Chiu-Ling Lin林巧琳, Pianist
An energetic and passionate performer, Dr. Lin plays before enthusiastic audiences around the world. Reviewers wrote that she “presented Chopin with authority balanced with heartfelt emotion”, “made compositions soar with her joyous and skilled interpretation”, and “translated all of Mozart’s exuberance and romanticism with an ease and naturalness which was a thrill to witness.”
In 1979, Dr. Lin made her Carnegie Recital Hall debut as the winner of the East and West Young Artist Auditions. She received rave reviews by critics after her tour of Peru, Argentina, and Brazil as the United States Information Agency’s Artistic Ambassador to Latin America in 1991. She has soloed with fourteen orchestras, including the Atlanta Symphony, the Chicago Civic Orchestra, the Singapore Symphony, and the Des Moines Symphony.
Born in Taiwan, and educated in Singapore’s Nanyang Girls’ High, Dr. Lin received her bachelor’s degree from New England Conservatory of Music and her master’s and doctoral degrees from Indiana University. Her 30 years of college teaching experience include positions as Chair of the Music Department and Professor of Piano at Drake University in Des Moines, IA and Artist-in-Residence at Indiana University at South Bend.
Appearances in New York, Boston, Chicago, England, Canada, China, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia have featured Dr. Lin’s unique mix of music by Chinese and Western composers. Her virtuosity in Chinese piano music is showcased in the CD, “Portraits of China.”
曾在南洋女中渡過中學生涯的林巧琳, 出生台灣, 五歲開始學習鋼琴, 隨家人到新加坡後, 拜著名鋼琴家馮國幀夫人為師。 中學時, 獲英國皇家音樂學院演奏特優文憑。 1965年獲獎學金赴美深造, 波士頓的新英格蘭音樂學院, 考獲榮譽學位後, 她再到印第安那大學深造, 榮獲碩士和博士學位。 1979年榮獲入選為‘西方青年演奏家’。
1991年, 獲選為美國新聞局文化大使, 在南美樂壇激起一番震撼, 好評如潮。 巧琳經常受邀到世界大都市演奏, 開音樂會, 琴音所至, 包括紐約, 波士頓, 芝加哥, 倫敦, 牛津, 北京, 上海, 廣州, 香港, 日本, 新馬, 加拿大, 秘魯, 巴西, 阿根廷等地。 評論家們認為她所演奏的音樂作品, 「隨著她快樂和非常技巧的演繹而升騰, 翱翔。 她把所有莫札特的豐富情感和浪漫精神, 都自然地表達出來, 這讓聽眾感到激動。」 由於有著東西方文化背景,巧琳往往在演奏節目中把東西方作曲家的音樂巧妙地融合演出,形成她演奏會的獨特風格。
Source from師範大學美東校友會⾳音樂會 10/2016
For more information please in who’s who: 1286. Chiu-Ling Lin 林巧琳