Los Angeles Taiwanese American Symphony Orchestra (TASO)
TASO was founded by Dr. Thomas Ming Chieh Wu in 1999 based on his Los Angeles Taiwanese American Chamber Orchestra, which was founded by Dr. Wu in 1995. TASO is a non-profit organization that dedicates to promote the classical and modem music of Taiwan. TASO is currently recruiting more musicians and they practice regularly at the Arcadia Health Center at Las Tunas.
TASO是由吳明杰博士於一九九九年,由他原先在一九九五年創立的「洛杉磯室 內樂團」擴大而成的。TASO是一個正式登記的非營利事業團體。它的宗旨是在宣 揚台灣的傳統及現在音樂文化。目前TASO正在招生中,他們經常在Arcadia市位於 Las Tunas的保健中心練習。