95. Chiwei Chang 張紀葳, Woodwinds/2014/12

Chiwei Chang 張紀葳, Woodwinds

Whiwei Chang

Chiwei Chang is a member of the NAfME music teacher association who is currently dedicating his life to teaching piano, strings, woodwinds and general music classes to kids and adults of all levels in Queens. Many parents have praised him for his ability to help students achieve outstanding scores on the NYSSMA and ABRSM instrumental exams under his supervision. Chiwei has directed a musical at Stony Brook University, drained singers ranging from the elementary school to the college level, and worked as a piano accompanist for live events and shows around New York. He has also conducted a number of concerts and composed music for ensembles performed at a number of venues, including Manhattan School of Music, Purchase College, and Hunter College.

His most recent composition is a two movement piece titled “Algae on the Shores” for two violins, viola, cello, oboe, and the ocean. When Chiwei is not teaching and writing music, he enjoys jogging in the woods and sipping green tea.

身爲全美音樂敎師學會的一員,張紀葳先生熱衷於鋼琴、弦樂器、木管樂器以及一般音樂課程的敎學:學生則老少咸宜,有敎無類,並旨在幫助學生高分取得紐約州的New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA)以及 ABRSM的樂器檢定考試,家長們讚譽有加。張紀葳近年親導石溪大學的音樂劇並培訓歌手,老少皆宜自小學生 到大學生都有;除了擔任指揮與導演,張紀葳並常親臨現場活動,擔任鋼琴伴奏,此外紀葳張紀葳也爲小樂團創作曲目,並分別在曼哈頓音樂學院、伯騎士大學以及杭特大學發表演出。近作《岸邊的海藻》是爲小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、雙簧管以及海洋而創作的古典樂曲之一。