Pei-Ning Ku 顧蓓寧, Soprano
Pei-Ning Ku, the 1996 Outstanding Performance prize winner in the Grand Asia vocal competition held in Malaysia, continues to give outstanding performances on stage and in the classroom. She has devoted herself to family, performing, and vocal music education. She is a passionate teacher and performer, in both Taiwan and the United States.
Since obtaining a Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance from the Manhattan School of Music in 1990, Pei-Ning Ku has had a very active career in performing from 1995 to 2003 in Taiwan. In 1995, she engaged in an opera workshop program sponsored by the Council of Culture Affairs of Taiwan. She has been the leading role of several opera performances such as Puccini’s
Gianni Schicchi and various opera highlight concerts. In 2001, she was invited by the French Institute in Taiwan to sing Faurè, Debussy, Ravel, and Roussel’s songs.
In recent years, Pei-Ning has focused on teaching. As an educator of music, she believes that one of the most important factors of being a good and competent music teacher is to keep improving her own knowledge and skills to inspire and guide her students in this fascinating discipline of the musical arts. She was an instructor in the Department of Music at the National Taichung University and Shin-Ming High school in Taiwan. One of her students won first prize in the Joint University Entrance Exam for the university music program in 2008.
Pei-Ning is also presently pursuing her doctoral of musical arts degree at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She studies with Dr. Tod Fitzpatrick and also teaches voice lessons at UNLV.
Source from / 2014/11
女高音顧蓓寧1990年獲紐約曼哈頓音樂院聲樂碩士學位,同年獲南加州大學獎學金前往繼續深造,在美期間,曾師事Robert White, Herta Glaze, Irene Gubrud等教授,多次獲音樂節全額獎學金。1993年返台,通過國家音樂廳"樂壇新秀"甄選,1994年於國家演奏廳舉辦"女高音顧蓓寧獨唱會",同年入選文建會"歌劇工作坊"成員。1996年代表台灣赴馬來西亞參加亞洲聲樂大賽年獲優勝獎;2001年獲法國在台協會之邀參加"從古典到現代—油畫三百年"的演出,並錄製CD-Un nouvelaged’or,曾與台北國家交響樂團,台灣省立交響樂團合作演出,並多次參與歌劇,藝術歌曲演唱及舉辦個人獨唱會。顧女士目前是內華達州立大學音樂系聲樂博士候選人並教授聲樂課程。
摘自 蕭泰然教授經典音樂會 2014/10/25