57. Nam Yeung 楊楠, Pianist/2014/10

Nam Yeung 楊楠, Pianist

Nam Yeung 楊楠Nam Yeung, Piano Professor of Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan. Chairman of Tainan Music Teachers Association Concerto concerts, solo recitals, chamber music performances in United States, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Winners of many competitions including American MTNA Piano Competition, Monroe Young Artist Competition, Maryland Music Club Piano Competition, Hong Kong Kawai International Competitions and others.

Doctor of Music Arts degree from Louisiana State University in America.

鋼琴家楊摘博士(Dr. Nam Yeung)先後獲得英國皇豕音樂學院演奏家文憑LRSM (Licensee of Royal School of Music)、 香港演藝學院音樂學士文憑、美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶蒂音樂學院鋼琴演奏碩士及美國路易斯安那州立大學音樂 藝術博士。現為台南科技大學音樂系暨研究所專任教授及台南市音樂教師學會理事。楊博士於赴美留學期間參加各 項音樂大賽屢獲佳績,包括香港KAWAI國際大賽第二名及美國丨ackson交響樂團協奏曲大賽第二名;全美音樂教師協 會鋼琴比賽州立冠軍等獎項。在繁忙的教學中除了受邀擔任國内外音樂比賽評審與音樂講座講員,也積極推廣國際 間之音樂交流表演,受邀於南韓亞洲國際鋼琴夏令營暨藝術節及義大利國際音樂節表演及教學。

For more bio-information, please click link in who’s who: 1113. Nam Yeung 楊楠