Taiwanese Association of America Minnesota Chapter (TAA/MN) (明州台灣同鄉會的活動)





[Event] 老美看台灣 Insight into Taiwan – Seminar by Local Scholars

Dear friends and members of TAAMN,
明州台灣婦女會與同鄉會將於三月十七日舉辦一場演講會,由我們的同鄉會朋友戴可瑞 、李柏嵐夫婦分享他們對台灣的研究及親身體驗。演講以英文發音,請邀請你的子女及美國朋友參加。

The MN Taiwanese Women Association and TAAMN will have a seminar on Mar 17, given by two of our American friends, Dr. Gary Davison and Dr. Barbara Reed, to talk about their research on Taiwan and personal experiences with the country.

Lunar New Year Party 2018新春聯歡晚會

Feb 24 Saturday 3:00-7:30PM
North Star Ballroom, St. Paul Student Center, UMN
一如往年,我們為您準備了豐盛的新年大餐, 精彩的表演節目,和中獎率超高的抽獎獎品和紅包。今年,我們更特別準備一些過年的遊戲攤位,讓您和您的孩子一起回味童年時過年的熱鬧氣氛。
芝加哥辦事處也特地專程提供行動領務服務,有需要者請務必參照 芝加哥辦事處行動領務服務須知 事先備妥文件並提早到達。
線上報名繳費 (含2017萬國節志工折價優待,請多加利用): https://www.memberplanet.com/events/taamn/2018taamnnewyearparty
欲加入TAAMN成為新會員,請參看 如何加入TAAMN
補繳會費: TAAMN 線上會員須知
TSA會員可直接向TSA報名,或者,如果有登記成為TAAMN會員的話 (請參看 如何加入TAAMN 成為免費會員),利用以上網頁報名。
Dear friends and members,
We would like to wish you a wonderful new year of the Dog. The TAAMN will have the new year party on Feb 24, 2018 at the St. Paul Student Center, UMN, from 3:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
As in previous years, we have prepared for you a scrumptious New Year dinner, exciting performances, and easy-to-win door prizes and red envelopes. This year, we will also prepare some new year games for you to re-experience the childhood excitement of the new year together with your children.
TECO-Chicago is going to provide the mobile consular service at the event too. Please refer to the following document to make sure you arrive early and have the required documents ready: TAAMN Mobile Consular Service by TECO-Chicago.
For details of the tickets and discounts, please refer to: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HCUeeIJmAyjvKv0WIrFylgBPrUrOwwEG/view?usp=sharing.
Please note that the prices are different between the members and non-members, and the door prize drawing is limited to members only. The early bird tickets end on Feb 18, so do the 2107 FON volunteer discount tickets, which are only available through online registration. Also, don’t forget to nominate the next committee members of the Minnesota Taiwanese Foundation and the vice president of the TAAMN.
Online registration and payment (including 2017 FON volunteer tickets) can be found at https://www.memberplanet.com/events/taamn/2018taamnnewyearparty.
To join TAAMN as a new member, please refer to How to join TAAMN.
To pay your overdue membership fee: TAAMN Online Member Information.
TSA members can register for the event through TSA directly, or through the online ticket link above if you are also a TAAMN member (free, see How to join TAAMN).
Thank you.
TAA MN 明州台灣同鄉會