116. Victor Shen 沈新欽, Conductor / 2015/01

Victor Shen 沈新欽, Conductor


victorShen_沈新欽Victor Shen, a native of Taiwan, began studying music theory and voice at the age of 14. He has received several first prize awards in music competitions in Taiwan. He holds a B.M. in voice from the University of Chinese Culture, Taiwan, and a M.M. in choral conducting rom the Westminster Choir College, in Princeton, New Jersey. He is also a DMA candidate in choral conducting at University of Maryland.

Mr. Shen has an extensive performing experience with groups both in Taiwan an in the United States. He has conducted many groups including the Taiwanese Symphonic Chorus, Taiwan University Chorus, Festival Chorus of Central Taiwan Universities, Taipei Philharmonic Chours, Taipei Chin-Suey Chorus, Bel Canto Opera Chorus in New York, and Taiwanese Festival Chorus of Greater New York.

In 1996, Victor Shen received a full doctorate assistantship studying at University of Maryland. During this period, he has helped in preparing the Maryland Chorus for important concerts with National Symphony Orchestra and American Symphony Orchestra. In 1997, he was invited to Beijing Conservatory of Music as a guest conductor and lecturer of master classes for 5 weeks.

In 1998, he has finished all his DMA courses and returned to Taiwan again. He was in Taiwan until 2004 before returning to the US. During this period, he was teaching at the music department of Tunghai University and Kaohsiung Normal University, conducting 15 groups around Taiwan including Taiwan University Chorus, which had representing Taiwan in a worldwide memorial concert for 911 victims. He was also the founder of several community choruses, including the New Era Group in Taichung, recipient of Government grants 3 years in a role for its choral excellence. He was also a host for Taichung classical Radio Station on a program which showcased choral music.

Dr. Shen has been working with choruses of many kinds for the last 37 years. He has a vast repertoire and many genres. He has worked with many groups since his return to the US in 2004, among those groups are the Trenton Children’s Chorus, Xiaofong Arts Group, Chinese-American Choral Ensemble, Rutgers University Queens Choral, Chin Yun Chorus, Vox Nova, and also guest conduct with Yue Yue Chorus, and the Greater Trenton Symphony Orchestra.

Source from http://voxnovanj.com/about-us/musical-director/


沈新欽,台灣台南市人,雙親皆為藝術家,自幼即對音樂抱有極大的興趣。中學時代於台灣區獨唱比賽中屢獲首獎,就讀中國文化大學音樂系聲樂組期間,先後師事申學庸、曾道雄、唐鎮等教授,畢業後任教於華岡藝術學校與台南家政專科學校音樂科,並擔任文化、輔大、金穗等合唱團指導老師。翌年赴美深造,於西敏寺合唱音樂學院(Westminster Choir College)主修合唱指揮暨聲樂,畢業後活躍於美東音樂界,擔任紐約市美聲歌劇團(Bel Canto Opera Company)的音樂總監,曾應邀於林肯中心的Avery Fisher Hall指揮慶典音樂會,並經常帶領合唱團體於美加各地巡迴演出,深獲好評。
1992年秋返國,任教於東海大學與中山大學音樂系暨研究所,並擔任金穗合唱團、台大合唱團、省交合唱團、台中市樂友合唱團及台南市頌音合唱團指揮。1996年獲馬里蘭大學(University of Maryland)全額獎學金,赴美攻讀合唱指揮博P8士。在校擔任馬里蘭大學合唱團助理指揮期間,曾多次為美國交響樂團(American Symphony Orchestra) 與美國國家樂團(National Symphony Orchestra)準備合唱演出曲目,1997年夏天並應邀至北京中國音樂學院擔任客座教授及指揮,2001年取得馬里蘭大學合唱指揮博士學位,2003年並應邀擔任美國迪金生大學Blue Mountain音樂夏令營的客座教授。
沈老師近年任教於東海大學音樂系所與高雄師範大學音樂系,教授合唱指揮法、合唱曲目研究等課程,並任金穗合唱團、高雄金穗合唱團、台中新世紀合唱文教中心音樂總監,及東海大學現代合唱團、音樂系手鐘團、東大附小合唱團、東大附中合唱團、彰化大同國中音樂班合唱團、苗栗公館國中音樂班合唱團、國立中壢高中音樂班合唱團、台北縣教師合唱團、台南市府城教師合唱團、高醫聲樂社指導老師。目前返美定居,任教於Trenton Children’s Choir


摘自 http://blog.yam.com/chinsuichoir/article/5669916, 2002/01