107. Chihchun Chi-sun Lee 李志純, Composer/2014/12

Chihchun Chi-sun Lee 李志純, Composer

Chih Chun Lee music

Chihchun Chi-sun Lee, winner of the 1st Brandenburg Biennial Composers Competition, is an US citizen originally from Kaohsiung, Taiwan.  She received a doctoral degree from the University of Michigan, two masters’ degrees from Ohio University, and a bachelor’s degree from Soochow University in Taiwan.   Her teachers included William Albright, William Bolcom, Bright Sheng and Loong-Hsing Wen. In 2009, she became only the fourth women in history to receive the nomination of “best composer” from the Golden Melody Awards (Taiwan’s version of the Grammys) for her debut CD “Elegance”.  Ms. Lee served as the composer-in-residence with Chai Found Music Workshop in 2009-2011, funded by the Taiwan National Culture and Arts Foundation.  Currently she is the board member of Korea-China Art Association, teaches at Ewha Womans University and SangMyung University, Seoul, Korea.

She has received numerous honors; these include the Harvard Fromm Music Fellowship, Taiwan National Culture and Arts Foundation commissions, Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) commission,  National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (NTSO) commissions,  National Orchestra of Korea (NOK) commissions, Taipei Chinese Orchestra (TCO) commission, Theodore Front Prize from International Alliance for Women in Music, ISCM/League of Composers Competition, International Festival of Women Composers Composition Prize, Florida Individual Artist Fellowship, Florida Artist Enhancement Grant, Arts Council of Hillsborough County Individual Artist Grant, the SCI/ASCAP Student Composer Commission, the Hong Kong Chou Scholarship, the Joyce Dutka Arts Foundation, the “Music Taipei” award, the Fresh Ink Orchestral Composition Competition, the Margaret Blackburn Competition, NACUSA, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Bureau Music Contest, the Taiwan Provincial Music Competition, the Taiwan National Songwriting Prize, a Taiwan International Community Radio grant, and the Taiwan International Young Composers Competition.  Some of her most significant performances have included her Concerto for Zheng in Carnegie Hall, a concert dedicated to her music in Taiwan National Concert Hall and at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.  In addition, her music has had numerous performances and broadcasts worldwide in Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hawaii, Israel, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Taiwan, Costa Rica, Ukraine, China, Hong Kong, and around the continental United States. She has previously taught at Johnson County Community College, Washburn University, Rhodes College, and the University of South Florida.  Her works appear on CDs from the SONY, Albany/Capstone label, ERMedia’s Masterworks (Naxos), Ravello Records/PARMA, NACUSA, Celebrity Music Pte. Ltd. in Singapore, Himalaya Record Co., Ltd and Glorious Pantheons Production in Taiwan.  Publications related to Lee’s music can be found in 20th Century Asian Composers’ Biographies, World Music: Traditions and Transformations, Taiwanese contemporary music composers’ interview for Chinese traditional instruments (1970-2011) and Forum of Current Zheng Music Education Practical Affairs in Taiwan.  She is fluent in composing for all instrumental and vocal medium and also has done significant work with indigenous instrument groups, such as Chai Found Music Workshop, Music From China, the Taiwan National Chinese Orchestra, the Taipei Chinese traditional orchestra and other Chinese instrumentalists, including zheng virtuoso, Haiqiong Deng.

Lee’s reviews can be found in Gramophone, Il Giornale della Musica from Italy, American Record Guide, Fanfare Magazine, NACWPI Journal and Newspaper reviews from “Preußenspiegel”, Brandenburger Wochenblatt (BRAWO), Märkische Allgemeine, Märkische Allgemeine Brandenburger Stadtkurier from Germany, Macau Newspaper 訊報, Art Criticism by National Cultural and Arts Foundation 國家文化藝術基金會藝評台and Performing Arts Review from Taiwan. (Information source: http://www.chihchunlee.com)


李志純一位來自於臺灣高雄的作曲家,先後畢業於臺南科技大學音樂科、東吳大學音樂系。赴美留學期間,分別取得俄亥俄大學(Ohio University)音樂作曲及藝術系雙碩士學位及密西根大學(University of Michigan) 音樂系作曲博士學位。曾任采風樂坊駐團作曲家(由國家文化藝術基金會贊助),現為梨花女子大學(Ewha Womans University)音樂系之邀請教授。作曲師事William Albright、William Bolcom、Mark Phillips、盛宗亮(Bright Sheng)、盧炎、溫隆信及黃燕忠先生。

李志純博士也曾獲得許多知名國際作曲大獎及補助,包括有:第一屆德國布蘭登堡國際作曲大賽首奬、美國哈佛大學音樂基金會委託創作(Harvard Fromm Music Fellowship)、臺灣國家文化藝術基金會、美國作曲家協會(SCI/ASCAP)第二屆委託創作作曲獎、國際女音樂家聯盟 (IAWM)Theodore Front Prize、現代作曲家協會及作曲家聯盟作曲首獎、女作曲家國際音樂作曲獎、喬伊思達卡藝術基金會作曲獎The Fresh Ink 管弦樂作曲比賽、SCI CD 出版系列、美國作曲家論壇管弦樂曲獎、並獲有佛羅里達藝術家獎助金、香港周氏音樂獎助金、音樂臺北、文建會暨國際鋼琴學術基金會國際作曲比賽……等國內外 獎項。其個人專輯《柳絮》入圍金曲獎傳統藝術音樂類《最佳作曲人獎》。

重要演出包括美國紐約卡內基廳,臺灣國家音樂廳,中國國家大劇院,韓國國家劇院,首爾藝術殿堂,2010 冬季奧運及國際許多知名現代音樂節,合作團體包括保加利亞交響樂團、烏克蘭基輔愛樂交響樂團、捷克交響樂團、德國布蘭登堡交響樂團、韓國國家國樂團、臺灣 國家交響樂團、國立臺灣交響樂團、采風樂坊、紐約長風樂團、臺灣國家國樂團、臺北市立國樂團以及古箏演奏家鄧海瓊小姐…等。

其作品目前由采風國際事業文化有限公司、美國史帝夫維思音樂出版社、及美國Smith Publications and Sonic Art Editions授權出版,並於世界各地如澳大利亞、奧地利、美國、保加利亞、加拿大、克羅地亞、捷克、芬蘭、法國、德國、荷蘭、以色列、日本、韓國、菲 律賓、波蘭、印尼、新加坡、臺灣、哥斯大黎加、夏威夷、烏克蘭、中國及香港等地演出;有聲CD則由美國SONY、Albany/Capstone label、ERMedia’s Masterworks (Naxos)、Ravello /PARMA Records、NACUSA,德國布蘭登堡樂團、臺灣國家交響樂團、臺灣喜瑪拉雅音樂事業股份有限公司、臺灣Glorious Pantheons Production、及新加坡的 Celebrity Music Pte. Ltd.作全球性發行。與作品相關的研究與著作有「世界音樂的傳統及演變(美國)」(World Music Traditions and Transformations by Michael B. Bakan)、「中國現代音樂家傳略II」、「臺灣當代國樂作曲家訪談錄」、「臺灣箏樂作品賞析與演奏 (一)」、「臺灣現階段箏樂主修教學實務新論」,及論文研究(美,臺,韓等)。重要報章雜誌評論有 英國留聲機雜誌(Gramophone)、聖彼得堡時報、義大利Il Giornale della Musica、美國American Record Guide、Fanfare Magazine, NACWPI Journal、德國的報章雜誌 “Preußenspiegel”, Brandenburger Wochenblatt (BRAWO), Märkische Allgemeine, Märkische Allgemeine Brandenburger Stadtkurier, Macau Newspaper 訊報、國家文化藝術基金會藝評臺及臺灣表演藝術雜誌。(資料來源: http://www.chihchunlee.com)