167. Lorenzo Chun-Han Chang張淳菡,Baritone/ 2015/03

Lorenzo Chun-Han Chang張淳菡,Baritone


He holds his Bachelor of Music degree from the Taipei National University of the Arts and Master of Music degree from Longy School of Music of Bard College. Mrs. Chang is pursing his Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Clarmeont Graduate University. Mr. Chang is a member of Association of Vocal Artist of R.O.C. and Music Teachers’ Association of California.

聲樂先後師事蘇秀華以及林惠珍等教授。現師事俄羅斯籍男中音Anton Belov教授,聲樂詮釋師事於Tanya Blaich。室內樂受葉思嘉、Wayman Chin 以及Karyl Ryczek等教授指導,歌劇及舞台表演受教於單承矩導演、林惠珍、唐鎮、林舉嫻及 Libor Dudas教授。鋼琴啟蒙於母親,後師事陳永芳以及林文菁教授。 畢業於國立台北藝術大學音樂系學士。曾任新竹縣立新埔國民中學音樂教師。就讀於美國麻州劍橋市(Cambridge , Massachusetts)隆基音樂學院( Longy School of Music ),將取得聲樂演唱碩⋯⋯士學位。曾獲全額獎學金參加英國 The Abingdon Summer School for Solo Singers, Abing⋯⋯