest, who will be accompanied by three exceptional college students from Taiwan 王詩婷(清華),蔡喻安(台大),and 吳珊珊(海洋). Together they will share their visions and plans for their grass rooting works in Taiwan. Furthermore, with NATPA’s Young Scholar Program, there are 11 remarkable Taiwanese students who study in the U.S. are being invited to give presentations at the meeting. Arrangement has also been made to provide plenty of opportunities for open discussions between the young and senior attendees, the Taiwan and U.S. residents, and the NATPA members and friends about current issues and future challenges that Taiwan is facing. It is our strong belief that many of these Taiwanese guests will be the prominent leaders to contribute the great future of Taiwan.

We are pleased to announce that the first NATPA Prof. Liao Shutsung’s Memorial Award (第一屆廖述宗教授紀念獎)will be presented at this annual conference. It is NATPA’s privilege and honor to have 史明先生 and 黄國昌教授 being chosen as the winners this year. This award is to recognize the individual(s) with outstanding contribution to Taiwan’s 人文, 科學, 社會, 或政治 and to encourage their continuity of this pursuit. 黄國昌教授, being one of the key figures of 台灣太陽花運動, is our keynote speaker at conference. 史明先生 is not able to attend this conference, but he and his well- known achievement will be introduced by 名筆李中志教授.

Several eminent speakers will present at the conference as welljncluding 太平洋時報林文政社長, 蔡芳洋教授, 黄光彩博士, and 呂佳雲教授. These are well-known speakers and excellent achievers in their own fields. In addition, a special program organized by NATPA’s Think-Thank Committee (智庫), led by NATPA’s ex-president  李學圖, will be focusing on issues of upcoming Taiwan election in 2016.

I sincerely appreciate all the board members, committees’ chairs and members, especially VP and Secretary 鄭麗伶, Treasurer 黄東昇, Executive Director 葉治平, and Prof. Liao Shutsung’s Memorial Award 召集人黄界清, for their assistance in the operation of NATPA so all matters can function effectively and smoothly. Of course a special thank must be addressed to the planning committee, as it would not be possible to have this successful annual conference without the diligent work of NATPA- SCAL Conference planning committee led by 郭清江博士, 何汝諧教授, 王寳田博士, 襲森田醫師, 蔡振水教授, 楊東龍博士 and my dear wife Jennifer Hsu.

Besides participating in these outstanding programs, our members and guests will be able to renew our fellowship and gain new friendship at sea or on land. Please relax yourself in the amenities of cruise ship, have a few sips of Margarita, and enjoy delicious meals throughout the conference. Here we are in Ensenada, Mexico!! Enjoy it.

Charles Hsu, M.D.


NATPA President 2014-2015

Posted in 2015/08