173. Stella Chen 陳婉真, 2014/12

English Name Stella Chen  

漢文名 陳婉真
Birth Year(Year only) 1950
Birth Place Chang-Hwa, Taiwan (彰化)
First year / First city / state arrived U.S. Year: 1980
City:- State:-
Present Address
Family 1. Husband: 張維嘉
2. Son: 張宏久
Education School Name Year – Year Degree and major
1. Taiwan Normal Univ. (師範大學) 1972 B.S. Dept. of Adult & Continuing Education(社教系)
Employment Company name Year – Year Position or title
1. 甲午變天 present 執行長
2. 美國《美麗島周刊》 1980 Founder (創辦人)
3. 中國時報 1972-1978 Journalist (記者)


1. 創辦台灣戒嚴令下第一份地下刊物《潮流》,1979
2. President of TAA—Los Angeles Chapter, 1987
3. Founder of USA “Formosa Weekly”


1. 啊! 黑名單, 1991/03
2. 建國路上死與生, 1992/01