1260. Pi-Kwang Tsung曾碧光/ 08/2016

Name 曾碧光 教授  




Prof. Pi-kwang Tsung
Birth Year 1932
Birth Place 台灣 台東
First year, first city and state arrived in the U.S. 1964/Lawrence/KS
Address Irvine/CA
Family 1. Wife: Rieko
2. Son: Ted
Education 1. 中興大學 1956 B.S., 農化
2. 日本東京大學 1963 M.S., 農化
3. Kansas Univ. 1967 M.S., Microbiology
4. 日本東京大學 1971 Ph.D., 藥學
Employment 1. Connecticut Univ. 1975-78 Professor
2. St. Elizabeth Hospital(Boston) 1978-80 Muscular Dystrophy Chief Inverstigator
3. Dry Eye Institute 1980-86 顧問
4. 美國漢方研究所 1986-88 所長
5. East-West Medical Digest 1989-96 Editor in chief / publisher
6. 美國中醫藥研究所 1989- 所長
Accomplishment 1. Member of The New York Academy of Sciences
2. Member of The Society of the Sigma xi
3. 南加州台東同鄉會創辦人
Publication(Non-professional ones) 1. Japanese publication :台湾総統への道程(The road to TAIWAN Presidency) , 2001
2. 女性の漢方(Women’s Chinese Medicine), 2003
Hobby Classic Music, Golf, Tennis
Website or Blog

Approved by Prof. P.K. Tseng 09/2016