45. Collection of Dr. Che-Yang Huang 黃哲陽醫師的收藏


  • Had a very successful medical practice in OB-GYN servicing vast number of patients in Southern California from 1977 to 2005
  • Volunteered at the Tzu-Chi Buddhist Foundation free clinic in San Gabriel, Ca for 10 years.為慈濟功德會出力出錢,於1998年榮膺慈濟榮譽董事(編號06841)
  • Participated in the North American Taiwanese Medical Association medical missions to Central American Countries: Dominican Republic, Belize, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama (x2), total 6 times 不只救助窮人,也為母國台灣作國民外交
  • One of the founding members of TARSA (Taiwanese American Religious Study Association) and Vice President of the Association for 9 years.協助會長葉思雅教授推動研習會會務,整理演講會之文獻。


Posted in 09/2017