1149. 北美洲台灣人醫師協會總會年刊 2017 / NATMA /12/2017/Magazines/雜誌

北美洲台灣人醫師協會總會年刊 2017



By Chu-Chi Chen, MD, Urologist 陳珠琦醫師

Dear NATMA Members and Friends,

I hope everyone is doing well and in good health. Time flies; I can’t believe it is almost time for me to pass duties to our next President of NATMA!

I would like to give you some information and reports regarding NATMA activities since our 2016 Annual Convention.

NATMA 2016 Annual Convention was successfully held at the Bellagio Resort, Las Vegas, NV from 10-21 to 10-23-2016.

The welcome dinner was held at Hong Kong Garden Seafood Dim Sum Cafe, Las Vegas from 6:30 to 8:30pm on 10/21/16. We had a great time together.

After the welcome dinner, we conducted the NATMA Board Member Meeting and International Medical Mission Committee Meeting from 9:00 to 11:00pm on 10/21/2016.

The Board members agreed and decided to hold the NATMA Delegates Taiwan Medical Progress Exchange Tour from 11/05 to 11/12/2017.

Pre-tour to Japan was added:

NATMA Japan Kyushu (日本九州)Tour from 10/29 to 11/05/2017.

The International Medical Mission Committee discussed:

Myanmar (formerly Burma) Medical Mission organized by Jimmy Shem, DDS, 沈裕明牙醫師 held from 12/19/16 to 01/01/2017. Guatemala Medical Mission organized by Charles Hsu, MD, 許宗邦 醫師 held from 3/5 to 3/11/2017.

Both medical missions were successfully completed, thanks to all the participants. Please see the separate articles written by Dr. Simon Lin 林榮松醫師及 Dr. Charles Hsu 許宗邦醫師 in our 2017 Yearbook for details.

On 10-21 & 10-22-2016, we conducted several interesting special cultural and financial lectures. Executive Director Jeffrey C.F. Wang 王劍峯 was our moderator. The Annual convention provided 9 hours AMA category one CME credits. Huey C. Lin, MD 林惠洲醫師 and Dr. Norman Chiou 邱義男醫 were our moderators. We really appreciated their efforts and help, with special thanks to Dr. Huey C. Lin for applying the CME credits for us. For the topics and speakers of the outstanding lectures please see NATMA 2016 Yearbook for details.

The Saturday evening banquet was successful. We had around two hundred members, friends, distinguished guests and speakers in attendance. Thanks especially to Taiwan to US Ambassador Stanley Ko 高碩泰大使, Ambassador Elizabeth Chu 朱玉鳳大使, NATMA Founder Dr. Samuel Chu 周烒明教授 and I-Yang Lin, M.D., Memorial Lectureship 林一洋醫師紀念演講獎2016受獎人Changqing Cao 曹長青先生。I also deeply appreciated having several Past NATMA Presidents at the 2016 Annual Convention. Thank you for your attendance and support.

Post-Convention Canyon Tour was also held from 10-23 to 10-26-16. We enjoyed visiting several beautiful places including Snow Canyon State Park, Utah; St. George Utah Temple, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Horseshoe Bend-Antelope Canyon, and Grand Canyon.

For details of the NATMA 2016 Annual Convention and Post-Convention Canyon Tour, please see the Pacific Times’ article in our 2017 Yearbook. The article was kindly written by Mrs. Hui-Na Lin 太平洋時報的賴慧娜總編輯。

I would like to mention the loss of two of our NATMA past presidents: Dr. Kun-Twu Liao 廖坤塗醫師,3rd term NATMA president 1988-90, passed away on 11/27/2016. Dr. Masao Yu 游祥修醫師, 8th term NATMA president 1998-99, passed away on 01/31/2017. We were deeply saddened by the news of both passings and our heartfelt condolences go to Dr. Liao’s and Dr. Yu’s family and friends. They will live on in our memories forever! We very much appreciate their great service to NATMA. Please see separate articles for the remembrances.

NATMA conducted a Western Caribbean Cruise Tour (joined by Lion Club, Orange County, CA). We cruised on Harmony of the Seas, Royal Caribbean from 4-22 to 4-29-2017. We had more than a hundred members and family members join this fun tour and we would like to say that everyone enjoyed a wonderful time visiting Fort Lauderdale; Labadee, Haiti; Falmouth, Jamaica; and Cozumel, Mexico.

The NATMA 2017 Annual meeting was also successfully held on the Harmony of the Seas on 4-23- 17. We reported our completed items for the year of 2016-2017 and discussed & planned for future issues. Both the medical missions of Myanmar and Guatemala were reported on and appreciated dearly.

The NATMA and NATMA Foundation financial situation was also briefly reported on during the meeting.

We reported, discussed and planned that NATMA will hold the Japan Kyushu(日本九州) Tour from 10/29 to 11/05/2017 and also the NATMA Delegates Taiwan Medical Progress Exchange Tour from 11/05 to 11/12/2017.

On 4-26-17 we held special lectures that included medical, surgical issues, preventive medicine, and current medical and political issues of Taiwan; the experience of performing medical service after retiring in the US and the experience of NATMA’s International Medical Missions. They were all very informative, enjoyable and educational lectures, thanks to the excellent speakers.

Please see the separate article “NATMA 2017年會及加勒比海遊輪之旅記趣” written by David Yang, MD 楊熾勳醫師 for details.

We’re very happy to have several 2nd generation members joined our organization during past two years, I sincerely hope this elite 2G group will continue to grow.

We had two local chapters established this year that include Atlanta Chapter and Denver Chapter, and another chapter _ Las Vegas Chapter will be forming in the near future. The headquarters of NATMA will definitely try the best to help to organize and start a new chapter.

In September in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, our hearts are with all of the victims, NATMA has decided to join the Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles to make our donation to provide help to these victims in Texas. All of our members’ generosities are most appreciated.

The next NATMA medical mission will be going to Honduras, Central America from 4-14 to 4-22- 2018, and will be organized and led by Dr. Charles Hsu 許宗邦醫師. Thanks, Dr. Hsu.

Our next president of NATMA for 2018 and 2019 is Dr. Chun-Chien Chiu, MD 邱俊杰醫師 who is elected by our members in September of this year. Congratulations to Dr. Chun-Chien Chiu, MD 邱俊杰 醫師 and welcome aboard!

In today’s computer and Internet era, we’re not going to mail paper letters to our members. Instead, to save time & money we would like to conduct all messages via e-mail if possible. You can also find important information on our website natma.org or our advertisements in the newspaper.

Please send in your updated address, e-mail, and phone numbers. If you are an annual member, not a permanent member, please send in your membership fee yearly, thanks. NATMA would very much appreciate you kindly sending in your contribution. Thank you in advance!

I enjoyed serving you as your President for the past two years. I greatly appreciate and thank the advisers and board members for all of your assistance and advice. Many thanks to all the NATMA members; thanks for your cooperation and support.

I also would like to express my heartfelt appreciation and sincere gratitude both to my dear wife, Dr. Sheue-Huey Lai-Chen 賴雪惠醫師 who has always been my strongest supporter and an active helper. Without her involvement my work would be much more arduous. She is the editor-in-chief of our 2016 and 2017 NATMA Yearbook. Thanks for being here with me, Dr. Lai-Chen.

Dear NATMA members, thank you all again very much for everything you did for NATMA and me during the past two years. I appreciate you more than words can describe.

Wishing everyone a continued wonderful and happy life!

Best Regards,

Chu-Chi Chen, M.D. 陳珠琦醫師

President, North American Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA) 2016-2017


Topeka, Kansas, USA




By Chu-Chi Chen, MD, Urologist 陳珠琦醫師





在歡迎晚會之後我們舉行了NATMA董事會會議和國際醫療委員會會議,我們討論了十一月回臺的訪問及國際義診活動,當時決定了十一月五日到十二日回臺訪問,之前將於十月廿九日到十一月五日組團遊覽日本九州(Kyushu, Japan)。

十月廿一和廿二日我們有文化財經及人生經驗的特別講座,由Executive Director Jeffrey C.F. Wang王劍峯主持。這次的年會也提供了九個AMA category 1 CME的學分由林惠洲醫師 Huey C. Lin, MD 和邱義男醫師Dr. Norman Clnou主持。在此我們要特別感謝林惠洲醫師費心為我們申請到CME的學分。在NATMA 2016年的年刊已載有祥細的各個講題及演講者的介紹,請參考。

星期六的晚宴也很成功有意義,一共有兩百多個會員和朋友,演講者及特別來賓來參加我們的盛會。在此我們要感謝臺灣駐美大使 Ambassador Stanley Ko 高碩泰大使,Ambassador Elizabeth Chu 朱玉鳳大使,NATMA Founder Dr. Samuel Chu 周烒明教授和 I-Yang Lin, M.D.,Memorial Lectureship林一洋醫師紀念演講獎2016 受獎人Changqing Cao曹長青先生。我也要特別感謝好幾位遠道來參加的前總會長們,謝謝您們的參與和支持。

Post-Convention Canyon Tour 會後峽谷之旅在十月廿三到十月廿六日舉行。我們賞心悅目的遊覽了幾個非常美麗的地方及國家公園包括 Snow Canyon State Park, Utah; St. George Utah Temple, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Horse shoe Bend-Ant elope Canyon, and Grand Canyon, 峽谷之旅在歡愉溫馨中圓滿結束。

NATMA 2016年會和會後峽谷之旅的詳情,請看今年2017年刊刊載的太平洋時報賴慧娜總編輯報導的文章。

在年會之後NATMA已做了兩次有意義且成功的國際義診,第一個是由沈裕明牙醫師Jimmy Sheni, DDS領導的團隊在 12/19/16 到 01/01/2017 到緬甸 (Myanmar, formerly Burma)的義診。團員們都非常辛苦但是義診辦得非常成功,我深信大家都不會氣餒,一定會再接再厲,再度前往義診。第二個是由許宗邦醫師 Charles Hsu, MD,領隊的義診團於2017年 3月4日到12日到瓜地馬拉(Guatemala)的義診;總共有61人參加,包括目前總會長我自己還有兩位前總會長王政卿醫師和林榮松醫師,更有很多位年輕的團員們浩浩蕩蕩的成功的完成了預定的任務,總共治療4000多位病人,外科開了35個刀,牙科,針灸科都辛苦了他們各做了四百多個病例。我們很感謝許宗邦醫師夫婦的精心策劃以及不辭辛苦的功勞,也衷心的感謝臺灣駐Guatemala的賴建中大使及大使館的鼎力協助以及 Guatemala第一夫人辦公室的幫忙,使得我們的義診活動更加得心應手。在此再度衷心的感謝所有參加的團員們的辛勞和貢獻。祥情請看我們2017年刊中林榮松醫師Dr. Simon Lin及許宗邦醫師Dr. Charles Hsu精彩報導的文章。

這一年來我們有兩位非常優秀和受人敬重的前總會長離開了人世,廖坤塗醫師- Dr. Kun-Twu Liao , 3rd term NATMA president 1988-90 (1932 – 11/17/2016)。游祥修醫師-Dr. Masao Yu,8th term NATMA president 1998-99, (1941 – 01/31/2017)。我們非常感謝兩位前總會長對我們NATMA的辛勞和貢獻,我們非常不捨他們在完成服務人群重任之後離開了人世。請看年刊上另外兩篇紀念怹們的文章。

今年4月22日到4月29日NATMA舉辦了西加勒比海遊輪之旅及2017年的年會。我們搭乘了目前全球最大的「皇家加勒比遊輪海洋和悅號」Royal Caribbean International 的 Harmony of the Seas,共有一百多個會員和家屬朋友們一起參加了這個有趣的海上之旅,我們遊覽了西加勒比海幾個有趣的地方和小島包括Fort Lauderdale; Labadee, Haiti; Falmouth, Jamaica; and Cozumel, Mexico,大家都玩得很開心盡興。NATMA也於四月廿三日在遊輪上舉辦了今年的年會,我們報告和討論了這兩年來的各項活動,包括兩個國際義診活動,我們都非常感謝所有參與義診的團員們的辛勞愛心和貢獻。在四月廿六日我們也舉辦了特別講座包括預防醫學,外科手術,目前臺灣政治,參加義診活動的經驗以及從美國退休後回台服務的經驗和生涯規劃。這些講座都非常有趣,也為大家提供了非常好的資訊,再次謝謝各位優秀講員的參與和貢獻。詳情請看今年年刊刊載的楊熾勳醫師-David Yang, MD為我們寫的精彩的文章「NATMA 2017年會及加勒比海遊輪之旅記趣」。




我們NATMA的下一個國際義診將在明年4月14日到4月22日到中美洲的宏都拉斯舉辦。這次也是將由許宗邦醫師-Dr. Charles Hsu領隊,謝謝許醫師的愛心和辛勞。

我們在今年九月已經選出NATMA的下一任(2018-2019)總會長。南加州的邱俊杰醫師-Dr. Chun-Chien Chiu, MD 將在末來的兩年為大家服務,在此歡迎也謝謝邱醫師。

本來我們今年計劃要編新的通訊錄,可惜許多團員退休了或搬家了但都還沒有時間通知總會,所以只好作罷。希望大家能夠抽點空向總會或分會通知您的新資料,特別是 email address。現在是高科技時代,所以我們盡量要用email和大家聯絡,這樣可以省時間也省錢,希望大家把您的新資料送到總會。重要事項我們當然也會盡量公布在natma.org或是報紙上。在此先感謝大家。

在此我也要衷心地感謝我內人賴雪惠醫師-Slieue-Huey Lai-Chen, MD 的全力支持和積極的幫助,沒有她的參與,我的工作將會更加的困難操心和費力。她也是我們 2016和2017 NATMA年刊的總編輯,謝謝妳,賴醫師。




Chu-Chi Chen, M.D. 陳珠琦醫師

President, North American Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA) 2016-2017


Topeka, Kansas, USA


For more information, please click :1149_北美洲台灣人醫師協會總會年刊 2017

Published in 12/2017

Donated by Dr. C. Chen 12/2017

Posted in 12/2017