TACEC 2016

002-7-3-16-IMG_0682(TANG-Low於71日至4日在賓州山上風景區一所大學舉行並已圓滿結束 節目非常豐富 加上天高氣爽 親朋相聚 話舊談新相信各位一定有個愉快的夏令會以及美國國慶週末假期 可惜我只參加了73日星期日一天的活動.其實這ㄧ天的節目最充實:先有主日崇拜,念聖經唱聖歌,感受神的恩典,聆聼林興隆牧師《生命抉擇》的証道 。接下來是有關整容的醫學講座。再接下來的是適合郷親胃口的ㄧ連串政治議題的精彩演講,大家聽得津津有味。當日壓軸好戲是【台灣之夜】的晚會:台上載歌載舞,娛樂台下鄉親。第二/三代台美年輕人活潑的演出, 散發出了青春的氣息與海外台灣人的希望。在晚會中,金曲獎得主嚴詠能先生圍巾著地,ㄧ身陳菊市長打扮(是他自己形容的),吉他在手隨著背後銀幕的說明,以歌聲配合吉他美妙的節奏唱出了台灣的鄉土文化及習俗,感動鄉親,倍添思鄉之念。晚會過後,已是深夜時分,鄉親們仍意尤未盡,圍桌宵夜,享受台灣美食,其樂無窮, 真是口福不淺。感謝工作人員準備宵夜美食的辛勞。

The Taiwanese American Conference/East Coast (TAC/EC) was first held in 1970 at Downington, Pennsylvania as a summer retreat for area Christian families. Over the years the conference program has expanded to encompass the cultural and socio-economic activities of the Taiwanese American community as well as issues related to human rights, environmental issues and current events in Taiwan. The number of participants has steadily grown, exceeding 2,000 in some years.

    TAC/EC draws participants mainly from New England, the Middle Atlantic States, Washington DC and Virginia. Well-known leaders active in religious, cultural and political fields in Taiwan are invited each year to participate as speakers. Since a vast majority of the Taiwanese Americans immigrated to the US as graduate students, the educational achievements of the conference participants are unusually high. Another unique feature of the conference is the wide age range of the participants; from infants to senior citizens. The second-generation Taiwanese Americans are well represented and the youth organize and manage their own programs.

    The conference provides an ideal occasion for old friends to meet and new friends to make. It enhances the cultural heritage of the Taiwanese American and also provides a forum for them to express their concerns about current and future development in Taiwan and Taiwanese Americans.