Lunar New Year Party of TAFNC, President Ken Lin delivered a speech, Hayward, CA, 1/22/1994
Lunar New Year Party of TAFNC, one thousand people attended, 1/22/1994
Lunar New Year Party of TAFNC, Taiwanese American Performed Taiwanese Opera for the First Time in North America, Directed by Nancy Yang, 1/22/1994
北加州台灣同鄉聯合會春節晚會, 台美人首次在北美演出歌仔戲, 由劉玲霞導演
TAFNC Hosted Taiwan to join the UN Forum, 11/6/1993
N. CA Taiwanese protested in front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco (4/1994). All 24 Taiwanese in a tour group on a ship were robbed and killed in Quiandao Lake, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China (3/31/1994).
北加州台灣人在舊金山中國領事館前抗議(4/1994)台灣旅行團24人全部在中國浙江杭州千島湖船上被搶劫縱火殺害(3/31/1994). 抗議由北加州台灣人權會主辦
Mr. & Mrs. Lin protested in front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco
TAFNC visited the DPP Central Party Headquarter and was welcomed by Secretary-General Jiang Pengjian (11/15/1993) and held a news conference. The head of the group, Ken Lin, spokesman Rocky Liao.
北加州的台灣同鄉會返鄉督選團拜會民進黨中央黨部, 受到秘書長江鵬堅的歡迎 (11/15/1993),並召開記者會。 團長林健次,發言人廖萬夫。
Source from Jiann-Tsyh (Ken) Lin
Posted in 07/2020