132. Jennet Jah李俊玲, Soprano / 2015/02

Jennet Jah李俊玲, Soprano

李俊玲Jennet Jah is the daughter of the noted composter, Professor Kenneth Lee. She graduated from Cal State University in Los Angeles, majoring in Business Administration, minoring in Music. She has stud­ied voice under Professor Richard McComb and Professor Merle Moore and been widely acclaimed for versatility in the oratorio’s reper­toire. She has appeared as soloist in performance of oratorios, e.g. Messiah, Creation, and Elijah. She was a choir director at the Fisrt Presbyterian Church in Berlingame, California, Currently, she is a mother of three, two sons and one daughter.

李俊玲,作曲家李奎然教授千金。自幼在良好的音樂家庭中 得到進益,畢業於加州州立大學洛杉磯分校,主修企業管理,副 修音樂,隨Richard McComb及Merle Moore兩位教授修習聲樂。曾 擔任過「彌賽亞」,「創世紀」,「以利亞」等神劇女髙音獨唱。 曾任舊金山柏霖甘第一基督長老教會詩班指揮。與夫婿謝文仁醫 師育有二子一女。

Source from Saint Paul by Joint Formosan Presbyterian Church Choir / 1995/01