陳錦芳博士 Tsing-Fang Chen
跨越一甲子,橫跨歐亞美三洲的藝術創作,陳錦芳博士是位具歷史前瞻性和文化使命感的藝術家。 他被認為是「後現代的先驅」及「當今世界上20位最具影響力的藝術家之一」 (Dr. Thomas McEvilley, 1991)。 陳博士窮其一生努力創造的作品反應了人類的追求及成就,同時倡導以「愛」為宗的全球新文藝復興。
不僅是畫家, 陳博士同時是位學術研究者,作家,藝術史家和未來預見者。 他1936年出生於台灣,1963年到巴黎留學,目前同時在紐約,台北和上海有其藝術基地。 陳博士可以說是一位東西文化交匯融合下的世界公民。 2001年,因其整生奉獻於和平及創造多元文化的藝術,陳博士獲頒「聯合國之友」的「全球寬容獎」,榮任「寬容及和平文化大使」以啓動「為人類而藝術」 世界巡迴展。陳博士「為人類而藝術」諸系列宏偉多元,企圖表現人類歷史及經驗的多面性,其文化成就及里程碑,究其深度及藝術美感。 這批數量不少的作品規模頗大,包融眾多,曾經展示於聯合國及世界國是論壇 (State of World Forum) 等重要場合裡。
今年已屆80歲的陳錦芳,老當益壯,活動頻繁,創作不停,他半世紀以來所播下的種子不斷開花結果。1969年陳錦芳創建的「新意象派」 (Neo-Iconography, 簡稱 Neo-I) 是種大膽的突破。它是「時空合一」,「境況虛擬」 (Simulaculum), 「多元交叉」, 「引經據典」 (Quotation), 「擅挪巧用」 (Appropriation)及「藝以載道」。 它擷取古今中外大眾耳熟能詳的「意象(Icon), (具象徵意味的公共形象) 尤其是世界美術史上的「意象」做不尋常的取捨整合, 演繹表現,令人耳目一新, 有趣而雋永。
陳錦芳說:「人生苦短,藝術永恆」。我14歲被梵谷感動,立志到巴黎當畫家。28歲在義大利文藝復興的聖地得到啟示而決心促成台灣成為全人類新文藝 復興的 搖籃而奉獻,雖然我一生為此努力奮鬥,但是區區小我,能力有限,至今此理想未能實現。所以,最近在在台¬¬灣成立陳錦芳文化基金會、美術館文創部,並建立 在台北市松山區敦化北路222巷1號的台灣企業總部。希望世代繼續努力, 推動藝術的使命,促進以「愛」為宗,建立和平文化的全球新文藝復興。
B) 一個具有藝術史定位的畫家。他創作了數千件作品,在全球舉辦過200多次個展,用英文,法文,中文演講數百次。他的思想及作品被33個國家300多本教科 書所介紹,尤其是被多國世界藝術史教科書收錄。如美國大專世界藝術史教科書《Arts& Ideas》中,其作品及思想被以圖文介紹。他是在此書中被介紹的東方唯一、世界不到一打的在世藝術家之一。
C) 陳錦芳擁有許多世界“唯一”。唯一用他所創立的「新意象派」創作世界重要的慶典系列作品來表現時代的精神(1985-2010)。如 1986 「自由女神百幅連作」、1989「巴黎鐵塔50幅連作」、1990「後梵谷系列百幅」2008創作「奧運系列66幅」,2010年創作「上海世博百幅」, 並被官方邀請在世博園區個展,創下159年來世博史的唯一。唯一獲頒聯合國之『全球寬容獎』並榮任其『寬容及和平文化大使』的畫家。並被封爲「愛•寬容• 和平文化大使」,進行「爲人類而藝術世界巡迴展」2001年,2008年唯一向世界領袖會議之『世界國是論壇』提出論文並畫展(1998 /2000) 唯一在1980年向「國際哲學科學家會議」發表了「五次元世界文化觀」的畫家。唯一在70年代在作品上表現多元文化的後現代意識,被稱爲『後現代的先驅』 及『當今世界上20位最具影響力的藝術家之一』。唯一在1964年開始提倡以『愛』爲宗的全球新文藝復興。
陳錦芳在紐約市擁有文化館,藝術基金會及工作團隊,毫無疑問陳氏的藝術將一直世世代代地被研究與發揚傳播,其價值無限。 陳錦芳博士: 值得您收藏研究的藝術家。
Dr. TF Chen: The Collector’s Choice
Paris * New York * Beijing * Shanghai * Taipei
In our age of science and technology, with its continuous and accelerated improvement of “Hardware” and “Software,” we must ensure that our existence rests upon an equally progressive and rich foundation of “Soul ware.” (Dr. T.F. Chen, received “Global Tolerance Award” Speech at United Nations NYC)
Dr. T.F. Chen — a painter, art historian, writer, philosopher, visionary, and founder of the T.F. Chen Cultural Center and Arts for Humanity Foundation in SoHo, NYC. In 2001, he was honored with the Global Tolerance Award from the United Nations and designated a Cultural Ambassador for Tolerance and Peace, for his lifetime of work dedicated to peace and for his art of multiculturalism. Dr. Chen’s “Arts for Humanity World Tour 2005-2015” travels the world promoting Art Education and a Global Culture of Peace.
Born in Taiwan 1936, Chen was awarded a scholarship from the French government to study in Paris. He lived there for twelve years, earning his M.A. in French Contemporary Literature and Ph.D in Art History from La Sorbonne, while studying painting at L’École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-artsfor seven years. In 1969, Dr. Chen established “Five-Dimensional World Culture” in theory and initiated his signature style of “Neo-Iconography” in art. Recognized as “one of the 20 most influential artists in the world today” (Art Critic, Dr. Thomas McEvilley), Dr. Chen has conducted more than 200 one-man exhibitions worldwide. He has published over 26 books in English, Chinese and French regarding his art and theories; and is frequently invited to lecture and exhibit around the globe. Dr. Chen’s art has been featured in over 300 textbooks (including art history textbooks such as Arts & Ideas) and are collected widely both privately and publicly. In 2010, Dr. Chen created his “Shanghai Expo Series” — 100 paintings in homage to the event, and became the first artist in all 159 years of Expo History to have a one-man show in the Expo Great Hall; and was featured in all major media. Now at the mature age of 80, Dr. Chen continues his mission of utilizing art as a vehicle for advancing a Global New Renaissance in Love and a Culture of Peace.
Spanning half a century’s worth of creation and three continents, Dr. T.F. Chen is a mature, master artist with historical vision and cultural mission. Recognized as a “vanguard of Post-Modernism “and “one of the 20 most influential artists in the world today” (Art Critic, Dr. Thomas McEvilley, 1991), Dr. Chen has dedicated his life to creating artwork that reflects the achievements of our humanity and inspires worldwide cultural harmony and progress.
Dr. Chen is also a brilliant academic, writer, art historian, visionary. Born in Taiwan, educated in Paris, and with headquarters in SoHo NYC, Taipei and Shanghai, Dr. Chen is a world citizen who embodies the merging of Western and Eastern Cultures. In 2001, Dr. Chen was honored with the Global Tolerance Award from the Friends of the United Nations and designated a Cultural Ambassador for Tolerance and Peace, for his lifetime of work dedicated to peace and for his art of multiculturalism. Now at the distinguished age of 78, Dr. Chen is enjoying a surge of mastery, brilliance and productivity as all the countless seeds he’s sown in the last half-century are coming to bear fruit.
In 1969 Dr. Chen established his “Neo-Iconography “ for his artistic expression. It is a creative new art style/school with particularities in “time-space uniting”. “simulaculum in situation”, “different-spheres-crossing”, “quotation” and “appropriation” for creating an art bearing Tao: truth searching and expressing”. So Chen’s “Neo-Iconography” is a daring new form of communication. It unites East and West, past and present, by organizing and combining familiar “icons”, especially from the history of world art, in unfamiliar ways. Like a passionate art collector, Dr. Chen assembles images he treasures and places them together in contexts that defy time, space, and cultural barriers; resulting in a stunning, eclectic composition.
Dr. T.F. Chen’s “Art For Humanity Series” is an extraordinary, multifaceted, expansive display of artworks presenting a full spectrum of human history and experience, cultural achievements and milestones, true depth and artistic quality. This powerful body of works, grand in scale and comprehensive in scope, has shown at such notable sites as the United Nations and the State of the World Forum.
梵谷歸來 Vincent Coming Home
禁止吸菸 No Smoking
城市拾穗者 City Gleaners
文明的躍升Education and Cultural Achievement
載歌載舞 Singing and Dancing
Source form 陳錦芳, 07/2014
Posted in 09/2014