TAJCCNC is the Taiwanese American Junior Chamber of Commerce-Northern California and is based in the South Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area. Since our inception in 2005, we have grown into one of the largest junior chambers in North America, with over 80 active members, volunteers, and over 2,500 Facebook followers.
Our goals at TAJCCNC are to encourage entrepreneurship, cultivate business skills, and promote Taiwanese/Chinese culture among local Taiwanese Americans. Our activities include the now famous Annual iSing Singing Contest, Monthly Networking Mixers, Cultural festivals like the Moon Festival and Lantern Festival, Speed Dating events, and various Business Seminars! Furthermore, we are part of Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce North America (TJCCNA), with direct guidance and support from Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce Northern California (TACCNC), Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce North America (TCCNA), and World Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce (WTCC).
What this means is, we are not just another local Young Professional Social Group, we are connected to 32 local chambers that are in coalition with more than 3,500 business members in North America. In addition, we also have an extended network across 58 countries, in 162 regions, with over 30,000 members worldwide.
The purposes of TAJCCNC are to promote entrepreneurship, career goals, mutual contacts, friendship, exchange of information and ideas among TJCCNC members, as well as assisting each other in the development of their enterprises. We would like to invite you to join our organization and to our future events, including social mixers, keynote speakers on various topics, job opportunities, banquets, and many more.
我們商會的活動包括每個月定期 (最後一個星期四) 不定點的社交聯誼、商業訊息、生活講座、就業博覽會、與灣區中小企業、大專院校學生組織間的資訊交流,年度會員大會,文化傳承等多元的活動。不僅鍛鍊組織能力,提升個人與團體的領導技能;更提倡海外青年創業,讓有志者能在強大的人脈網絡及資訊交換平台上成功創造事業。
青商會各個年輕有為,見識廣,建設深。除了北美洲,我們還有南美洲、歐洲、大洋洲、非洲、亞洲,遍及全世界各大洲為當地建立平台、經驗分享,推廣台灣、貢獻所學。想要更有國際觀,學習如何貿易經商,強化人脈網絡至創業,參加台灣青商會絕對不會令您失望! 我們全憑著一股服務的熱忱,不支薪,計畫的活動,會讓您豎起大拇指,為我們、 甚至台灣而驕傲! 我們歡迎各種族參加商會,與全世界交流。 只要你知道台灣在哪裡,有台灣的朋友,北加州台灣青商會都歡迎您的加入!
General InformationPlease visit our group page for events and posts:https://www.facebook.com/groups/tajccnc/
Posted in 08/2016