183. Susan Shu-Ai Tsai 蔡淑愛, Pianist / 2015/03

Susan Shu-Ai Tsai 蔡淑愛, Pianist

蔡淑愛生於台灣嘉義,自幼習琴,淑愛熱愛音樂與自然科學,展露音樂天賦,多次參加比賽均獲優勝錦標。及長主修生物,曾任職加州理工學院十七年,是微分子生物資深研究助理。現則專致於鋼琴教學和伴奏,並任好牧者台灣長老 教會的司琴及南加州臺灣長老教會聯合詩班鋼琴伴奏。

淑愛是一位生動的女鋼琴家,琴藝精湛,對樂曲具有獨特的表達和詮釋,曾事師於吳游曼和Robert Scholz教授’ Earle Voorhies ’並於加州州立大學音樂研究課程,事師於Paul Van Ness教授,拓展各種彈奏技巧。她伴奏的範圍很廣,包括個人聲樂演唱,合唱團 歌劇、福音見證巡迴演唱等等;曾與好牧者長老教會‘‘信望愛詩班”錄製詩歌CD “上帝要開路”。淑愛樂意為教會事奉,多次受邀擔任全國性或地區性教會年會中的音樂伴奏,她也是Merry Singer Society美聲歌唱協會之采韻女聲合唱困及綠萍樂坊的伴奏,是加州教師協會的會員。

Pianist Susan Shu-Ai Tsai is the pianist of Good Shepherd Taiwanese Presbyterian Church, Merry Singers Women’s Chorus, Eunice Chou Vocal Studio, and a frequent piano accompanist of the chorale of the Taiwanese Presbyterian Conference.

Bom in Chia-Yi,Taiwan Susan Shu-Ai Tsai loved music and biological science as a child. She began her piano lessons as a little child when she was very young and received numerous top awards from various contests and recitals. She worked as a career scientist at the Cal Tech’s biological science lab for 17 years while being active as one of the most accomplished pianists in the church circle. She studied piano under professor E-Mann Wu, Robert Scholz-an expert on Mozart, Professor EarleVoorhies, a Gold Crown Award teacher, and with Professor Paul Van Ness to broaden her spectrum of repertoires and techniques.

Shu-Ai is an avid piano player who serves the church and local programs with enthusiasm and a unique talent of expressive music for near three decades. She was the piano accompanist with the Faith, Hope, Love Chorale of Good Shepherd Taiwanese Presbyterian Church which made an island-wide mission concert tour in Taiwan, which resulted in the production of a popular CD “God Will Make A Way.”

She recently also performed in Sydney and Canberra of Australia and Auckland of New Zealand. She is a frequent piano accompanist at various national events in the church circle. She is a member of Music Teacher Association of California.