一年一度的台灣入聯請願遊行(UN for Taiwan)將在二〇ㄧ八年九月廿二日舉行。近日中國的「銳實力」擴張,處處打壓台灣的國際空間,除了取消明年於台中舉辦的東亞青年運動會,也強迫各國航空公司將Taiwan更名成Taiwan, China。此時,故鄉需要在海外的我們站出來,藉著聯合國會員大會,讓我們一起走上紐約街頭,替台灣發聲。
• 九月七日:認識台灣講座
• 九月十四或十五日:台灣聯合國協進會於Dag Hammarskjold Plaza的靜坐活動
• 九月十八日: 大團結 – 聯合其他獨立團體一起為台灣發聲
• 九月廿二日: 台灣入聯請願遊行 (主活動)
United Nations for Taiwan
Why Taiwan should join the UN
The establishment of the United Nations in 1945 began a new era in international relations, and prompted a long series of declarations of independence in Asia and Africa. Because of a fluke accident of history — the occupation of Taiwan by Chiang Kai-shek’s armies fleeing from China — the Taiwanese people were not able to join the international family of nations as an independent nation right away.
Over the past five decades, the Taiwanese have, through their hard work and ingenuity, achieved one of the most prosperous economies of East Asia, and also brought about a full-fledged democracy.
Some international observers argue that we should not raise the Taiwan issue, saying that Taiwan’s entry into the UN is impossible because China has a permanent seat in the Security Council and will block any attempt to let Taiwan join the UN.
We believe that such a position is indefensible and totally wrong: the world should not let itself be intimidated by a repressive and dictatorial China. It should stand up for the principles on which the UN was founded: freedom, democracy, equal rights and self-determination of peoples.
In particular Western nations, which seem so eager to trade with China, have the moral obligation to make it clear to China that its acceptance as a full partner in the international community hinges on its recognition of Taiwan as a friendly neighbor.
2015 的紐約入聯造勢活動是由我們第二代年輕人主導,主題是 “加入聯合國來捍衛台灣自由” (UN Membership for Taiwan – Keep Taiwan Free).
Please join us with the following
9/12日 12:45PM在聯合國哈嗎紹廣場集合 1:30PM遊行到時代廣場造勢 4:00PM結束
9/25 8:30AM ~ 4:00PM 在聯合國哈嗎紹廣場靜坐舉牌示威
九月二十五日(禮拜五)教宗訪問聯合國當天,在哈嗎紹廣場從早上 8:30 分到下午4點接力靜坐舉牌示威,懇請鄉親朋友相邀,不論參加靜坐幾小時,都歡迎前來支持。