387. 史丹佛「台灣科學及科技中心」揭幕 台美科研開新頁 | 06/2023

史丹佛「台灣科學及科技中心」揭幕 台美科研開新頁

史丹佛「台灣科學及科技中心」2日正式對外揭幕,國科會主委吳政忠(左7)率團出席,史丹佛大學、加大柏克萊分校,以及多位產業界菁英親臨開幕研討會,並於中心辦公室外合影。(駐舊金山科技組組長孫珍理提供)中央社記者張欣瑜舊金山傳真 112年6月3日


國科會今年1月啟動「台美科研合作平台」計畫,整合跨部會資源,形塑台灣對外一致的科技實力形象,並優先選擇加州史丹佛大學為深度合作對象,於校內設立「台灣科學及科技中心」(Taiwan Science & Technology Hub)。

位於史丹佛工學院之下的「台灣科學及科技中心」,辦公室門口印有Taiwan Science & Technology Hub的英文字樣和圖案標誌,今日中心正式對外揭幕並舉辦國際研討會,史丹佛大學校長泰西耶拉文尼(Marc Tessier-Lavigne)與工學院院長韋頓 (Jennifer Widom)親自出席致詞。





4位院長當中,工學院院長劉金智潔(Tsu-Jae King Liu)的父母來自台灣,公衛學院院長呂淳祺5歲自台灣移民美國,兩人為國際學術界翹楚。




史丹佛「台灣科學及科技中心」2日以國際研討會形式揭幕,國科會主委吳政忠(前排左4)率團出席,史丹佛大學校長泰西耶拉文尼(前排左3)親自到場。中央社記者張欣瑜舊金山攝 112年6月3日


Taiwan Science & Technology Hub opens at Stanford University


San Francisco, June 2 (CNA) Under the initiative of Taiwan’s National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), the Taiwan Science amd Technology Hub, located at Stanford University, opened Friday.

The NSTC launched a program in January to build a Taiwan-U.S. technology research platform by integrating inter-ministerial resources in the Cabinet to strengthen the country’s technology capabilities and selecting Stanford University as a partner for cooperation in preparation for the opening of the Taiwan Science and Technology Hub.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Wu Tsung-tsong (吳政忠), head of the NSTC, said as the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated a global shortage in semiconductors, Taiwan played a critical role in stabilizing the global IC supply chain.

Wu said cooperation in semiconductor manufacturing and design between Taiwan and the U.S. was expected to enhance economic security worldwide, in particular in the current booming generative artificial intelligence era.

Meanwhile, Stanford University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne said he expected the hub to serve as a bridge between Taiwan and the San Francisco Bay Area in technology resource integration.

Jennifer Widom, dean of the School of Engineering at Stanford, said Morris Chang (張忠謀), founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford in 1964, and Nvidia Corp. CEO Jensen Huang (黃仁勳) and Yahoo Founder Jerry Yang (楊致遠), both of who were born in Taiwan, also graduated from Stanford.

Widom added that the Taiwan Science and Technology Hub would allow such a talent list to grow.

On the opening day, the hub also held an inaugural technology conference with several heavyweights from the University of California, Berkeley, attending and delivering keynote speeches on semiconductors, carbon emission reductions and digital medical care.

Among these UC Berkeley scholars, Tsu-Jae King Liu (劉金智潔), dean of the College of Engineering, was born to parents who came from Taiwan, and Michael Lu (呂淳祺), dean of School of Public Health, migrated from Taiwan to the United States when he was 5 years old.

Wu expressed his gratitude to Stanford and UC Berkeley for their efforts in cultivating tech talent for the world and Taiwan.

According to Wu, while Chang graduated from Stanford, TSMC Chairman Mark Liu received his doctorate in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley.

Wu said both Chang and Liu had made tremendous contributions to Taiwan’s semiconductor technology.

(By Chang Hsin-yu and Frances Huang)



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Focus Taiwan

Posted on 06/28/2023