Taiwanese Americans in St. Louis



Busier and Warmer in June/2019

A special research talk is scheduled :

Time: June 19th (Wednesday), 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Place: Farrell Learning and Teaching Center, Room 201, Washington University School of Medicine (near the corner of S. Euclid and McKinley Ave.)
Parking: Lot F (at the corner of S. Taylor and McKinley Ave., entrance on S. Taylor)

Hao-Wei Chang 張浩文 will present “A large animal model for characterizing the relationship between gut microbiota development and healthy growth

Source from Taiwanese Americans in St. Louis

Posted in 06/2019


March, how fast, how far, to where, and for catching what, in St. Louis ?


不論這算是新型的或是復甦的同鄉會活動,想要參加的人請寫信向台灣同鄉會董事謝昌宏報名。三月卅一日,星期五,在京園飯店「餐聊」。話題是 「唉奉」(iPhone)由最先進的智慧手機及通訊系統使用者兼旅遊達人邱良媛引導話題。時間一時想不起來。疑問及詳情請在信裡提出來。Whether this is considered a new form of activity or a recurrence of what the TAASTL, Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis, write to Roger Hsieh, a director of TAASTL to let him know you are attending and give him a chance to include you in the preparation. You are invited to join a Eat-n-Chat gathering at Mandarin House restaurant. Include your questions in the mail to him. The time is lost from my memory shortly after the message came through a phone call. The major subject of chatting is “iPhone” led by the smart tourist and smart user of smarter phone and the telephone services, Leanne Chiou.
有什麼想要找機會聊的話題也不妨列出來,作為後續計畫的參考。Bring up your topics with him for future planning.



Registration 報名

每個地方都有獨特的條件與情境在影響當地的文化與行動。當今在聖路易的台灣人在努力什麼呢?趕在四月一日「報名截止」前,去登記參加這個難得的研討會。Every community has unique conditions and context that affect the culture and movements. What are the efforts of the contemporary Taiwanese in St. Louis? Hurry up to register for the special symposium before the registration closes on April 1, no pun intended.

Beauty of Immunology and Opportunity in the Biotech Industries

即使你把以為是在談免役學,或是免憶學。也值得去耗一天,因為可能會湊巧跟未來的中央研究院院長交談、合影。既然曾經住在聖路易了,總要沾點聖路易醬吧。看看這裡的人曾經弄出什麼醬。機會越來越難得了。Who knows, you might run across a future president of the Academia Sinica and have a selfie with her or him. Look what the Taiwanese in St. Louis had reached in the past here.

 Perhaps you have not seen her in person with this only chance to imagine how she looks in this video, (she is that pianist), she is a law professor growing up in our St. Louis community of Taiwanese Americans, trying to gather information for studying the immigrants from Taiwan. She invites you to try her form of survey and help her keep on studying our common phenomena. 即使你沒有看過她本人,只能從這個影片裡揣摩(就是那位彈鋼琴的少女),她是本地台灣人社區長大的法學教授,正在設法蒐集各方訊息研究台灣移民,請你去試試她的表格,幫她繼續探討我們的共同現象。

Think about what’s special about that piece of music in the video. We will talk about it in the near future. 想看看影片中的樂曲有什麼特色,不久我們會聊聊。


Source from Mr. So 08/2016

Posted in 10/2016


New year and the Lunar New Year celebration – 1/21/2016 Saturday

謝謝董事們辛勞地籌備,讓台灣同鄉會的新春晚會再回人間聖路易。特別感謝謝昌宏董事,他挑起總策劃的重擔,雖然臨時有要事需要出國,仍然拼到最後一天。若有人願意代替他本來計畫要兼扮的財神爺,還有機會試看看。什麼話都不需要講,出現時間也自己決定,給大家、你、跟家人一個意外的驚奇。願意的人請私訊給我 (groh.hisam@gmail.com314-488-5150)












蘇希三3:05 1/20/2017


From: Anthony Su <groh.hisam@gmail.com>
To: TAASTL-newsletter <taastl-newsletter@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2016 9:16 AM
Subject: to TAA-STL members: New year and the Lunar New Year celebration – 1/21/2016 Saturday


We don’t have much time to prepare. Please help and encourage those who spend time serving the community by registering as soon as possible.  我們的時間不多。煩請透過及早報名、繳費來幫助並鼓勵花時間與精神為社區服務的董事們。有疑問,請寫信到board@taa-stl.orgpresident@taa-stl.org 或打電話到 314-488-5150
More information will follow.


It appears that we have not had activity for a while. 好像已經有一陣子沒有活動了
New Lunar New Year in 2017 is unusually close to the New Year Day in Gregorian calendar. The board of directors has decided to call a gathering on the 21th of January, Saturday, at the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. We will have dinner, children show and a specially called membership meeting. 1997年的農曆新年竟然跟公元曆的元旦非常地接近。同鄉會董事會以經決定在元月廿一日,假台灣人長老教會召集新春聚會。會中包括聚餐、兒童表演跟一場臨時會員大會。
Since the TAASTL started the first elected president in1968 it seems to have completed one cycle of growth and is calling for a new life from scratch. By looking at the number of young families and children we can easily be convinced that new generations and new culture of Taiwanese Americans are due to evolve in St. Louis. 聖路易台灣同鄉會自從1968年開始第一任的直選會長以來,似乎已經走完生命史的一圈而在提醒該回到原點重來一趟了。參考現在的年輕家庭跟小孩子的數目就可輕易看出台美人的新世代與新文化已經在聖路易呼之欲出了。
Attached please find a form for registering for the gathering. Please forward to your friends who might not have received this mailing. 請看看附寄的餐會報名表。也請傳給可能沒有接到這個訊息的朋友。
Just like a brand new organization, TAASTL now provides the easiest and the best opportunity for those who want to learn, test, or prove the ability of management and leading a community or a business. Come join the non-profit organization and volunteer to taste the life in the board of directors. 就像任何一個新的事業體,聖路易台灣同鄉會提供想要學習、嘗試、或是證明經營跟領導社區或事業體的能力的人最輕易、最好的機會。歡迎加入同鄉會這個非營利事業體並且志願品嚐在董事會裡的生活與生命。
Here you can read the by-law of TAASTL. 點擊這裡就可以看到章程。
Caretaking president, Anthony Su, 2016-2017 看守會長 蘇希三