252. Eileen Lo丁志清, Piano Accompanist / 2015/07

Eileen Lo丁志清, Piano Accompanist

丁志清 –文化大學音樂系畢業,隨名教授蕭滋及藤田梓修習鋼琴,擔任音樂系合唱團伴 奏,副修法國號,為華崗交響樂團團員,畢業後在東方藝術學苑,山葉音樂教室服務,教授鋼 琴、電子琴,在密西西比女子州立大學繼續進修獲得音樂教育碩士學位後,於威斯康辛大學繼 續修習鋼琴演奏。1984 年遷居華盛頓地區,為全美音樂教師協會以及全美鋼琴教師協會會員, 平日個別教授學生多人,並擔任臺大校友合唱團和童心合唱團鋼琴伴奏。丁志清任職於美國核 能審核委員會。 Eileen Lo (Accompanist). Ms. Eileen Lo, a graduate of the Chinese Culture University in Taipei, studied piano with Dr. Scholz and Prof. Fujita. She was the piano accompanist for the Music Department Chorus. She continued her studies in piano pedagogy at the Mississippi University for Women and received a M.S. degree in Music Education. She also studied piano performance with Prof. Leo Steffen at the University of WisconsinMadison. She taught private lessons and was a member of the Music Teachers National Association and the National Guild of Piano Teachers. She serves as accompanist for both the NTUA-DC Chorus and the Tung-Hsin Chorus. Ms. Lo works for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Source from: 紐約福爾摩沙合唱團http://ntuac-dc.org/doc/2015NTUAC-DC&NYFC_ConcertProgram_Draft5-24-15.pdf