128. Min-Yen Chien 簡名彥, Violinist / 2015/02

Min-Yen Chien 簡名彥, Violinist

簡名彥Min Yen Chien is one of the foremost and first generation of Taiwanese international violinists. Born on August 2. 1953 into a medical and musical family in Nantou, Taiwan. He started his violin lessons at age seven, and by the age of eight, he had won the first prize of the National Violin Competition for children in Taiwan. At that competition, Chien was heard by Raphael Hillyer then as the violist of The Juilliard String Quartet, visiting and touring Taiwan in 1961. Since that time, Chien became a protege of Hillyer. AT age ten , Chien was the first prize winner of the First National Violin Competition sponsored by Rotary Club of Taiwan. With the encouragement and sponsorship of Hillyer. Chein came to the United States in 1967, during that summer, he won the first prize of the Violin Concerto Competition at the National Music Camp in Interlochen, Michigan, and performed the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with its orchestra. In the year of 1967-68, he studied at the North Carolina School of the Arts with Marc Gottlieb and Ruggiero Ricci. Under the recommendation of Ricci, Chien entered the Pre-College Division of the Juilliard School in 1968 as a full scholarship student under the direction of Ivan Galamian and Sally Thomas. He also studied chamber music with Robert Mann, Felix Galimir, William Lincer and Lillian Fuchs. In the summer of 1977, Chien studied chamber music with Ma Si-Hon and Josef Gingold at the Blossom Music Festival in Kent, Ohio. With the Scholarship funded by the Rotary Club of New Jersey, Chien received his Bachelor (1975) and Master (1976) Degrees in Music from Juilliard. He further studied with Albert Markov at the Mannes College, and privatly in Taiwan with Kek-Jiang Lim , former Music Director and Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic. Since Chien has always had a great interest in medicine and science, he was accepted as a medical student at The College of Medicine at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock; and had studied medicine from 1982-86. In 1991 Min Yen Chien made his Alice Tully Hall debut in New York City with pianist Wendy Fang Chen to a sold out capacity. And since 1986 he has been on the faculty of the Taipei National University of the Arts in Taipei. Taiwan.



現任  國立臺北藝術大學音樂系專任副教授

小提琴家簡名彥,1975年畢業於紐約茱麗亞音樂學院,次年獲該院之碩士學位。 在美期間曾師事及擔任過葛拉米安(Galamian)、馬思宏與馬可夫(Markov)等教授之助理。由於出生醫生世家,一直不能忘情醫學,終於在1983年進入美國阿肯色大學醫學院,完成基礎醫學課程,一嘗夙願。 1986年,簡名彥返國期間,應當時國立藝術學院教務長馬水龍之邀留台任教,參與新生代青少年小提琴手的培育工作。 1988年成立名弦室內樂團,次年領軍組成名絃絃樂四重奏。 近年來,簡名彥以醫學的角度,探討小提琴演奏與骨骼肌肉系統間的相互關係,並致力於肌肉過度使用(overuse)或錯誤使用(misuse)造成傷害的研究。 1994年2月,在「中華民國人因工程學會」所舉行的以〝安全與健康〞為主題的年會暨國際研討會(The 1994 InterNational Conference on Ergonomics and Health)做〝小提琴肩之探討〞的專題演講。說明他經由肌動學(Kinesiology)和運動醫學(Sports Medicine)領悟到如何破解小提琴演奏與練習的盲點,更釐清了一般表演工作者所執著的錯誤傳統觀念–〝吃的苦中苦,方為人上人〞(No pain,No gain!) 簡名彥負笈國外19年之後,仍不忘尋求新的突破。 在回國任教大學音樂系,發現指揮家林克昌是一位極為傑出的小提琴演奏家和教授之後,登門求教成為林氏入室嫡傳弟子。

2001 關渡藝術節「冬籟~室內樂之夜」 2000 關渡藝術節「春夏悅響~室內樂之夜」 1999 關渡藝術節「回顧與展望~室內樂之夜」  1999 室內樂之夜 1998 簡名彥小提琴獨奏會 1997 「蒙塔尼亞娜傳奇」簡名彥小提琴獨奏會 1997 關渡藝術節「室內樂之夜I –慶祝舒伯特誕辰兩百週年」 1996 「威尼斯狂歡節」簡名彥小提琴獨奏會



Source from http://music.tnua.edu.tw/music/teacher/chien%20myen%20.html