Kai-Ching Chang 張凱晶, Pianist
A native of Taiwan, pianist Dr. Kai-Ching Chang 張凱晶 began her piano studies at age of seven. She has appeared as recitalist and chamber musician at numerous venues and concert halls, including Jordan Hall, Strathmore Hall and Carnegie Hall. After graduating, in 2000, from the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, she entered the prestigious New England Conservatory in Boston as a scholarship student of Patricia Zander, and was awarded the Master of Music degree with Academic Honors in 2003 and a graduate diploma in 2004. Ms. Chang then entered the University of Maryland School of Music as a student of Santiago Rodriguez, and earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in piano performance in 2009. She was a recipient of Maryland’s Homer Ulrich Award in piano performance in 2005 and the third prize winner of 2007 University of Maryland School of Music Concerto Competition.
Kai-Ching was also the recipient of the highly-prized Taiwan Education Ministry Scholarship for the distinguished students in 2006. She was selected as a semi-finalist of 2009 Seattle International Festival and Competition and as a finalist of 2011 Iowa Piano Competition. From 2009 to 2011, she served as collaborative pianist at Westminster Choir College of Rider University. She also serves as rehearsal pianist for Opera International, including recent productions of La traviata and Lucia di Lammermoor.
2001年獲得新英格蘭音樂院Congleton獎學金‚赴美深造。鋼琴師事Patricia Zander。室內樂師事Patricia Zander 及Vivian Hornik Weilerstein。 2003年以學科優異 (Academic Honors) 取得碩士學位。同年‚繼續以高額獎學金於新英格蘭音樂院攻讀演奏文憑(Graduate Diploma)。在校期間‚長期擔任新英格蘭音樂院Preparatory School 及Continuing Education聲樂部門伴奏。2002年‚曾獲邀於新英格蘭音樂院Piano Department Festival表演德布希作品。2003年‚其布拉姆斯三重奏被遴選參加新英格蘭音樂院Chamber Gala Concert‚並於Jordan Hall表演。此外‚也曾於獲邀於校內Trustee and Overseers聚會中表演孟德爾頌三重奏‚並獲知名大提琴家Paul Katz親自指導。
2004年取得演奏文憑之後‚即赴馬里蘭大學攻讀博士學位。師事范克萊邦鋼琴大賽得主Santiago Rodriguez。在學期間‚學術表現都極為優異‚並長期擔任校內聲樂伴奏。2005年獲得Homer Ulrich Award 鋼琴獨奏第一名。次年‚獲得教育部留學獎學金。2007年‚獲邀於William Kapell International Piano Competition and Festival’s Highlights of the School of Music 表演佛瑞鋼琴作品。同年‚也獲得University of Maryland Concerto Competition第三名 ‚是此比賽唯一得獎的鋼琴家。2008年‚受到知名女高音Carmen Balthrop 賞識‚共同演出梅湘 Olivier Messiaen聯篇歌曲: Poèmes pour Mi。2009年5 月‚完成五場音樂會並通過口試‚取得博士文憑。2009 至 2011 年她任職 Rider 大學 Westminster Choir 學院。她曾參與多次公開音樂表演,地點包括 Jordan Hall, Strathmore Hall 及 Carnegie Hall。目前擔任臺灣合唱團,臺大校友合唱團及華府國 際歌劇院鋼琴伴奏。