284. Mao-sheng Chen 陳茂生, Organist / 2015/09

Mao-sheng Chen 陳茂生, Organist

陳茂生Chen Mao-sheng, born in 1942 in Hsinchu, Taiwan, is a church musician and organist with a life-long connection with church and organ music in Taiwan. Cheng grew up with church music and once learned the piano from Hsu Sung-jen. He went for postgraduate studies in the USA, where he got his Master of Art in Religion and Master of Art in Church Music, majoring in organ and also being good at choral conducting, and then came back to serve as Director of Department of Music, Taiwan Theological College and Seminary. Chen has given numerous organ classes and worked proactively on arranging and translating sacred choral music from around the world, which resulted in the publication of a series of 100-plus volumes of choral music by Glory Music and Grace Music, thereby making outstanding contributions to the development of organ and Christian sacred music in Taiwan.

陳茂生,教會音樂家與管風琴演奏家,一生與臺灣教會音樂、管風琴教育息息相 關。1942 出生於新竹市,自幼成長於教會音樂環境。曾隨徐頌仁習琴,大學畢業後赴美,取得宗教藝術碩士及教會音樂碩士,主修管風琴,亦專擅合唱指揮。 學成歸國後擔任臺灣神學院教會音樂系系主任,廣開管風琴課程、積極編曲並翻譯世界各國基督教聖樂合唱作品,由榮光社與匯恩聖樂中心出版超過百餘冊合唱曲集,對臺灣管風琴與基督教聖樂發展貢獻卓越。

2005 年退休定居美國,仍非常活躍:2006 年起應聘為美國 Miller Pipe Organ 管風琴諮詢顧問,並擔任美國許多教會的特約管風琴師,且經常舉行演奏與指揮教 會詩班。 臺灣管風琴教育的發展,雖因樂器本身的昂貴與繁複,致使在推展的過程仍是以教會為中心,但在陳茂生大力推展下竭盡所能,教學、演奏、著書和出版 CD, 讓教會以外的聽眾也有機會接觸到樂器之王管風琴:它不再是遙不可及,而是可以親近的樂器之王。

摘自 全美台灣同鄉會芝加哥分會