880. 台東小孩昔日赴美洗碗賺學費 李明東62歲拚上索諾瑪州立大學校長 | 06/2023

台東小孩昔日赴美洗碗賺學費 李明東62歲拚上索諾瑪州立大學校長



前總統府顧問兼國會聯絡組組長陳清泉,日前在臉書貼文公布「李明東博士(Ming-Tung“Mike”Lee,音譯)任加州索諾瑪州立大學校長 (President of Sonoma State University)」訊息。



她說,哥哥念台東大學附設小學、台東高中,又到台中東海大學念外文系,畢業後赴美留學,獲得肯塔基大學(University of Kentucky)國際商務碩士學位和工商管理博士學位,「由外文系轉念經濟不簡單」。



台東老一輩懷念的「同心居」水餃店第2代李明東日前獲聘擔任美國索諾馬州立大學校長,他的妹妹李明珠(圖)拿著全家福照片說「台東囝,不簡單」,台東親友都相當高興。中央社記者盧太城台東攝 112年6月2日






故總統蔣經國到台東必訪的「同心居」水餃店第2代李明東獲聘擔任美國索諾馬州立大學校長。圖為李明東(右2)全家福照片。(李明珠提供)中央社記者盧太城台東傳真 112年6月2日

台東老一輩懷念的「同心居」水餃店第2代李明東日前獲聘擔任美國索諾馬州立大學校長,地方與有榮焉。圖為2022年李明東(右2)回台東和親友相聚,右1為李明東妹妹李明珠。(李明珠提供)中央社記者盧太城台東傳真 112年6月2日


臺灣人接任美國索諾馬州立大學校長! 李明東博士說 不忘東海大學的啟蒙之恩



加州州立大學24日發布消息,李明東博士接任索諾馬州立大學校長(President of Sonoma State University)。李明東博士過去曾在加州州立大學沙加緬度分校中擔任教職,並同時兼任各項高階職位,擁有近18年卓越治校經驗的他,今年在加州大學系統代理校長Jolene Koester的推薦下,不懼COVID-19和野火所導致的新生入學率大幅下降、以及1600萬美元的財政赤字的威脅,李明東毅然決然在退休4年後,決定重返大學為教育界貢獻一己之力。



李明東出身於台灣,並在1983年時獲得東海大學外文系文憑,而他的配偶楊琬斐也同樣畢業於東海政治系。李明東回憶說,當年他進入東海大學,在他上大學的第一天就參觀了圖書館。一直到今天,當他坐在這里和你談話時,他仍然記得那些書的味道。 在他的一生中,他從未在一個地方見過如此多的書,以至於他可以觸摸並從書架上取下,那是一種美妙的感覺。



Ming-Tung “Mike” Lee Appointed President of Sonoma State University

The California State University (CSU) Board of Trustees has appointed Ming-Tung “Mike” Lee to serve as president of Sonoma State University. Lee has served as the university’s interim president since August 2022.

“During his interim appointment, Dr. Lee has taken bold, meaningful and collaborative steps to enhance Sonoma State’s enrollment management policies and practices and to strengthen vital pipelines with area high schools and community colleges,” said Interim Chancellor Jolene Koester. “He has demonstrated himself to be a prudent steward of university resources, while maintaining the institution’s unwavering focus on academic excellence and student success.”

Lee joined Sonoma State in 2022 after a long and distinguished career at Sacramento State where he led university divisions on different occasions. From 2010 to 2018, he served as the vice president for Administration and Business Affairs/chief financial officer. He also led the Academic Affairs division while serving as the interim provost and vice president in 2016-17. His additional experience in that division includes service as the associate vice president and dean/vice provost for academic programs from 2005 to 2010. Lee initially joined Sacramento State as an associate professor of marketing in 1990 before being promoted to professor in 1997. Since retiring from Sacramento State in 2018, Lee has held emeritus status on the campus as a professor of business administration.

“I am honored to continue leading Sonoma State and to help bring transformative, world-class educational opportunities to the students of the North Bay,” said Lee. “As the first member of my family to earn a college degree, I understand the profound impact it can make on the life of a student and on their family.”

Lee earned a bachelor’s degree in literature from Tunghai University in Taichung, Taiwan, and a master’s degree in international commerce and a Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Kentucky.

About the California State University

The California State University is the largest system of four-year higher education in the country, with 23 campuses, nearly 460,000 students, and 56,000 faculty and staff. Nearly 40 percent of the CSU’s undergraduate students transfer from California Community Colleges. The CSU was created in 1960 with a mission of providing high-quality, affordable education to meet the ever-changing needs of California. With its commitment to quality, opportunity and student success, the CSU is renowned for superb teaching, innovative research and for producing job-ready graduates. Each year, the CSU awards nearly 130,000 degrees. One in every 20 Americans holding a college degree is a graduate of the CSU and our alumni are 4 million strong. Connect with and learn more about the CSU in the CSU NewsCenter.​


Source from:



The California State University

Posted on 06/19/2023