174. Prof. Shutsung Liao 廖述宗教授

English Name Prof. Shutsung Liao  

Hanji Name 廖述宗教授
Birth Year 1931-2015
Birth Place Tainan, Taiwan
First year / First city / State in U.S. 1956/Chicago/IL
Family 1. Wife: 郭淑卿
2. Daughter: Jane (廖慈瑛), Tzufen (廖慈芬), Tzuming (廖慈明), May (廖慈卿)
Education School Name Year – Year Degree and major
1. National Taiwan Univ.


B.S., Agricultural Chemistry
2. National Taiwan Univ.


M.S., Agricultural Chemistry
3. Univ. of Chicago


Ph.D., Biochemistry& Molecular Biology
Employment Company Name Year – Year Position or title
1. Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Univ. of Chicago


Accomplishment 1. The Founding President of the North America Taiwanese Professor Association (北美洲台灣人教授協會首任會長) 1980

2. Taiwan Medical Association Tsungming Tu Award (台灣醫學會杜聰明獎) 1993

3. Fellow of Division of Life Sciences of Academia Sinica (中央研究院生命科學組院士) 1994

4. Academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (美國藝術與科學學院院士) 1997

5. Lifetime Achievement Award by Taiwanese Biotechnology Association (美國台灣人生物科學會終身成就獎) 2003

6. Published 1 Hanji Book and Many Articles in Taiwanese American Magazines, Newspapers and Newsletters.

7. Outstanding Taiwanese American Elected by T.A. Archives in 09/2018

Publication(Non-professional) 1.食果籽 拜樹頭 05/2012