884. 緬懷我摯愛的父親吳聖麒 | 08/2023

緬懷我摯愛的父親吳聖麒10/1/1935 – 7/30/2023

by 女兒若雯

當我寫這篇文章緬懷我87歲的父親吳聖麒(他被人們親切地稱為 “Uncle Sam”)時,我的心情十分沉重。他是一個笑容滿面、慷慨大方的人。他可以輕鬆地與年輕人和老年人交談。我想起他對我的生活和其他許多人的生活產生的不可思議的影響。

我的父母親結婚快65年了,他不僅是我母親黃玉貞的慈愛和忠誠的丈夫,也是我們家庭的支柱。20年來,他白天擔任土木工程師,設計火車車廂。 晚上,他會變身為 1974 年至1980 年間密蘇里州小鎮第一家中餐館的老闆和酒吧老闆。他的努力和決心確實激勵了我。

儘管我父親的日程很忙,但他仍然抽出時間參與我們的社區。他擔任童子軍領袖和女童子軍地區財務主管。當我們年輕的時候,我們和老朋友會在暑假駕車穿越全國旅行。這些時刻創造了持久的回憶,讓我們所有人更加緊密地聯繫在一起。出於好奇心,他進行了多次旅行,探索了六大洲的 33 個國家。這些冒險開闊了他的視野,豐富了他對不同文化的理解。



他身後留下了他深愛的妻子玉貞,她無論身處逆境都站在他身邊。 他的女兒 若雯 和兒媳 Jennifer 將永遠感激他所提供的愛和指導。 他的孫子 Jessica (27)、Natalie(25)、Jenna (25) 和 Jared (23)是他生命中的光芒,他珍惜與他們在一起的每一刻。

為了紀念我父親,我們家人懇請大家以他的名義向聖地亞哥台灣信義教會或聖地牙哥台灣中心捐款。 這些組織貼近他的心,反映了他對支持台灣問題和保護我們文化遺產的熱情。



In Loving Memory of My Father Sheng Chyi Sam Wu (October 1, 1935 – July 30, 2023)

Jo Wu

My heart is heavy as I write this tribute to my father Wu Sheng Chyi, age 87, who was affectionately known as Uncle Sam. He was a man who possessed a ready smile, optimistic attitude, and a generous spirit. He could easily converse with both young and old, with much humor. His resilience, positive mindset, and sheer willpower to recuperate from medical battles was exceptional. I am reminded of the incredible impact he had on my life and the lives of so many others.

In Taiwan he surveyed waterworks and hydroelectric dams for 5 years. He came to the US for graduate studies in civil engineering, and subsequently designed railroad train cars for 15 years. In the evenings, he would transform into the owner and barkeeper of the first Chinese restaurant in a small Missouri town. His hard work and determination were truly inspiring to me.

My father was not only a devoted husband to my mother Sally for 65 years, but he was also an actively engaged dad. Despite his busy schedule, my father found time to be involved in the community and build long-lasting friendships. While my brother Jim and I were young, he served as the Cub Scout den leader and Girl Scouts county treasurer. We and family friends would take driving trips across the country. These budget summer vacations taught us lots of strategy card games, brought us all closer together, and created lasting memories. Later in life, Sam and Sally would continue on numerous travels, exploring 33 countries across six continents. These adventures broadened his horizons and enriched his understanding of different cultures.

My father’s love for sports was evident as he played softball as a young adult, and watched TV sports whenever he could. Later tennis became his weekend passion, but golf was his daily escape, even until age 84. He embraced these activities with enthusiasm, always encouraging friends and strangers alike to join him. He was an avid bridge player, clipped newspaper bridge games to study, and would attend weekly bridge sessions at the Taiwan center.

My father had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a keen interest in the world around him. He loved discussing stocks, current news, and politics, engaging in thought-provoking conversations. His second career as a real estate broker for 40 years in San Diego made a lasting impact on the lives of those he served.

He is survived by his loving wife Sally, daughter Jo, daughter-in-law Jennifer, and treasured grandchildren Jessica (27), Natalie (25), Jenna (25), and Jared (22).

In honor of my father’s memory, our family kindly requests that donations be made in his name to the San Diego Taiwanese Lutheran Church or the San Diego Taiwan Center. These organizations were close to his heart and reflect his passion for supporting Taiwanese issues and preserving our cultural heritage.

As I bid farewell to my beloved father, I am comforted by the knowledge that his spirit will live on in our hearts forever. His trustworthy character and generous kindness will continue to guide and inspire us. May his soul find eternal peace, and may we honor his memory by living with the same compassion and dedication that he exemplified throughout his remarkable life.


Source from 吳若雯, San Diego Taiwan Center

Posted on 08/16/2023