38. Shu-Ting Yao 姚舒婷, Violinist/2014/10

Shu-Ting Yao 姚舒婷, Violinist

Shu-Ting Yao 姚舒婷Praised in Black Forest Messenger of Germany “Thrilled Violin Playing!” and “Unforgettable Performance!” violinist Dr. Shu-Ting Yao 姚舒婷 enjoys her career as a solo and chamber violinist. She frequently appears in major concert venues in U.S., Europe and Asia. Other than solo appearances, Yao also performed with acclaimed ensembles, including Charleston Symphony, Manhattan Symphonie, Apollo Chamber Orchestra, The Symphony of the Potomac, Baltimore Philharmonic, Bel Cantanti Opera Orchestra, Toscanini New Orchestra, Loudoun Symphony Orchestra, National String Symphonia and the Celebrated String Quartet.

Have been chosen as one of the La Gesse Foundation Artists 2011-2012, Yao gave numerous thrilling solo recitals in Baltimore, Washington DC, Rockville MD, Lyon of France, Triberg of German, Rochester NY as well as the Weill Recital at Carnegie Hall in New York City during the 2011-2012 season.

A native of Taiwan, Yao began her music study with violin and piano at the age of seven. She holds Bachelor of Music degree in Performance and Education from National Taipei University of Education (NTUE), Master of Music Degree from Peabody Conservatory and the Professional Study Diploma from Mannes College of Music in New York City. She obtained a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from the Catholic University of America where she served as a full scholarship doctoral fellow as well as the teaching assistant in music theory department. Her primary teachers include Keng-Yuen Tseng, Nina Beilina, Emil Chudnovsky and Jody Gatwood. Yao won the first prize of the NTUE concerto competition in 2001 and the Baltimore Music Club Competition in 2009. While at NTUE, she was invited to attend Aspen Music Festival and Asia Youth Orchestra. Her talent and musical sensitivity brought her to perform in Germany, France, Italy, United States as well as her home country Taiwan.

In 2009, Yao attended the Masterclass of Kronberg Academy in Germany where she was mentored by Gidon Kremer, Christian Tetzlaff, Roby Lakatos, Daniel Hope and Ana Chumachenko. She was also the featured soloist at the Twentieth American Cardinals Dinner in Houston, TX and the 100th Anniversary of Taiwan ROC Founding Day Celebration Ceremony in Washington DC.

Yao believe that it is through music she can best serve people with truth, faith and love. Yao currently plays on a violin made by Cecare Candi (c.1933) of Genova. She was offered to use the Evasio Emilio Guerra (c.1912) violin by Chimei Foundation, and the G. P. Maggini “Kostoff” violin (c.1620) by Peabody Conservatory.

Shu-Ting Yao 姚舒婷, Violinist

於2011獲選為美國La Gesse基金會年度藝術家的旅美小提琴家姚舒婷,甫完成2011-2012年樂季歐洲及美東地區的巡迴獨奏會系列數十場的演出, 該樂季陸續於德國崔堡、 法國里昂、美國華府、馬州洛城、巴爾地摩、維吉尼亞、羅徹斯特市及紐約卡內基廳展開。

出生於南投縣,舒婷自幼學習小提琴與鋼琴。小提琴曾師事曾慶然、葉公誠、魏淑華、陳宗成及謝宜君老師。鋼琴曾師事蕭淑瑾及鍾家瑋老師。1999年自曉明女中甄試保送國立台北教育大學音樂系就讀。於國立台北教育大學音樂系在學期間,曾獲該校協奏曲比賽之首獎並擔任演出,也曾多次代表系上於胡乃元,Eric Rosenblith,Lynn Chang等大師班中演出並接受指導。舒婷除了專研獨奏方面,也積極參於室內樂及樂團的演出。曾受邀參與台灣青年交響樂團,亞洲青年交響樂團(AYO),並多次獲美國亞斯本音樂節提供之獎學金並參與演出。

2004年赴及美國,於約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶第音樂學院攻讀演奏碩士,師事伊莉莎白小提琴大賽得主曾耿元教授,並於2005年獲琵琶第音樂學院之生涯發展獎學金。2006年進入紐約曼尼斯音樂院,師從小提琴大師Nina Beilina,室內樂師從Hiroko Yajima與 Chin Kim。2008年獲得美國天主教大學之全額獎學金,赴該校攻讀博士並任該校音樂理論助教,師從美國國家愛樂交響樂團首席Jody Gatwood,室內樂師從Michael Mermagan。在校期間曾代表美國天主教大學於休士頓之募款晚會擔任獨奏演出,並多次代表學校評鑑及學院觀摩之獨奏及室內樂演出。於2009年獲巴爾地摩音樂協會音樂比賽(Baltimore Music Club)弦樂組首獎,並於該年獲邀參加德國Kronberg Academy小提琴研討會,受教於Gidon Kremer、Roby Lakatos、Anna Chumachenko和Christian Tetzlaff等多位國際知名小提琴大師。

在美期間,演出活動頻繁,包括多次於琵琶第音樂院Miriam A. Friedberg Concert Hall、Goodwin Hall、巴爾第摩Old St. Paul Church、Baltimore Basilica、曼尼斯音樂院Goldmark Hall、台灣經濟文化辦事處駐紐約代表處、林肯中心Alice Tully Hall及美國天主教大學Wall Hall、John Paul Hall之獨奏及室內樂演出 。
