109. Samuel S. Cheung張詩賢, pianist, Accompanist / 2015/01

Samuel S. Cheung 張詩賢,  pianist, Accompanist

Samuel S. Cheung has performed as an accompanist in recitals at Carnegie Hall, Merkin Recital Hall, the Carnegie Recital Hall, Avery Fisher Hall (Lincoln Center), Rice University (Texas), The Chan Centre (University of British Columbia), and the Benaroya Hall (Seattle). He has coached with master accompanist Thomas Grubb, vocalists Uta Graf, Helen Vanni, Cynthia Hoffmann, Ellen Rapp, violinist Erick Friedman, violists Lillian Fuchs and Francis Tursi, and cellist Bernard Greenhouse. He was invited to perform at the Southern Vermont Chamber Music Festival by the late pianist Eugene List and the late violinist Carroll Glenn, and also appeared in the inaugural concert of the Wilmington Grand Opera House in Delaware.

He has also made concert appearances at the International Festival of Youth Orchestras in Aberdeen, Scotland, and subsequently performed in concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England, under Leopold Stokowski. He has appeared in recitals with Metropolitan Opera artist, mezzo-soprano Yun Deng, at Saint Paul Chapel in Manhattan (George Washington parish) and at Saint John Cathedral in Denver, Colorado during the 2000 General Convention of the Episcopal Church, USA.

Mr. Cheung received his first graduate degree from Manhattan School of Music in Piano Accompanying as a student of Donal Nold and Joseph Sieger. He obtained his second Master degree in Education Administration from Baruch College, City University of New York. He has done extensive graduate research on English Renaissance music and English Medieval history at Cambridge University, England under the tutelage of Dr. Rosemary Horrox, an authority on the plagues during the medieval period in England. Mr. Cheung composition, Missa Nostra Salvatore, received its world premiere at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York City in 1996.

In November 1999 Mr. Cheung was honored by York College of the City University of New York with the Kappa Delta Pi Chapter Award of Recognition. In 2003 he was the recipient of a New York City Council Citation presented by City Council-members Vincent Gentile, Sara Gonzalez and John Liu.

張詩賢, 鋼琴伴奏

張詩賢曾在紐約市的卡內基堂、莫金演奏堂、卡內基演奏堂, 和林肯中心費雪堂舉行之演奏會中擔任伴奏, 他熟曾從師名伴奏家 Thomas Grubb、名歌唱家 Uta Graff 、Helen Vanni、 Cynthia Hoffmann 和 Ellen Rapp、小提琴大師 Erick Friedman Lillian、 中提琴大師 Lillian Puchs 和 Francis Tursi,及大提琴大師 Bernard Greenhouse等習藝,並接受已故鋼琴大師 Eugene List和已故小提琴大師 Carrol Glenn之邀請,在「南維蒙特州 室樂音樂節」中演出。又在威明頓大歌劇院首演禮中擔任演出。

他曾在英國蘇格蘭亞巴甸市舉行之「國際青年管弦樂團音樂節」 中,和在倫敦皇家阿爾拔堂演出。一九九九年十一月他與紐約市 大都會歌劇院女中音鄧韶,在紐約市聖保羅堂(華聖頓總統之教堂) 為聖瑪嘉烈長者大廈作募款義演,並於二000年七月為美國聖公會 全國總議會,在丹佛市聖約翰教堂演出。

張詩賢自紐約市曼哈坦音樂院取得伴奏科碩士學位,為大 師級伴奏家 Donal Nold 和 Joseph Sieger之學生,他的第二個碩士 學位則取自紐約大學巴魯克學院,主修教育行政管理。他曾隨 英國中古世紀歷史權威 Dr. Rosemary Horrox 在英國劍橋大學作 研究,專修英國十二、十三,和十四世紀歷史。他最近亦遠赴 北義大利,研讀「文藝復興時代」 之藝術、音樂,和歷史。 他的合唱作品 Missa Nostra Salvatore於一九九六年在紐約市 聖公會聖約翰 教堂作世界公演,甚獲好評。

紐約市立大學約克學院於去年十一月曾頒成就大獎給張詩 賢,以表揚他在學術界的貢獻。

摘自 Formosan Heritage Concert 2002/05


For more bio-information, please click link in who’s who: 1120. 張詩賢 Samuel S. Cheung