889. 台美小姐皇后 張芳瑜摘美國亞裔小姐后冠 | 11/2023

台美小姐皇后 張芳瑜摘美國亞裔小姐后冠

2022台美小姐皇后張芳瑜(Tiffany Chang )代表台美人角逐第35屆「 MISS ASIA USA」(美國亞裔小姐選美比賽)奪冠,可喜可賀。(楊悅英提供)

(本報訊)恭賀2022台美小姐皇后張芳瑜(Tiffany Chang )在11月18日(周六)代表台美人角逐第35屆「 MISS ASIA USA」(美國亞裔小姐選美比賽),在雷丹諾藝術表演中心(Redondo Beach Performing Art Center)盛大登場,當晚眾多亞裔佳麗爭奇鬥妍,各擅專長,美不勝收,輪番激烈競爭,張芳瑜以亮眼的優異表現,榮奪「皇后」最高榮譽,並一舉狂拿「最佳人緣獎」、「晚禮服獎」、「泳裝獎」大獎,台下支持者尖叫連連,驚喜不斷,「台美之光」當之無愧。







Taiwanese American contestant wins Miss Asia USA

Taiwanese-American wins Miss Asia USA. (CNA photo)

Tiffany Chang is 1st Taiwanese competitor in Miss Asia USA pageant history

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwanese American Tiffany Chang was crowned the 35th Miss Asia USA at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center in California on Saturday (Nov. 18).

Chang, 20, is a second-generation Taiwanese American. She is currently a sophomore at Stanford University and stepped down as the reigning Miss Taiwanese American to participate in this recent pageant, per RTI.

Chang was eager to tell the international community that Taiwan is an independent country. Over 1,000 spectators cheered on Chang at the pageant by waving the Taiwan flag.

Tiffany Chang wins Miss Asia USA beauty pageant. (CNA photo)

The 35th Miss Asia USA featured 50 competitors of various nationalities. Age groups ranged from teens to mature, and competitors participated in categories such as swimsuits, evening gowns, and native attire.

Chang finished first in four pageant categories: popularity award, audience choice award, best swimsuit, and best evening gown. Speaking to the media after her win, Chang said it was upsetting that Taiwan was often referred to as “Chinese Taipei” in international sporting events.

The runner-up in this beauty pageant represented China. The two contestants representing China and Taiwan were seen holding hands and embracing one other in a rare scene.

Chang participated in Taiwanese events and activities in the U.S. (CNA photo)

Chang said she valued the opportunity to meet other women throughout Asia through the pageant. This year’s theme of “Unity and Diversity” celebrated interaction among contestants with different backgrounds.

This was the first time an individual representing Taiwan was allowed to compete in the 35 years of the pageant’s history.


Source from:


Taiwan News

Posted on 11/29/2023