Sean Wang 王雍翔,Violinist
Sean Y. Wang is a violinist, musicologist, and conductor. A violin graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music, Dr. Wang has performed at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Merkin Hall, Jordan Hall, as well as the OK Mozart International Festival in Oklahoma, Thy Chamber Music Festival in Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival in Germany, and Evian Festival in France. He has appeared as a featured musician on the National Public Television of Taiwan as well as Nashville Public Television, and has been heard on WGBH (Boston), WFLN (Philadelphia), and DM2 (Denmark). From 1996 to 1998 he was violinist-in-residence of the Guild of Composers, Inc. in New York City, in which capacity he premiered numerous contemporary compositions, and gave his New York City debut recital with an all-twentieth-century program.
Dr. Wang has also performed works of pre-classical composers on baroque violin at prominent venues in California, including MusicSources Center for Historically Informed Performances, Inc., Stanford University, and the San Luis Obispo Mozart Festival. He has served as concertmaster of various orchestras in the Northeast, and is currently a regular member of IRIS Orchestra (a professional chamber orchestra of international standard based in Germantown, TN) and Nashville Opera Orchestra.
A native of Taiwan, he won first prize of Taiwan’s National Violin Competition at age 13, and subsequently came to the United States to pursue further studies with a recommendation from the Taiwanese Ministry of Education. His principal teachers have included Rafael Druian, Sylvia Rosenberg, Lynn Chang, and Kathy Judd.
Dr. Wang recently received a joint Ph.D. in musicology and humanities from Stanford University, with a dissertation on the concept of tempo and character in the music of Brahms. He has presented papers at several regional and international conferences, and outside the academic setting, he has served as a reviewer for the San Francisco Classical Voice, and has written CD liner notes for Altus Music in Japan and Green House Music in Germany. He plans on focusing his future scholarly efforts on editing Urtext editions, which are printed versions of music meant to reproduce the composers’ intentions as closely as possible.
Additionally, Dr. Wang holds a Master of Music in orchestral conducting from the Juilliard School as a student of Otto-Werner Mueller and a recipient of the Bruno Walter Memorial Scholarship. He has led the Juilliard Lab Orchestra, Stanford Symphony Orchestra, Stanford Summer Orchestra, and Stanford Savoyards in symphonic performances and opera productions, including concerts at Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center.
Dr. Wang previously served as a teaching staff member at Stanford University, and is currently on the violin and music history faculty at Vanderbilt University Blair School of Music. He lives in Nashville with his wife, a graduating M.D.-Ph.D. specializing in cancer.
王雍翔博士(Sean Wang)出生於高雄市,自幼生長在音樂世家。 三歲時即受父親王憲躬及母親吳宜潓啟蒙學習鋼琴。六歲時開始學小提琴,就讀臺中市光復國小及雙十國中音樂班,先後受教於張玉祥、鄭俊騰、王立夫、初亞蘭、及李淑德老師。1988年獲得全國小提琴比賽少年組第一名,在臺灣公共電視台錄製專訪及演出,14歲通過教育部資賦優異出國進修資格,負笈美國深造。他並且榮獲奇美文化基金會藝術人才培訓獎學金。就讀新英格蘭音樂學院先修班(New England Conservatory Preparatory School)時,擔任樂團首席。先後皆以全額獎學金就讀費城寇蒂斯音樂學院(Curtis Institute of Music)小提琴演奏學士、茱麗亞音樂學院(The Juilliard School)交響樂指揮碩士,及史丹佛大學(Stanford University)音樂和人文學雙博士。在美國求學期間,曾師事張萬鈞、Rafael Druian、Sylvia Rosenberg、Otto-Werner Mueller、Jacques-Louis Monod等知名教授。 演奏經驗豐富的王雍翔近年來活躍於歐美樂壇,經常受邀世界各地舉辦獨奏會、室內樂演奏與大師講座。足跡遍及紐約卡內基 Weill Recital Hall、Merkin Hall、林肯中心Alice Tully Hall、波士頓Jordan Hall、加拿大Banff Centre、法國Evian、德國Schleswig-Holstein、丹麥、奧地利、義大利、及西班牙等。其他在美國的演奏場合亦包跨奧克拉荷馬州莫札特音樂節、加州San Luis Obispo莫札特音樂節、史丹佛大學(Stanford University)、密西根大學(University of Michigan)、哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)、聖母院大學(University of Notre Dame)、泛德堡大學(Vanderbilt University) 、萊思大學(Rice University)、休士頓大學(University of Houston)等。近年來,先後受邀擔任丹麥Thy Chamber Music Festival客席小提琴教授、德國 InterHarmony International Music Festival小提琴教授、美國德州音樂節 Texas Music Festival小提琴教授、美國德州奧斯丁Young Musicians Festival Competition 評審、及在數所著名大學舉辦大師講座。他也頻繁受邀於美國及歐洲電視和廣播電台訪問和演出,包括丹麥DK2、波士頓WGBH、費城WFLN、休士頓KUHF、奧克拉荷馬KCSC、及納西維爾公共電視台等。2006年創辦Trio Solari 三重奏,其成員包括知名旅美鋼琴家鄭以琳教授及密西根大學豎笛教授查德.伯樂(Chad Burrow)。 王雍翔深信一個當代的演奏家必須也要是個全方位的音樂家。因此,他對於融合學術及演奏不遺餘力,並致力於推廣古音樂及現代作曲家的作品。他曾擔任紐約作曲家協會(Guild of Composers)的駐任小提琴家,期間為許多當代著名作曲家的作品舉行世界首演。他現在是休士頓新音樂團體 Musiqa 的小提琴家,最近錄製了當代作曲家Karim Al-Zand的作品。他同時專長巴洛克小提琴演奏,曾受邀於舊金山MusicSources Center for Historically Informed Performances及休士頓Ars Lyrica 古音樂協會等演出。 除了小提琴演奏之外,王雍翔也專精於指揮及音樂學。曾帶領過茱莉亞音樂院樂團於紐約林肯中心演出、史丹佛大學所有樂團(交響樂團、歌劇樂團、室內樂團、暑期樂團)、及休士頓青年樂團等。在音樂學方面,王雍翔是一位布拉姆斯學者,在多個音樂學及人文學會議均有發表演講。他也曾在舊金山擔任樂評,並為日本Altus及德國 Green House Music唱片公司撰寫樂曲解說。 教學也是王雍翔音樂生活的重心之一,曾於泛德堡大學教授小提琴及在史丹佛大學協助開授音樂史及理論課程,現為休士頓大學小提琴教授,教學對象包含來自世界各國的博士班、碩士班、及大學部學生。
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