15. 紐約首府區萬國嘉年華會Capital District Festival of Nations, Albany, NY/TAA-Albany, NY


Capital District Festival of Nations, Albany, NY/TAA-Albany, NY

創始於1972年,至今已有44年歷史的紐約州首府區「萬國嘉年華會」(Capital District Festival of Nations),係來自世界各地的不同族裔社團分工合作,共同舉辦,大家相聚一堂,展示各自特殊文化傳統的一大盛會,時間選定十月底的最後一個星期日下午。最初幾年是借用學區大學的場地,1978年之後,因為叁加的團體和觀眾增加,把會場遷移到位於奧本尼市內的紐約州政府「南宛」辦公樓羣下的室內集會活動中心隆重舉行。每次聚會都會吸引四千多買票入場的觀眾,把整個會場擠滿,熱鬧滾滾。


首府區台灣同鄉會 (Taiwanese American Association of the Capital District) 於1999年以「台灣」名義開始參加嘉年華會,推派代表在籌備會小組裡扮演重要角色,熱心分担工作,很受其他族裔代表的信賴和尊重。每年開幕入場遊行,台灣隊都招募十幾位男女中小學生,穿上顏色顯艷的原住民褙衫和腳圍,或古典女裝,格外引人注目。台灣美食摊位,除了春卷炒麵之外,唯一獨有的傳統台式剉冰,加上粉圓,四果,仙草,和甜奶,吃來令人心涼爽快,生易特別好。台灣手工藝攤通常會展覽布袋戲偶,紙燈,一些受歡迎的小贈品,和介紹台灣民俗風景的觀光文宣。

「嘉年華會小姐」選秀,參選的佳麗每年多達二十人以上,她們大多數是十六到十八歲的妙齡高中生。參選的「台灣小姐」,都有優越的表現,以良好的學業成績,參與社區服務,認識台灣文化,清秀儀表,及面試應對得體,而獲初選入圍。最難得可貴的是,楊家齊與楊家毓兩姐妹分別榮獲2011年及2015年的「嘉年華會小姐」桂冠,是台美人社區的一大光榮和驕傲 。

Started in 1972, the Festival of Nations (FON) has had long years of history.  The annual events were the collective efforts of many ethnic groups to get together to show off their own unique cultures and traditions.  The festival attracted over 4,000 paying audiences each year to the Convention Center within the Empire State Office Plaza in Downtown Albany.

The purpose of this civic activity was to promote cultural exchange, better communication and understanding among different ethnic groups.  It also provided an opportunity for minority ethnic groups to introduce to the American main-stream society their arts and customs.  The half-day program included the entry parade, art and craft exhibitions, raffle, food stands, and the Miss Festival of Nations Contest.

The Taiwanese American Association of Capital District participated in FON for the first time in 1999 and has become an active member.  The bright costumes of native Taiwanese worn by its youths during the parade attracted great attention from the audiences.  In addition to the dishes of egg-rolls and fried-noodles, the only-one-of-the-kind Taiwanese traditional shredded-ice was the favorite of many people.  Its art and craft stand normally would exhibit puppet dolls, paper lanterns, and traveling information on the island.

Miss Festival of Nations Contest, which was the final act of the day, usually attracted teenage beauties representing 20 some nations.  Because of their excellent academic records and active participation in community services, Miss Taiwan(s) were the finalists for many years and won by two sisters, Sarah Yang (楊家齊) and Ellen Yang (楊家毓), respectively in 2011 and 2015.  They all contributed to the increase of the public exposure of Taiwanese Americans.

紐約州首府區萬國嘉年華會Sarah Yang楊家齊, 2011 Miss Capital District Festival of Nations 2011 萬國嘉年華會小姐

紐約州首府區萬國嘉年華會1Taiwan’s Dancing Troup 台灣舞蹈團, 2012

紐約州首府區萬國嘉年華會2Taiwan’s Food Stand 台灣美食攤, 2013


陳仲欽寫於NY, 02/2016