118. Ingrid Chun,郭雋音, Violinist/2015/01

Ingrid Chun,郭雋音, Violinist

Los Angeles Philharmonic - Orchestra Member Portraits Day 7

Violinist INGRID K CHUN is a member of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra since 1992. She earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in music from the Juilliard School as a scholarship student of Dorothy DeLay. Her tenure with the L.A. Philharmonic has lead to extensive tours internationally, performing in major concert venues throughout Europe and Asia as well as recording in Grammy winning albums. Ms. Chun maintains a regular performance schedule as a soloist and chamber musician. She made her first solo debut with the L.A. Philharmonic at Walt DisneyConcert Hall in 2005 and was again a featured soloist in 2010 and 2014. Her chamber music

collaborations included The Taylor Quartet, Thomas Adés, and Yuja Wang. She was chosen to perform chamber music in the Edinburgh International Festival and is often featured in the Green Umbrella New Music series and the L.A. Philharmonic Chamber Music series. As a teacher, Ms. Chun has served as adjunct faculty in La Sierra University and as string orchestra director for The Master’s College. She currently teaches at Azusa Pacific University. Born in Taiwan to a family of musicians, Ms. Chun began her music studies at age five on violin and piano. Upon winning the Taiwan National Competition, she immigrated to the U.S. and studied with Almita Vamos and Alice Schoenfeld. She has received numerous honors and awards from various organizations, such as the National Endowment for the Arts and the Young Musicians Foundation. In addition, she has participated in the Aspen and Taos Music Festivals, the New York String Orchestra at the Carnegie Hall, and in Europe the Hague Music Festival. Moreover, Ms. Chun enjoys writing, arranging, and improvising on both piano and violin. She can be also heard on her solo albums of popular hymns, What A Friend, and Songs For My Father.


郭雋音台北市人, 6 歲開始學小提琴,就讀光仁小學音樂班,師事顏丁科、陳秋盛教授。 1980 年赴美深造,受到南加大教授 Alice Schoenfeld 嚴格訓練,旋入茱麗亞音樂學院,獲得音樂學士與碩士學位,是名師 Dorothy Delay 的高徒。

曾在美國各大都市及紐約林肯中心音樂廳和 Kennedy Center of D.C. 演出,也在全美巡迴演出中,為《蕭泰然小提琴協奏曲》及其他作品演奏,場場皆獲很高讚賞。

所獲之榮譽包括:全國比賽第 1 名, Helen Schiavo 獎學金, National Endowment of the arts , Young Musician Foundation …… 等。曾任教於 La Sierra 大學音樂系,以及擔任 Taylor String Quarter 中的小提琴手,和太平洋交響樂團的第一小提琴手。

1992 年被邀請回台北國家音樂廳演奏。目前是洛杉磯愛樂交響樂團的首席小提琴,乃台灣人第 1 位考入此樂團的小提琴家。每年並定期在歐洲、亞洲各地演出。

源自 郭雋音