239. Julia Tai戴宇音, Conductor / 2015/07

Julia Tai戴宇音, Conductor

戴宇音Julia Tai,Doctor of Musical Arts in Orchestral Conducting /  Master of Music in Choral Conducting. Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Julia Tai studied violin at age 4 and piano at 8. She has given many recitals in violin, piano, voice, and chamber music, and performed concerts with choirs and orchestras, which toured extensively in Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, United States, Japan, and Taiwan. She came to the United States in 1998, and obtained her Bachelor of Music in Vocal Arts Performance and Master of Music in Choral Conducting from the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music, where she was honored with the departmental award of  “Outstanding Graduate of 2004.” She earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Orchestral Conducting from the University of Washington, where she studied conducting with Peter Eros and violin with Ronald Patterson.  Currently, Julia is the music director of the Philharmonia Northwest, Magnolia Chorale, Magnolia United Church of Christ, and the co-artistic director of the Seattle Modern Orchestra. Previously, she was the conductor of the Westside Symphonette, the associate conductor of the Rainier Symphony, and the music director of the Concert Singers, Melodia Sinica Chorale, and the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica in California. She has conducted professional and youth orchestras around the world, including the American Youth Symphony, Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra, Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic (Czech Republic), Brandenburger Symphoniker (Germany), Estonian National Youth Symphony (Estonia), New Symphony Orchestra (Bulgaria), and Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil Charlos Chávez (Mexico). In September 2009, she was selected as a quarter-finalist in the fourth Eduardo Mata International Conducting Competition in Mexico, and in March 2011, she was selected to conduct the Brandenburger Symphoniker as part of the audition for the ninth INTERAKTION conducting workshop held in Berlin, Germany.


出生於充滿音樂氣息的家庭,四歲時由陳相儒老師啟蒙,開始學習小提琴,先後師事劉城、簡名彥、張文賢、陳秋盛、蘇顯達等教授。 畢業於福星國小、南門國中音樂班,並以全國第一名的成績甄試保送進入師大附中高中部音樂班,主修聲樂,師事李靜美教授。 1998年畢業後赴美,先後以優異成績取得美國洛杉磯南加州大學聲樂學士以及合唱指揮碩士學位, 聲樂受教於 John Paton、Cynthia Munzer、 Chloe Owen 等名教授, 研究所合唱指揮師事 Dr. William Dehning,並於2004年獲得該校傑出畢業生之殊榮(Outstanding Graduate)。  2005年進入美國華盛頓大學管絃樂指揮博士班,受教於名指揮家 Peter Erös(前聖地牙哥交響樂團音樂總監,曾任芝加哥、克里夫蘭、西雅圖、舊金山等交響樂團及以色列愛樂、倫敦皇家愛樂之客席指揮), 副修小提琴,師事 Ronald Patterson(為小提琴泰斗海飛茲的嫡傳弟子),於華盛頓大學交響樂團中擔任第一小提琴首席,並獲取獎學金進入 Brechemin 鋼琴三重奏。 在校期間,多次指揮華盛頓大學管絃樂團及歌劇等的製作演出,並擔任華盛頓大學現代樂團 (Contemporary Ensemble) 的專任指揮,特別專攻於二十世紀的現代音樂。2010年6月, 以蕭泰然 Formosa 鎮魂曲之分析研究論文,取得博士學位。  在國際上,曾多次參加國際指揮營於愛沙尼亞、保加利亞、捷克、美國加州等地, 受教於知名指揮家 Neeme Jarvi、Daniel Lewis 、Gustav Meier、Otto-Werner Müller、Jorma Panula、Larry Rachleff 等教授。 2009年更入圍國際指揮大賽 Eduardo Mata International Conducting Competition 之決賽。 指揮過的樂團包括 Estonian National Youth Symphony、Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic、New Symphony Orchestra、Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra、Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil Carlos Chávez 等等。  現擔任西北愛樂交響樂團、西雅圖現代樂團、融融合唱團及木蘭合唱團音樂總監。