130. Chiun-Teng Cheng 鄭俊騰, Violinist / 2015/02


Chiun-Teng Cheng 鄭俊騰, Violinist

 鄭俊騰Chiun-Teng Cheng was born in Taiwan and went to the United States in 1986 and was recognized as a vigorous and gifted player. He pursued his Master’s degree as a pupil of legendary pedagogy Dorothy DeLayEric Rosenblith, and Matsuko Ushioda at the New England Conservatory. His chamber music teachers included Leonard Shure, Eugene Lehner, and Louis Krasner. Cheng began violin studies when he was quite little. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from National Taiwan Normal University while studying with Prof. Shu-Te Sylvia Lee. He won the position of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in 1993 and has been a tutti violinist in the orchestra since then. Besides, being a professional musician, he has also a great love of collecting rare violins and bows. He had the privilege to study string instrument identification under the famous connoisseur Jacques Francais in 1990s. 

鄭俊騰,6歲開始學琴,為李淑德教授得意門生,台灣師範大學音樂系畢。1986年獲得美國新英格蘭音樂院獎學金,赴美隨名師Dorothy DeLay、Masuko Ushioda、 Eric Rosenblith學小提琴,和Leonard Shure、Eugene Lehner、Louis Krasner等大師鑽研室內樂;拿到美國新英格蘭音樂學院碩士,也是該音樂院交響樂團首席之一。

鄭俊騰,已婚,育有2女。為國際知名小提琴家,任職於美國著名「辛辛那提交響樂團」(Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) ,為該樂團百年悠久歷史上,第一位考入的華人音樂家;除了音樂上的成就,旅居美國20多年來,更醉心於弦樂器名琴名弓的鑑定與研究。今天他在國際上已成為出色的弦樂器鑑定專家,尤其在歐美享有極崇高的聲譽

Source from http://speedydeletion.wikia.com/wiki/Chiun-Teng_Cheng