182. Wendy Fang Chen 陳丹蘋, Pianist

Wendy Fang Chen 陳丹蘋, Pianist

Wendy Fang Chen 陳丹蘋Wendy Fang Chen, pianist and composer born in Brooklyn of Taiwanese descent earned her B.M. and M.M. from the Juilliard School.  Chen has performed with such noted orchestras as the London Philharmonic, Brooklyn Philharmonic, Bolshoi Theater Orchestra, Central Philharmonic of China, Taipei Municipal Symphony Orchestra and in such internationally renowned venues as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Tchaikovsky Grand Concert Hall and Kennedy Center. A faculty member at The Juilliard School, she has won numerous prizes for her piano performances and compositions. She made her theatrical debut in 1994 as the pianist Clara Schumann in the play, Virtuosa.

出生於紐約市布魯克林, 父母來自台灣。7 歲進入茱莉亞音樂學院預科, 獲得該院鋼琴及作曲雙修學士及碩士學位。曾獲美國總統學者獎 (Presidential Scholar) 並代表該年得獎人受訪及演出於 NBC 電視台的今日節目(The Today Show) 。 她多次與各地交響樂團合作。合作包括:倫敦愛樂交響樂團 (London Philharmonic);布魯克林愛樂交響樂團 (Brooklyn Philharmonic);中央交響樂團 (Central Philharmonicof China);台北市立交響樂團 (Taipei Municipal Symphony Orchestra) 及俄國勃修瓦交響樂團 (Bolshoi Theater Orchestra) 等。她曾演出於紐約林肯中心 卡內基音樂廳,甘奈迪中心,台灣國家音樂廳及新舞台, 大陸北京音樂廳,英國倫敦,俄國莫斯科,日本的東京、大阪、九州等以及美國國內許多城市。

其鋼琴老師為 :Kathrine Parker Herbert Steissen

作曲老師為:Andrew Thomas David Diamond.

目前, 鋼琴家陳丹蘋任職於茱莉亞學院職業規劃及發展部門(Career Planning and Development Department) 副主任。

Source from: http://www.patsychen.com/20011206/20020209-c.html 2001/12/6