18. 李清澤 Ching-Tse Lee

李清澤 Ching-Tse Lee



李清澤博士為紐約市立大學榮譽退休教授,任教於布鲁克林學院心理系近四十年,其間曾任系主任九年,現為金鷹學院院長,道禪研究中心主任。任職於布魯克林學院時曾參于(1)於美國心理學會年會舉辦之「心理學家聚焦」(Psychologists in Focus)攝影展,(2)於聖富蘭西施學院(St. Francis College)舉辦的「心理學家聚焦:多樣化的世界 」攝影展,(3)於紐約市蘇荷攝影藝廊(Soho Photo Gallery)舉辦的「心理學家聚焦:多元文化」攝影展。

由於熱愛攝影藝術,2005年創立了大紐約台灣攝影學會,並任八年會長之職,任職間不但参于每年之會員展,並主辦三屆四人聯展:主題依序為 「攝影即心彰」、「寬景心影」、「家:親情之源」。2014年舉行「攝影、哲學、詩情」之個人展,影展獲得報界及社區人士之一致好評,並獲新唐人電視台長達四分鐘之特別報導。其攝影藝術作品現於新澤西州春湖藝廊,與抽象印象派大師Arshlie Gorky與宇宙藝術派大師Bernhard O. Wahl之油畫 一齊展岀,李教授將展覽命名為「超越所見」。其攝影作品異於一般沙龍,相片深具哲思、親情、詩意之藝術氛圍,故甚獲收藏家及機構之青睐。


除了攝影藝術之外,李教授並熱愛 、書法、水墨、粉彩等藝術創作,他與黃啟埴共創「氣道書法」,並於2001年出版「台灣氣道書法」一書,現致力於推動「禪書與禪畫」之創作。

Ching-Tse Lee, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the City University of New York, had retired from the Institution, which he served for near 40 years. He was the Chairperson for 9 years at the Department of Psychology, Brooklyn College. Currently he is President of Golden Eagle Institute and Director of Tao and Zen Research Institute. During the tenure at Brooklyn College, he participated in three photography exhibitions related to psychological issues in photography; (1) “Psychologists in Focus” exhibited in Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, (2) “Psychologists in Focus: global Diversity” exhibited at Callahan Center of St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY, (3) “Psychologists in Focus: multi-cultural issues” exhibited at Soho Photo Gallery in Manhattan.

Due to his passion with the art of photography, he helped to establish “Taiwan Photography Association In Greater New York” in 2005, and served as President for 8 years. Aside from participating in annual exhibitions, Professor Lee organized three Four-Men group shows. His titles of the shows were, “Photography and Mindography”, “Panoramic Images of the Mind”, and “Home: Origin of Family Affection” respectively. He attempts to bring philosophy, poetry and family values into his photographic artworks. Recently, he held a solo show, “Photography, Philosophy and Poetry”, at Amerasia Bank in Flushing, New York. The exhibition attracted a great deal of community and media attention. As a result NTDTV released a special report on his photography, “Philosophy and Poetry through the Lens of New York photographer, C. T. Lee”. His work is currently exhibited with Bernhard O. Wahl (Renowned Comic Artist) and Arshlie Gorky (influential Abstract Expressionist) at Spring Lake Gallery in New Jersey. The theme of the exhibition is “Beyond the Obvious”.

Professor Lee promotes the view that photographers are trying to catch the images in their heart and mind, consciously or unconsciously, thus the concept of “Photography is Mindogaphy” is born. A photographer can use photography to express interested philosophical issues such as Taoist’s “Yin and Yang”, Confucius’ “Family Piety”, Zen’s “No Mind”, Christianism’s “Love”. He is concerned with the issue of creating photographic artworks that will bring the viewers closer to “Truth, Goodness and Beauty”.

Besides the art of photography, Professor Lee loves calligraphy, brush painting and pastel. With Mr. C. C Hwang, he developed a new style of calligraphy—Ki Calligraphy (application of Ki to calligraphy). Together they published Taiwan Ki Tao Calligraphy in 2001. He is currently engaged in creating Zen Calligraphy and Zen Brush Painting artworks.



一陰一陽謂之道 Tao=Yin and Yang 20″ x 30″


池中餘光映殘紅 Fleeting Moment 20″ x 30″


沙拉盤誰為餐 Am I Part of the Food Chain 24″ x 36″


遁入空門萬事休 Worry Free! 20″ x 30″


粉彩繽紛撩人思 Pastel World 20″ x 30″

Source from 李清澤博士

Posted in 10/2014

For more bio information, please click link in Who’s Who :  435. Ching-Tse Lee 李清澤